Sound Compression Artifacts in Ep 6

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
It's been mentioned before, but at least on my computer, Sybill's voice suffered from what sounded like serious compression artifacts in Episode 6. Lots of hissing, crackling and "lisping". Are Sybill's lines recorded differently from the rest, or is it just something about Ms. Provenzano's voice that simply doesn't compress well?


  • edited May 2007
    I think its just the pitch of her voice.
  • edited May 2007
    I hope her character dies early in the next season. I don't think that she adds to the comedy at all aside from the characters interacting with her.

    Aside from that, I didn't notice anything different from the voice quality in episode 6 compared to episode 1.
  • edited May 2007
    Hmmm, I haven't noticed any crackling or hissing. Quite a few people have complained of the audio compression though. I haven't noticed it myself, but I don't exactly stick my ears to my speakers either. There's so much audio in one episode I don't know if it could be helped without greatly increasing the sizes... Maybe changing the audio compression codec? :/ Speaking of which, what type of compression is used right now for the audio?
  • edited May 2007
    I'm not really much of an audiophile but it was still pretty noticeable to me, so perhaps it's just something with the way my hardware plays her clips.
  • edited May 2007
    I'm not really much of an audiophile but it was still pretty noticeable to me, so perhaps it's just something with the way my hardware plays her clips.

    I don't think it's your hardware, as I've tried it both with my laptop's soundcard & the external one, on both headphones and speakers. I've also checked it on my desktop and it's the same thing. :(
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