Hey can i get some pictures for my photoshop final

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
Hey I'm thinking about my photoshop final and we are supposed to make a theoretical poster for the multimedia\gamedesign program here at the school and I was thinking I could get max in there. It would be awsome if someone could get me a picture of max pointing his luger in maniacal fashion(as if there was any other way). Due next week so expediance would be helpful, I'm going to go see if I can find something on the internet.

perhaps the pic of max from the beginning of ep2 like in the screenshot section except while hes pointing it.


  • edited May 2007
    well nvm guys ive made do with what can and its a little too late to go back and redo that. I'll post the finished product later ons maybe.
  • edited May 2007
    if you were that good at photoshop, I'm sure you'd know how to do a printscreen and edit from there.

  • edited May 2007
    well first im not good at photoshop, which is why I am switching from multimedia to programming.(It was implied when I joined mm was required to go into game design.)

    Second the lab computers here don't allow the games to detect my purchase what not, so i cannot play neither demo nor full game. But i did manage to get my screen cap of hit the road since that has no security features what so ever and I like to keep it on my flash drive for sam and max on the go. So at least you know i can do screen caps.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    You should be able to play the demo version of Situation: Comedy even on a public computer. You can download it here.

    Max is holding his gun in the beginning, and also
    shoots Sam during the audition
    , which is part of the demo.

    I used to have a screenshot of that part but I can't find it now. I probably deleted it.
  • edited May 2007
    Thanks emily but like I said trying to run sam and max season1 on the lab computers i get a message saying my profile doesn't have permission to look up the activation code and then closes.

    anywho this is what i got right now i might try to polish it up some before i turn it in next week, but I did this more for me than the class lol. After all when i switch programs the credits for this course won't even matter.


    If you can't read the caption in the picture. It is as follows. "Don’t run! I warned you I’d come out there, but you just had to keep trying to pick that up didn't you!"

    let me give you a rundown of my original idea for the bottome picture because its not exactly what was planned. The setting was going to be of the lab with students cowering under the desk while max was firing at them, but the reasons I didn't get that is of course the minor problem of not having access to the right shot of max (I don't know I guess i would cower at the sight of him even if he didn't even have his gun pointed, but only because I know he doesn't need it.), second due to the fact the teacher forgot his camera and the students were all too lethargic and uncaring to pose the best i could do was find a picture of an empty office. But i like the improvisions alright i guess.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    That came out well! ("Even if its not a good idea" should be "it's" with an apostrophe, though. :p)

    You should have been able to download the demo from the link I provided, without any need to look up an activation code. Oh well.
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    Maybe the problem is not the code, but running without enough system privileges (Not on Admin mode) or since it is not a public computer, there are advanced rules that prevent the game to install/run properly.
  • edited May 2007
    You know I seemed to recall an exception to the rule with it's that you could use it with our without but i can't seem to find it now, guess i just imagined its(haha!).

    And yea it could be something else besides the activation code(that was an assumption) but when i put and episode on my usb and tried to use it on my friends laptop i got the trial version, on the lab computers i got an error saying i didn't have the privilages. Because the trail version came up on a computer which was not the original, i figured there probably isn't a difference with the demo and full game except you get the full game when it detects activation.

    But yea later on today i remembered i was going to add a small caption below the listing of the ownership of the images I used, that said "Go to telltalegames.com and buy season 1 now!" :D but forgot to. Remembering that, however, made me remember I forgot to mention telltale games as the creator of season 1...... so please don't sue. lol I'll have to fix it next time i get a chance.

    oh yea the rule i was thinking of was the possesive form of it doesn't require an apostrophe, which would otherwise be necessary. I've been out of it today.
  • edited May 2007
    Ohhhhh, if you want it to be possessive, it's just "I-T-S"
    But if it's supposed to be a contraction, then it's "I-T-apostrophe-S,"
  • edited May 2007
    Is that from SHR or something?
  • edited May 2007
    It might be more effective coming from the man himself...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Quickest and best explanation:

  • edited May 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    Is that from SHR or something?

    Strong Bad Email, so if you meant Homestar Runner then, yes!
  • edited May 2007
    Sadly, I meant School House Rock... despite the scalawag at the end.

    I have even seen every sbemail... I feel so ashamed. Thanks Cyberlink for the link, and RabidZombie for blatantly pointing it out.

    Maybe SHR stand for Scalawag Homestar Runner, eh?
  • edited May 2007
    my god what have I started!

    kk fixed it.

  • edited May 2007
    I'm ashamed that I wasn't here to pick up the HSR reference. It's a good one though (see how I cleverly used 'it's' in its rightful place?)
  • edited May 2007
    Thats going to haunt me to my grave isn't it?
  • edited May 2007
    Eater wrote: »
    Thats going to haunt me to my grave isn't it?
    emot-eng101.gif "That's"

    First and last time I'm ever using that emote.
  • edited May 2007
    sigh, well I just presented it anyway. Teacher loved it even though he doesn't know what sam and max are.
  • edited May 2007
    Eater wrote: »
    sigh, well I just presented it anyway.
    Sorry, I didn't mean any offence by what I said. I meant to put "=P" at the end but when I realised and went back to edit it, it'd timed out.

    Anyways, glad to hear the presentation went well.
  • edited May 2007
    yea i got it, i wasn't offended. just jokin' around
  • edited May 2007
    ITT tech promo? is this a joke? I like you love sam & max but you seriously promoted an accelerated tech school? I went to heald and ITT tech and all it left me was debt and a 12$ an hr job and now I have to take all my general ed OVER again because nothing transfers. STAY AWAY FROM TECH SCHOOLS PEOPLE! They are a money hungry business not a place of learning. Anyway sorry :( Have fun making lil to no money... (darn you heald!!! waves fist at air)
  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, I second that. My older brother went to ITT and though he liked it, the diploma didn't do jack squat for him. And he said most of the people there, including the teachers, didn't really know much at all about electronics. What good did the diploma do? It got him a $10.50 hour job, after many months of looking... This is in Michigan though, which has one of the very worst economies in the US. It was recently one of the best, but that's changed.
  • edited May 2007
    I live in california.. kinda near telltale :P where we should be getting loads of jobs lol... nooope. So just started my own business recovering and setting up machines. Anyway hope it goes well for ya itt that is :P
  • edited May 2007
    I've been warned of tech schools hundreds of times but still ended up going there. It's just that all the colleges that I could afford to go to I didn't teach game design from a programming aspect, and I'm not much artistic. This half-assed photoshop is really like the peak of my ability.
  • edited May 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Yeah, I second that. My older brother went to ITT and though he liked it, the diploma didn't do jack squat for him. And he said most of the people there, including the teachers, didn't really know much at all about electronics. What good did the diploma do? It got him a $10.50 hour job, after many months of looking... This is in Michigan though, which has one of the very worst economies in the US. It was recently one of the best, but that's changed.

    I hear that, man. That's why I'm going to U of M Dearborn to get my degree in Software Engineering. With the video game industry's influence spreading rapidly, it's definitely a career choice one would want to look into.

    *makes mental note to, when I get out of college, look for a "Help Wanted" sign in Telltale's window*
  • edited May 2007
    *makes mental note to, when I get out of college, look for a "Help Wanted" sign in Telltale's window*

    Telltale have a window? That's pretty sweet. I thought it was just a big white building that blanked your mind when you looked, nigh, thought about it.
  • edited May 2007
    Narwaffle wrote: »
    Telltale have a window? That's pretty sweet. I thought it was just a big white building that blanked your mind when you looked, nigh, thought about it.

    What building? :confused:
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