Grammar Police!

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
I usually don't play with subtitles on (as I find them distracting), but I just turned them on to see if the Episode 6 credit song was subtitled (it's not), and noticed this little grammatical whoopsie right near the end:
Max: "You're the best friend I ever had, Sam!"
Sam: "And your mine, little buddy."
Now I may have to go back through all six episodes with subtitles on and my special Grammar Police Deputy badge.


  • edited May 2007

    I thought you were better than that, Telltale.
  • edited May 2007
    What an easy mistake to make! You can't always expect perfect grammor. Can you see the mistake I made in this sentence.
  • edited May 2007
    You forgot the question mark. And there's an error in your second sentence as well :P
  • edited May 2007
    Lol! :D
  • edited May 2007
    Its a perfectly understandable mistake.
  • edited May 2007
    Hey Chuck, where's your apostrophy, Chuck? (I feel like Peppermint Paddy)
  • edited May 2007
    Damn :( Well, that's it for me then Telltale.. I mean, you're cool and all but this is more than I can handle :(
    Thanks for all the good times you've given me.

    :p :p :p
  • edited May 2007
    There is an Italian restaurant near me with a sign up saying, "You'r welcome to bring your own wine."

    It pains me.
  • edited May 2007
    Relax, people. It's just a marketting trick to add to the replayability of the game.
    Now I may have to go back through all six episodes with subtitles on and my special Grammar Police Deputy badge.

  • edited May 2007
    Wow, that's cool, a restaurant that lets you bring your own wine. Grammar aside, I think that would be a fun place to check out, people pulling wine bottles out of their pants. Can you bring your own food? It brings me back to days of sneaking a hip flask into bars and clubs and drinking cheap skol vodka.
  • edited May 2007
    Wii are amused by the above comment.
  • edited May 2007
    There is an Italian restaurant near me with a sign up saying, "You'r welcome to bring your own wine."

    It pains me.

    You'r is an Italian word.

    It means "Soup."
  • edited May 2007
    We have a lot of Indian restaurants around here and you're allowed to bring your own drink.
  • edited May 2007
    There is an Italian restaurant near me with a sign up saying, "You'r welcome to bring your own wine."

    It pains me.
    I catch a bus which says "In case of emergency brake glass". I know just how you feel :(
  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    I catch a bus which says "In case of emergency brake glass".

    It panes me too.
  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
    Your my best friend I said
    As he wopped me upside the head
    Heres a grammer book you dolt
    Use it before you wrote

  • edited May 2007
    My favorite sign, in turkey hanging outside a gift shop: Sorry we are open.

    Noooooo grammer nazis!!!! *flees*
  • edited May 2007
    We have a lot of Indian restaurants around here and you're allowed to bring your own drink.

    Oh nay nay. The only drink that should be brought to an indian restaurant is a keg of Pepto-Bismol. They should have Pepto on tap, with free 2 liter bottles of it for every order of chicken vindaloo or curry :p
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