
edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
Hey, you know what would be really cool?

A Max for President bumper sticker for my Desoto.

Ok, so I'm a poor college student and don't have a desoto, or a car at all for that matter. But I would most certainly put one on my laptop, and perhaps on my mother's car if she's feeling generous or I'm feeling devious.

Would anyone else support the effort to elect our dear overlord of emperors, his excellence Maximilian-sama the third?



  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007

    Although I don't know who really is Max's running mate....

  • edited May 2007
    I want a max for president shirt.. to go with the mythos party t-shirts chaosim make. hmmm.. Max vs Cthulhu.. now that would be an election to watch!
  • edited May 2007
    t-shirts to backpacks, anything new for the campaign. Sporting something along the lines of 'Max for Monarch' 'Max for Overlord', etc. such swag should be considered a great honor to wear. His excellence would be pleased to see such garments worn by his mongrels...or atleast by the money.
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