Concept art

Could you post some concept art of the game?
Pretty please, at least the office!:D
Or include it on the CD version, everyone would love it I think.


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Nick and Emily have been gathering up a bunch of season one concept art over the last couple weeks, so it should be making its way out there in some form pretty soon.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Nothing of the office, though. We don't have any concepts of the office, unless you count Steve's comics. :D
  • edited May 2007
    Oooo oooo, concept art would be a good thing to put on the Season 1 disks, if possible. :) Someone somewhere will probably complain if there are too many extra things on the disks, because it might be confusing, but people will like any extras that you put on there. There doesn't have to be extras on there, but it's something most everyone appreciates.

    P.S. I still recommend raising the price of Season 2 a little bit. It's a lot of work afterall. :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Of course there will be extras on the disc :P
  • edited May 2007
    Will there be more videos, like that Bay Area Sound visit, on it, or is that still a secret?
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    P.S. I still recommend raising the price of Season 2 a little bit. It's a lot of work afterall. :)

    Just for you, Bosco's newest promotion: Pay two, get one.
  • edited May 2007
    Remember to include pics of your own office and the team as well :D . I like to see who actually did the game and how they work (I'm one of the few that actually reads the credits).
  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, a gallery room made in the Telltale engine with concept art / staff photos which can be clicked on to be zoomed into and for a comment by Sam would be great.
    Probably a bit late with the discs coming out later this week (from what I've heard) but it'll be interesting to see what's already been done.
  • edited May 2007
    The discs aren't coming out later this week, we said we'll be announcing more details later this week :p
  • edited May 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Nothing of the office, though. We don't have any concepts of the office, unless you count Steve's comics. :D

    That's interesting, so it was more or less designed from scratch in 3D? Or is it just that identical to the comic version?
  • edited May 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    P.S. I still recommend raising the price of Season 2 a little bit. It's a lot of work afterall. :)
    Whoah, you're crazy! You want to pay more than you have to? :eek: :p

    Make it voluntary instead so only crazy people have to pay more :cool:
  • edited May 2007
    If there are bonus stuff on the disks that I can't access anywhere else, it looks like I'll be buying the season again. D:
  • edited May 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    The discs aren't coming out later this week, we said we'll be announcing more details later this week :p

    I knew I was missing something there.
  • edited May 2007
    You can call me eccentric if you really want to. ;) But I think if they raised the price of purchasing all episodes of a season at once to $39.99 instead of $34.99, or whatever it's at now, that the extra money would help fund the game. That's always good in my book. :)
  • edited May 2007
    It might be good for you AdamG because you're a hopeless fan who would probably pay almost any price, but they have to research the market and see what the most profitable price would be for them, maybe charging $40 in the long run would make them less money because less people would buy it, but yeah I'm kinda with you too, I'm a hopeless fan and I'd probably pay obscene amounts for it if absolutely required.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    That's interesting, so it was more or less designed from scratch in 3D? Or is it just that identical to the comic version?

    It was designed pretty much straight in 3D, with the comics as reference. From what I remember, Kim Lyons (one of our environment modelers) whipped up a Maya file that had a bunch of different very rough layouts of the office, with windows of different numbers, shapes, sizes, with the door on one wall versus another, with different very simple blocky furniture configurations, and they worked from there to decide the layout, and did full detailed modeling, texturing and lighting after that.
  • edited May 2007
    I don't really find $6.67 an episode that bad. That's less then a dollar extra.
  • edited May 2007
    Here's an idea (a GREAT one, of course):

    Since people are screaming for more merchandise on S&M, and printing the posters (the office-one and the western-comic-one) costs you guys a lot of money, I would think it would be great of you guys to offer some of the game-artwork at printing resolutions for download... eh?

    This AWESOME idea just came to my mind when I saw the mock-up for the Season 1 DVD-cover, and I suddenly started salivating about the artwork on the front. And, having some of Steve's and TellTale's original concept-paintings scanned at poster resolution (I suppose most of them weren't painted that big or even just Photoshopped at 72dpi), and offered for downloading and printing (after all there's a lot of online-poster-printing-stores with reasonable prices), might allow us fans to have more cool Sam & Max posters cover our valuable wallpapers.

    Any legal stuff or big egos standing in the way of this FANTASTIC idea?
  • edited May 2007
    The stuff is copyrighted.

    It's be illegal to send them the files and have them make posters.

    /Works for Kinko's, knows the laws.
  • edited May 2007
    Then I'll just get an A3-printer myself... after all, where to print is not the point.
  • edited May 2007
    Sp0tted wrote: »
    The stuff is copyrighted.

    It's be illegal to send them the files and have them make posters.

    /Works for Kinko's, knows the laws.

    I think if telltale/steve purcell put them online with the intent of having people print them, that wouldn't be a problem?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Yeah, I think that if we wanted to / decided to, we could release art that people would be allowed to print up themselves. It's people actually stealing it without permission that is the shady part. For instance, if we did that, and then found out that some guy had printed 60 of them and was selling them on ebay... that would be a pretty flagrant violation of something or other.
  • edited May 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Yeah, I think that if we wanted to / decided to, we could release art that people would be allowed to print up themselves. It's people actually stealing it without permission that is the shady part. For instance, if we did that, and then found out that some guy had printed 60 of them and was selling them on ebay... that would be a pretty flagrant violation of something or other.

    But if that's a reason NOT to do it, you also wouldn't sell you original poster prints (since they could be scanned, printed and sold as well), nor would you put up free dowloadable wallpapers, since the same thing could happen there too. You're never immune against piracy like this, but does offering downloads actually cause this? I'm not sure...

    I'm a fan of Steve's artwork... and of course I would even pay for it. After all I got the sketchbook and both poster-prints, and I would just LOVE to pay for a large format poster- and art-book with full color Sam & Max paintings (like the one on the DVD mockup-up, and like the one used in the game's menu-background), but a production of such a book is probably too expensive. So, the result is, none of his art gets published. I still find it a waste to have some of the cool art only in 72dpi desktop-wallpaper size....
  • edited May 2007
    Without expressed written consent, even if it looks copyrighted and doesn't have a logo, we can't print it.

    If they were goign to release concept art for us to print ourselves, they'd need to include a copyright release.

    Not that every print shop would catch it/care. But it is a pretty hefty fine for both the copy shop and the person who brings it in.
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