Trading 6 seperate games for 1 season?

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
Since I will be buying my 6th episode tomorrow, would I be able to get the whole season 1 (thus with chance to upgrade to a hardcopy CD) for a symbolic price?

I mean, when one buys 1 episode, one can buy the whole season for $26.
But when one has bought 5 or 6 episodes, such an upgrade path does not exist.

It's not the discount I'm aiming at (I'll happily pay $53.70 instead of $34.95) but I would like to get my gubby paws on the CD :D

Any ideas?


ps. I promise to be a good boy and buy Season 2 when I comes out, without hesitation!


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    This is being thought about! We'll get back to you :)
  • edited May 2007
    Although I don't know if it'd be possible, but what about an upgrade for Gametap customers? I'm a sucker for special features, so I would like to buy the disk set; however, I'm really not sure if I want to spend $30+ on games I already own.
  • edited May 2007
    Well Jimbo, I wouldn't say you own them. More like rent them.
  • edited May 2007
    I was just thinking about that.... All my hard-earned saves in games like Far Cry and Splinter Cell will be gone if GameTap suddenly goes belly-up.... and that could happen at any time, really, what with all the complaints about unsubscribing.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    I doubt GameTap will go belly-up any time soon. They seem to be growing growing growing.
  • edited May 2007
    All my previous gametap bashing aside. I too believe Gametap will survive for a long time, and I believe they will give a break to many developers who would never have gotten the chance they deserved if it wasn't for them. Also, they got a strong company in their back, and just the fact that they are considering expanding to more areas in 2007 proves they are not exactly loosing money.

    Anyway, I just hope Gametap won't eat away the retail marked, because I really enjoy having stuff on a shelf instead of only in my computer. But so far, it looks it won't eat up this marked, but rather expand an untaped marked.
  • edited May 2007
    marsan wrote: »
    But so far, it looks it won't eat up this marked, but rather expand an untaped marked.

    Untaped marked? :confused:

    I've heard of unmarked tapes, but I wouldn't want to eat one...
  • edited May 2007
    lol, sounds like you should call the number at the bottom of my messages. I tried to say "an untapped marked", but that sounded even better.
  • edited May 2007

    Did I just blow your mind?
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