How Well Has This Game Sold?
Well it has been about a month since the game was released, so this question has finally set in. I'm not sure how to look such numbers up (unlike box office numbers, which I know where to go to look up), but has this game been financially successful for Telltale? Did it meet, surpass, or fall short of their sales expectations? Which system/platform has it sold on the most? Anyone able to find out somewhere? Or perhaps a team member would like to reveal? Not that it really matters to me, for I own the game and love it (and eagerly await the Deluxe Edition box set when it ships). But it is a common curiosity, and I just HOPE that it did well for Telltale given how much time, effort, and risk they put into it. I have a feeling that this game has probably just "met" expectations in sales, mostly from us fans. I'm fairly certain the game also sold most units on the PC/Download, especially because of the Deluxe Edition that it is exclusive for (I was originally going to get the XBOX 360 version before they announced the Deluxe set, and I still intend to when it goes down in price). What do you guys think, and Telltale team don't be shy to let us know the real info./figures!
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Pretty disappointing, but at the same time it's not a surprise. So much other stuff came out in November that JP was pretty much guaranteed to get swept away.
Yeah man, the game kinda blows.
Joking aside.. I bet it sold fairly well... the franchise having a decent sized fan base... being released on disc simultaneously during the holiday shopping season.
I do not think TTG has ever publicly released their sales numbers... I have always been curious how all their games stack up against each other sales wise.
Back to the Future is their best-selling game, if I'm correct. I think Tales of Monkey Island is second. I know sometime before BttF came out I heard Tales being their best-seller from somewhere...
It would be good to see a complete sales ranking, but given the sheer number of places Telltale's games can be bought (Telltale Store, Steam, Gametap for the first two Sam and Max seasons, iOS, consoles...) I have a feeling not even they know the complete statistics.
They get an accountant.