Uk sam and max fans - store release

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
:DHey everybody,

just found this on

Sam and max season 1 being released on the 31/08/09, just before my birthday :D

If i can figure out to buy stuff online i'll defientlyget the telltale one but buying it in stores is a cool thought.


  • edited May 2007
    £35 o_O. It cost me just over £20 to download it direct from TTG and it'll probably be around £5 shipping for the Season on disc.

    I hope only have that price as a placeholder.
  • edited May 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    £35 o_O. It cost me just over £20 to download it direct from TTG and it'll probably be around £5 shipping for the Season on disc.

    I hope only have that price as a placeholder.

    when i think of bad pricing with samand max my thought automatically go to the surfing the highway going for £150.
  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, I'd rather just buy it directly from Telltale Games. It doesn't make sense to do it any other way.
  • edited May 2007
    I will probably buy it directly from TTG as well, but on the green sticker on the package they send out, I hope they won't put a higher price than the tax-free rate(which is currently 33$). I only have to pay taxes on it if the total price of what is sent to me is above a certain price, so if the price on the green sticker on the package is above that price, I have to pay so much taxes that the price almost doubles. Thus, I have to consider things like that before ordering. But I am sure I can grab somebody at support to help me work it all out when the product is announced.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    marsan wrote: »
    I will probably buy it directly from TTG as well, but on the green sticker on the package they send out, I hope they won't put a higher price than the tax-free rate(which is currently 33$).

    We are not the ones sending out the packages so we don't fill out the customs forms, but the value entered is a nominal amount that hopefully won't result in import taxes in most countries. We did some research into this to make sure it would be okay for our international customers.
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