Technical Wishlist (not gameplay related stuff...mostly)

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
I've really enjoyed what I have played of season one so far, but here's what I would like to see changed in season two:

1) It seems the splash screen that comes up when you double click a season has no option but to launch the game. This is annoying if you accidentally open the icon, or like in my case this morning: I saw that my download of episode six was done, and I proceeded to install it while checking my mail before work. After it was done installing, that splash screen came up to launch the game. Since I couldn't close it, I figured I'd just launch the game and then quit. Unfortunately, I was also forced to watch the entire opening sequence before I could quit. It tacked on about an extra ten minutes to what I was doing. A simple 'x' close button in the corner would be appreciated for when that splash screen comes up and I don't want to play right that minute.

2) Having six different icons for each season clutters things up. I'd like to see a single "Sam and Max" launcher, and then I either pick which episode I want from an in-game menu, or from a unified splash screen to replace the one that each episode currently has (which will have an 'x' close button, right?). :p

3) Sam and Max apparently does not support wide screen resolutions. With wide screen laptops being so popular, and wide screen LCDs becoming more and more prevalent on desktops, I hope that season two supports wide screen resolutions. I don't really care about the cut scenes taking up the whole screen (I know a lot of that is direction and 'framing'), but it feels silly to have to click twenty times to get Sam in front of Bosco's when I have two inches of blank screen that could cut the clicks in half. Which brings me to my final wish:

4) Click & hold movement. This really seems to be an annoyance only on the wide, scrolling areas in the game. But as I said in point three, it's annoying to click a bunch. Especially when I walk up to Bosco's and accidentally hit the gumball machine. Then of course Sam comments on it's contents... again.

Season one has been great, I'm really looking forward to the sixth episode. I'll likely buy season two reguardless, but changing the above points I think would make me (and I imagine quite few other people) enjoy the experience even more.


  • edited May 2007
    My wishlist is: double sized download files (which would suggest: more locations, more dialogue/puzzles/story, better sound compression, maaaaaaybe better graphics). :D That's not too much to ask, is it? OK, I'll stop now ¬¬.
  • edited May 2007
    I think speed of getting arround is an issue so (at least give the option for):
    • Double clicking on an exit to leave straight away,
    • Double clicking to run somewhere,
    • Right clicking to skip past action sequences as well as dialogue
    • as well as the click and hold movement as described above.
    Also right click to look would be neat -
    • it would need a little more descriptive audio, but could provide clues in a neat way
    • you could look at objects with out moving
    • even perhaps a way of looking arround if you right click where there are no objects and drag. It could be limited to prevent people realising the lack of detail accross the road from the office etc...
    I agree with the widescreen, and launcher surgestions, but also - if you fail to activate the game - don't just lauch the demo!
  • edited May 2007
    • Right clicking to skip past action sequences as well as dialogue

    Dialogue can be skipped by right clicking already. It also works on some action sequences, depending on what's going on.
  • edited May 2007
    All I really miss is mouse capture, since i have to be careful not to move the mouse too far to the right or it goes onto the next monitor and the game minimizes
  • edited May 2007
    [*]Double clicking on an exit to leave straight away

    [*]Double clicking to run somewhere
    These are great suggestions!
  • edited May 2007
    MrSneeze wrote: »
    Dialogue can be skipped by right clicking already. It also works on some action sequences, depending on what's going on.
    You misunderstand me - the suggestion was for right clicking to skip action, as already happens with dialogue.
  • edited May 2007
    That's not a good idea, you could miss out on some important stuff if you accidentally right click.. I'd rather have the same system as in old Lucasarts games where you can skip stuff by pressing both mouse buttons at the same time.
  • edited May 2007
    *Higher-quality audio files for speech.

    Emily hinted on the blog that they're looking into a system for quick replacement of sound files, so while we may not see it for the Season 1 DVD, we might see it in the future.
  • edited May 2007
    The right click look function already mentioned.. YES OH GOD YES!
    the clicking and walking doesn't bug me too much to be honest.. it's a staple of point and click adventure games.. the easier option is using a keyboard system like Grim Fandango etc, it would work given the 3d nature of the game after all.

    Also, if there are going to be more driving scenes.. perhaps some keyboard stuff there? I expected it to go into full keyboard mode like GTA or something not click... it was a bit odd to get used to and a little slow on my pc to react to my clicks.

