Soda Popper Lyrics

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
I'm sure there are other places to ask this, things to download and listen to until my ears go tomato red and bleed but...

Does anyone know or have a link to the Soda Popper lyrics? All that reckless driving keeps me from getting the exact lyrics.


  • edited May 2007
    Don't have the lyrics off hand, but if you bug Whizzer enough in Episode 1, he'll sing it for you.

    Turn on subtitles, and voilà!
  • edited May 2007
    sweet! I had originally bugged Whizzer enough to get bored myself. I'm gonna go try this out asap :D
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2007
    "You made me mess up"
    "I can see you"
    "Time out for number one"

    More than jerks
    "Gotta be more than the jerks now"
    More than jerks
    "They gotta be more, they gotta be more, they gotta be"
    More than jerks
    "Gotta be more than the jerks now"
    Caffiene Rush!

    Little Peepers, Specs, and Whizzer
    toiling at the soda works
    guzzling with tiny gizzards
    soda fountain special perks

    Little Peepers, Specs, and Whizzer
    toiling at the soda works
    guzzling with tiny gizzards
    soda fountain special perks

    then they run like a human blizzard
    more than simple soda jerks
    Little Peepers, Specs, and Whizzer
    Soda Poppers: more than jerks

    Soda, soda poppers
    Soda, soda poppers
    Soda, soda poppers

    Little Peepers, Specs, and Whizzer
    toiling at the soda works
    guzzling with tiny gizzards
    soda fountain special perks

    Little Peepers, Specs, and Whizzer
    toiling at the soda works
    guzzling with tiny gizzards
    soda fountain special perks

    then they run like a human blizzard
    more than simple soda jerks
    Little Peepers, Specs, and Whizzer:
    more than jerks
  • edited May 2007
    Damn good work my friend, thanks for the lyrics :D
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