Season 1 Subtitle

edited June 2007 in Sam & Max
It seems Telltale will probably market the compilation as "Sam and Max Season One", but what do you think would make a good subtitle?
Here's a few I came up with:
Sam and Max Season 1: Blissful Ignorance
Sam and Max Season 1: Rainbows, Teddy Bears, and Other Terrors
Sam and Max Season 1: Of Mice Rats and [size=-3]Anthropomophic Dog-[/size]Men
Sam and Max Season 1: The World Peace Conspiracy
Sam and Max Season 1: Wherein Bosco Says "Tally-ho, fools" and We All Collapse in Breathless Laughter

What others can you think of that might be fitting?


  • edited May 2007
    I like blissful ignorance, but that might be a spoiler. I would go with your 2nd and fourth one.
  • edited May 2007
    "Ignorance is Bliss" sounds as good as any...
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max Season one: Hypnosis Hysteria
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max: Season 1
    (Based on the bestselling novella, "Sam & Max crack down on Hypnosis")
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max Season 1: Sam & Max Season Two (based on a true story)
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max do some stuff
  • edited May 2007
    "Freedom at any cost"
  • edited May 2007
    All hail Max
  • edited May 2007
    Junaid wrote: »
    Sam & Max Season one: Hypnosis Hysteria
    I was trying to find any way to work "hypnosis" or "hypnotic" into it but was having a hard time finding a subtitle that flowed. Good show.
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max: Season 1
    Back on the Beatdown
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max Episode 1: We Don't Need No Steenkin' LucasArts!
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max: Season One: Stay Frosty, America!

  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    S&M: The Complete First Season
  • edited May 2007
    sam & max : hypnosis dominion
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max Season 1: The One with the hypnosis.
  • edited May 2007
    Ooh! Sam and Max Season 1: One Lagomorph to Rule Them All!
  • edited May 2007
    jmm wrote: »
    S&M: The Complete First Season

    I really like this one. It just sounds very classy.
  • edited May 2007
    Sam and Max Season 1: Cruel and Unusual Justice
    Sam and Max Season 1: Habeas Corpses

    (Ok, those don't really apply to the season, but I just liked the puns.)

    Sam and Max Season 1: The Prequel to Sam and Max Season 2
    Sam and Max Season 1: Six Sick Shticks

    (Not sure why, but I'm particularly proud of that last one.)
  • edited May 2007
    I think it works better without a Subtitle. Like a tv show.
  • edited May 2007
    How about something that has nothing to with the actual plotline? (like "Night of the Cringing Wildebeast")
  • edited May 2007
    I think it works better without a Subtitle. Like a tv show.
    I agree, but I just think it's a fun creative exercise.
    NatsFan wrote:
    How about something that has nothing to with the actual plotline? (like "Night of the Cringing Wildebeast")
    Sam and Max Season 1: Purple Monkey Typewriter
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max Season 1: The Other S&M
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max: Dawn of the Undead Wolverines
  • edited May 2007
    I've got a quick and easy way to make the game fly off the shelves from the title alone!

    "Sam and Max Meet Naruto and one or two Kingdom Hearts Characters!"
  • edited May 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    I've got a quick and easy way to make the game fly off the shelves from the title alone!

    "Sam and Max Meet Naruto and one or two Kingdom Hearts Characters!"

    Nah, you need to add "Final Fantasy" somewhere in there to make it really sell.
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max: Final Guitar Hero Fantasy of Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z (Jade Edition)
  • edited May 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Sam & Max: Final Guitar Hero Fantasy of Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z (Jade Halo Edition)
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max: Final Guitar Hero Fantasy of Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z (Jade Halo Edition) and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max: Final Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Brawl (Jade Halo Edition) and the Raving Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl (Jade Halo Edition) and the Raving Prisoner of Azkaban.

  • edited May 2007
    This is fun!

    World of Sam & Maxcraft: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl (Jade Halo Edition) and the Raving Prisoner of Azkaban
  • edited May 2007
    World of Sam & Maxcraft: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl (Jade Halo Edition) and the Raving Prisoner God of Azkaban
  • edited May 2007
    World of Sam & Maxcraft: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl and the Raving Prisoner God of Azkaban (Jade Halo Edition)

    I want the edition note fixed :)
  • edited May 2007
    World of Super Sam Bros. & Maxcraft: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl and the Raving Prisoner God of Azkaban (Jade Halo Edition)!!
  • edited May 2007
    World of Super Sam Bros. & Maxcraft: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl and the Raving Prisoner God of Azkaban SE Plus Alpha (Jade Halo Edition)
  • edited May 2007
    The Legend of the World of Super Sam Bros. & Maxcraft: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl and the Raving Prisoner God of Azkaban SE Plus Alpha (Jade Halo Edition): Twilight Hypnosis

    Any other franchises we haven't hit?
  • edited May 2007
    The Legend of the World of Super Sam Bros. & Maxcraft: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl and the Raving Prisoner God of Azkaban SE Plus Alpha (Jade Halo Edition): Twilight Hypnosis Takedown
  • edited May 2007
    The Legend of the World of Super Sam Bros. & Maxcraft: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl and the Raving Prisoner God of Azkaban SE Plus Alpha (Jade Halo Edition): Twilight Hypnosis Takedown Theft Auto
  • edited May 2007
    The Legend of the World of Super PokéSam Bros. & Maxcraft: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl and the Raving Prisoner God of Azkaban SE Plus Alpha (Jade Halo Edition): Twilight Hypnosis Takedown Theft Auto
  • edited May 2007
    The Legend of the World of Super PokéSam Bros. & Maxcraft: Final Metal Gear Guitar Hero Fantasy of the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts Naruto Budakai Z Solid Brawl and the Raving Prisoner God of Azkaban: Twilight Hypnosis Takedown Theft Auto SE Plus Alpha ParaPara Dance Revolution (Jade Halo Edition)
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