    Widescreen? bah.. I'm still stubbornly using a 17' CRT screen and damnit! I WILL GET ANOTHER! my VGA cable is well... broken.. and I hate LCD screens (don't even talk to me about them damnit, i'm an artist and the colour resolution is WRONG)
  • edited May 2007
    I guess I might contribute a gameplay-related issue to the list, despite the subject line.

    * More minigames with more depth

    It's become clear that the puzzles in an episodic release simply can't have the same depth as a single full-length game, so it makes sense to augment the gameplay experience with some form of skill-based minigame, which would also have the added bonus of increasing replayability (and therefore "value") - something that's been lacking from adventure games of any duration.
    As far as adding more depth to the minigames, that's a trickier subject. Of course, everyone here should remember Carbomb from Hit the Road.) I was disappointed that driving around aimlessly in the first episode didn't have some sort of minigame aspect to it.
    These wouldn't even necessarily have to be integrated into the story, but usually these sorts of things are done in a way that you have to at least get a minimum score to progress with the story, but you can go back and play for fun if you want.
    Suggestions that I could make would be things like some form of Hangman with Sam-and-Max related words, a shooting gallery (like the HtR end credits), a diving minigame on the street where you might have to jump over, drive around, or shoot certain obstacles, any sort of old-school arcade game on Bluster Blaster would be a shoe-in, and I'm trying to think of a way a DDR-style response game would work, but can't really come up with anything right now.
  • edited May 2007
    Noooooo please, no grim fandango controls :-(

    About enhancements, for me, I just would add to have the star on the corner to access the menu, even for the intro : It's being frustrating to watch intros with a smaller resolution than the game...
    And I'm also for the sound quality improvement, the widescreen ratio, and the drag button (to walk).

    [edit] I hope your post, reverendTed, will not turn this topic in another "here's what I want to see in season two" because there is already tons of them :(
  • edited May 2007
    I guess I might contribute a gameplay-related issue to the list, despite the subject line.

    * More minigames with more depth

    It's become clear that the puzzles in an episodic release simply can't have the same depth as a single full-length game, so it makes sense to augment the gameplay experience with some form of skill-based minigame, which would also have the added bonus of increasing replayability (and therefore "value") - something that's been lacking from adventure games of any duration.
    As far as adding more depth to the minigames, that's a trickier subject. Of course, everyone here should remember Carbomb from Hit the Road.) I was disappointed that driving around aimlessly in the first episode didn't have some sort of minigame aspect to it.
    These wouldn't even necessarily have to be integrated into the story, but usually these sorts of things are done in a way that you have to at least get a minimum score to progress with the story, but you can go back and play for fun if you want.
    Suggestions that I could make would be things like some form of Hangman with Sam-and-Max related words, a shooting gallery (like the HtR end credits), a diving minigame on the street where you might have to jump over, drive around, or shoot certain obstacles, any sort of old-school arcade game on Bluster Blaster would be a shoe-in, and I'm trying to think of a way a DDR-style response game would work, but can't really come up with anything right now.

    Also for a mini-game they could play Fizzball. :D
  • edited May 2007
    The engine just has to have a couple bells and whistles added for Season 2, or people will beep and moan nonstop. Add an "advanced settings" category in the graphic settings menu and let people tweak as many things as safely possible, and add some reflective surfaces and normal maps or something and that should do it.
  • edited May 2007
    sm4k wrote: »
    1) It seems the splash screen that comes up when you double click a season has no option but to launch the game. This is annoying if you accidentally open the icon, or like in my case this morning: I saw that my download of episode six was done, and I proceeded to install it while checking my mail before work. After it was done installing, that splash screen came up to launch the game. Since I couldn't close it, I figured I'd just launch the game and then quit. Unfortunately, I was also forced to watch the entire opening sequence before I could quit. It tacked on about an extra ten minutes to what I was doing. A simple 'x' close button in the corner would be appreciated for when that splash screen comes up and I don't want to play right that minute.
    I agree with this, although the work-around is Ctrl + Alt + Del to bring up Task Manager and closing the splash screen that way.
  • edited May 2007
    Yohmi wrote: »
    Noooooo please, no grim fandango controls :-(
    I also agree with this.

    Point and click all the way.
  • edited May 2007
    I agree with this, although the work-around is Ctrl + Alt + Del to bring up Task Manager and closing the splash screen that way.

    You can't actually do that... Even if you try closing the screen that way the game will still launch ;)

    I really hope you guys out there can get a desent launcher til' Season 2, 'cause this one could be really frustrating sometimes :P
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    Actually you can, just go to the processes tab and search for the game process (i.e: "Sam and Max - Bright Side of the Moon.exe") and hit "End Process".
    If the process is listed twice, just end one, the other will follow suit.
  • edited May 2007
    High Definition Resolutions:
    I would agree with having High Definition resolutions. It looks OK on my HD LCD 17' monitor but it could look a lot better.

    Stay Point and Click:
    Please point and click works great, don't screw up something that already works fine. Besides it's old style adventure gaming and brings back my memories of Myst! ;)
  • edited May 2007
    One of the biggest things I'd like to see is some slightly better driving scenes. The ones in Season 1 were okay, but they got dull quickly, not to mention that there wasn't one at all in Bright Side of the Moon. I think that, if reworked a little, these sequences could easily become the best part of the game, but only if they were a bit more eventful and interesting.

    For example, let's say Sam and Max wanted to go back in time. A good way to do this is to have a driving sequence where they have to dodge various obstacles, similar to Episode 1's sequence, until a speedometer in the corner tells them that they're going 88 MPH and launches them through the time stream, a la Back to the Future.

    Or, perhaps, Leonard somehow got free and is fleeing with a valuable item. Sam and Max would then engage him in a high speed "boss battle", in which they'd have to fire enough bullets into different parts of his car (tires, lights, etc.), depleting a health meter until it reaches zero and his car explodes, because there's no way in hell he's stopping for anything no matter how beat up his car gets, not as long as the Freelance police are tailing him. Inversely, however, he can fire back at you as well, and if your health bar runs out, then you'll be forced to return to the office and try again with Leonard back at full health.

    Ergo, if the sequences had a little more...zing (for lack of a better word), I think that they would be an even more positive asset of the series.
  • edited May 2007
    High definition resolutions, huh? Computer displays work differently then television displays. As long as you're using 1024x768 as a resolution, it will be at least on par with the 720 and 1080 high definition tv standards. If you're using 1600x1200 or higher then it's far superior to high definition TV.
  • edited May 2007
    One of the biggest things I'd like to see is some slightly better driving scenes. The ones in Season 1 were okay, but they got dull quickly, not to mention that there wasn't one at all in Bright Side of the Moon. I think that, if reworked a little, these sequences could easily become the best part of the game, but only if they were a bit more eventful and interesting.

    If I was them, I wouldn't have a driving sequence in the first 4 episodes of next season. It would be ok to have one after that, but for the earlier episodes I think it would be best to have a different kind of arcade sequence. :) And preferably one that doesn't involve shooting, that unfortunately gets old too.
  • edited May 2007
    High Definition Resolutions:
    I would agree with having High Definition resolutions. It looks OK on my HD LCD 17' monitor but it could look a lot better.

    It won't be very usefull... except if your screen has a 16:9 ratio (rare) and a 1280x720 native matrix (I believe it doesn't exist at all).
  • edited May 2007
    Having 16:10 and 16:9 aspects ratios would be nice (16:10 is the standard for widescreen monitor, 16:9 the one for TVs) as my monitor is a 22.3 inch widescreen monitor making the game squeezed a bit :(
    I d love to get my native 1600x1050, but at least the aspect ratio bit would be great. (i understand that considering the current interface, having to cycle through all the available resolutions would be a hassle)

    Adding a Gamma/Brightness slider would be nice as well.
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    Here is an idea, maybe the non-4:3 ratio resolutions could be adjusted by having a black area below the game screen. That area could be called "inventory".
  • edited May 2007
    fajerkaos wrote: »
    You can't actually do that... Even if you try closing the screen that way the game will still launch ;)

    I really hope you guys out there can get a desent launcher til' Season 2, 'cause this one could be really frustrating sometimes :P
    jmm wrote: »
    Actually you can, just go to the processes tab and search for the game process (i.e: "Sam and Max - Bright Side of the Moon.exe") and hit "End Process".
    If the process is listed twice, just end one, the other will follow suit.
    What he said.:p
  • edited May 2007
    BarfHappy wrote: »
    Having 16:10 and 16:9 aspects ratios would be nice (16:10 is the standard for widescreen monitor, 16:9 the one for TVs) as my monitor is a 22.3 inch widescreen monitor making the game squeezed a bit :(
    I d love to get my native 1600x1050, but at least the aspect ratio bit would be great. (i understand that considering the current interface, having to cycle through all the available resolutions would be a hassle)

    Adding a Gamma/Brightness slider would be nice as well.

    You can tell your graphics card to put black bars around the screen instead of stretching the image somewhere. At least with Nvidia cards, I don't know about ATI.

    As for me, I'd like to see some more usage of the keyboard. For example, being able to use the arrow keys to select dialogue, or to drive the car.
  • edited May 2007
    Stay Point and Click:
    Please point and click works great, don't screw up something that already works fine. Besides it's old style adventure gaming and brings back my memories of Myst! ;)
    There is the perfect comprise - Broken Sword 4 style controls - point and click if you want to - or use screen relative keyboard controls that lock in the direction you are going in (so if you press and hold up you start moving away from the screen - but the character keeps going in the same direction rather than turning round if the camera changes, until you release the keys).
  • edited May 2007
    Could we just make the keyboard controls available for the mini-game (AKA car chase) sequences only, and even in those cases just optional? That way those who want just pure point & click can pretend they don't exist, and those of us who want to use them can have them around. :D

    I've been wanting keyboard controls for those sequences since the first Bone episode. I play these games on my laptop and don't have the desk space for a mouse while I'm at school (small desk + large laptop + desktop = no joy. No mouse, either.). Those sequences are doable with just the touchpad, but they're certainly not any fun. Optional keyboard controls are my friends.
  • edited May 2007
    There is the perfect comprise - Broken Sword 4 style controls - point and click if you want to - or use screen relative keyboard controls that lock in the direction you are going in (so if you press and hold up you start moving away from the screen - but the character keeps going in the same direction rather than turning round if the camera changes, until you release the keys).
    Yea, that's a good idea. Myst 5 did something similar to that. I wouldn't mind that as long as as it get to keep my pointing and clicking.
  • edited May 2007
    jmm wrote: »
    Here is an idea, maybe the non-4:3 ratio resolutions could be adjusted by having a black area below the game screen. That area could be called "inventory".

    The game do this already, without any program it fits your screen in 4/3 with black areas for each side. It was an improvement made since the third episode if I remember well. But it's not an inventory anyway :p
  • edited May 2007
    Not for me. What graphics card do you have?
  • edited May 2007
    jmm wrote:
    Actually you can, just go to the processes tab and search for the game process (i.e: "Sam and Max - Bright Side of the Moon.exe") and hit "End Process".
    If the process is listed twice, just end one, the other will follow suit.

    Oh, yeah... :p
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    fajerkaos wrote:
    Oh, yeah... :p

    A close button would be nicer though
  • edited May 2007
    Alt + F4, Ctrl + W... you're never without ways to end a task in Windows.

    Click and hold movement is something I've been desperately wishing for. Double-clicking to skip to an exit would be nice too, although in some cases I could see this being more difficult to implement.

    As much as I like Grim Fandango (a LOT), this series needs to stay pure point and click. Just my opinion.
  • edited May 2007
    tim333 wrote: »
    As much as I like Grim Fandango (a LOT), this series needs to stay pure point and click. Just my opinion.

    I agree. There was no need for Lucasarts to do away with point-and-click, especially since the backgrounds to their 3D games were still 2D. Trying to weedle yourself into a certain pixel of the screen or accidentally walking out of a room you'd just entered... argh!!
  • edited May 2007
    I agree that Grim Fandango controls would be bad, but I wouldn't mind if, in addition to the unchanged p&c interface, if using the arrow keys would also move Sam around. It could be convenient in large areas like the street.
  • edited May 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    Not for me. What graphics card do you have?

    ATI Radeon X1600, the drivers are those given by Apple. At the beginning of the season, I had to change the "native" ratio of my screen in the taskbar, but it become with time automatic. And I don't have configured anything (I only start windows to play sam&max, even trying to understand windows's menus would be such a pain for me :P)
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