Where to find "Hit the road"

edited June 2007 in Sam & Max
I tried to search for it on the forum, but I got so many hits that i couldn't go through all of them, so don't kill me if this has been posted before...

I was introduced to Sam & Max for about 4 years ago by a friend of mine. He knew I liked adventure games, and gave me a copy of Sam & Max. I'm really against piracy, but I haven't been able to find legal copies of hit the road anywhere. So thats kind of an exuse... (don't arrest me please)

Anyway I thought about installing and playing it over again one day, but found out that it didn't work on Vista. Question 1: Anyone else got problems? Or soulutions?

Question 2: Anyone know about a place to buy a copy of "Sam & Max Hit the Road" because i really want it in my collection?

Question 3: If not, and this is a hint/sugestion to Telltale, would it have been posible to buy the rights to the game from LucasArts, and fix it up so it works on Vista, and sell it for the price of maby an episode, or even a season? I would buy it anytime

Hope I don't get in any trouble here:o Hehe.


  • edited May 2007
    About the third question - I *highly* doubt that will ever happen.

    I'm pretty sure the game works fine in Vista if you use ScummVM.
    Here's the link -

    About where to find it - I've seen it in shops in a re-release box (often bundled with Day of the Tentacle).. I saw this not too long ago I seem to remember but I might be wrong.

    Of course, if you want the cool big boxed version, your best bet is probably eBay.

    Here's the big box in case you haven't seen it.. I got this directly from LucasArts back when they were still selling them -

    I hate that CD-ROM blob though, it looks ugly and doesn't fit in at all.. and it covers up some of the cool picture :mad:

    I don't think this version should be very hard to find on eBay, the game isn't rare AFAIK.
  • edited May 2007
    Ok. Thanks. I'll try ScummVM and i'll look for it on ebay and other net shops...
  • edited May 2007
    Josetein email me.. sad thing about vista is its lack of compatibility. Tis why im still on xp and why most corps pay me to remove vista and install xp corp edition. Anyway this game works in scummVM also dosbox + vdmsound as for vista thats touch and go. If all else fails get VMware it literally emulates an OS. Emulate 98se and poof you have dos now :P taadaaa! Its quite awesome. I run most of my stuff on VPC or VMware + dosbox/scumm (scumm only works for a handful of games but its an awesome program!)
    Please pm or email me jostein. Or anyone else looking to solve the issue of which version to get and such. There are many many many many versions of hit the road. :P

  • edited May 2007
    Jostein wrote: »
    Question 2: Anyone know about a place to buy a copy of "Sam & Max Hit the Road" because i really want it in my collection?
    Armakuni wrote: »

    About where to find it - I've seen it in shops in a re-release box (often bundled with Day of the Tentacle).. I saw this not too long ago I seem to remember but I might be wrong.

    You can order the game from cdon.com - activision has re-released it in this part of the world(scandinavia). http://www.cdon.com/main.phtml?prod=730347&nav=1060&navroot=904&page=product

    Heck, they even offer support for this game. The game comes with a so called version 2.0 executable, which will work on everything from Windows 95 to Vista.
  • edited May 2007
    Well... It worked with ScummVM. Ah... Memories:D

    Didn't quite understand why I should E-mail you Kaldire. Can you get me the boxed game?

    What do you mean there are many versions? Are there several games? Or just minor changes?
  • edited May 2007
    Thank you Marsan. I'll do that right away. Didn't realise it would be that easy to find the game:D

    And it isn't even used:D
  • edited May 2007
    In a box on a shelf somewhere in my parents basement I've got the floppy disks for the game if your interested.... now only if I could remember where I put that sam & max colouring book.
  • edited May 2007
    Why is LucasArts not selling any of its old games? Every other video game company in the world right now is taking advantage of the nostalgia craze. LucasArts could honestly get away with selling Hit the Road for 10 bucks or more in this market, and yet they just sit on it. Why?
  • edited May 2007
    Maybe they think that if they pretend their past never existed, eventually no one will ask questions about it?
  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
    Can you get things from the UK Amazon? If so, here's one.
  • edited May 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Why is LucasArts not selling any of its old games? Every other video game company in the world right now is taking advantage of the nostalgia craze. LucasArts could honestly get away with selling Hit the Road for 10 bucks or more in this market, and yet they just sit on it. Why?

    Well Activision has re-released all the lucas arts classics around the world.. LucasArts aren't because....well... Jim Ward is too busy creating original games over there :cool:
  • edited May 2007
    Well, hit the road is on its way in the mail. I bought it fron CDON.com thanks to marsan:D So I'm happy!

    And the ol' homecopied game worked well in scummVM, so I suppose if the new one don't work in Vista, I can at least run it in scummVM:D
    In a box on a shelf somewhere in my parents basement I've got the floppy disks for the game if your interested.... now only if I could remember where I put that sam & max colouring book.

    Hehe. Tanks, but I think I'll stick to Activision's remake dvd (or cd, not sure)
  • edited May 2007
    I don't know why they'd put it on a DVD, the game fits well on one CD (it doesn't even fill one CD).
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    EXTRAS! And lots of them :D
  • edited May 2007
    Hehe, well I hardly think there are any extras at all :)
  • edited May 2007
    LucasArts doesn't do a good job of supporting any of its old software, for some reason.
  • edited May 2007
    Well 1st the reason was I have about 10 of the games.. there are so many versions I cant even begin to list em ok so I will. Original disk version NO TALKING... CDROM Rerelease USA, UK and GER.. GER had a nice 3d relief with some of them selling for somewhere around 100+$ USD just for the relief alone. There are also lame XXL and XXLx2 and compilation stuff. For me the best box to get for a player who just wants to play... is the cheapest. For the collector like me, the cd talkie and original non talkie are the only two I care about. The 900 UK and German white box red box black box blue box editions can rot :P
    And no .. no real difference other than the content in the box come in other languages and such. Oh also they used to sell hit the road in a maxi single case for 5$ at stores here, this was not long ago. Grim fandango was there as well. Anyway soo many versions.
    As for why lucasarts doesnt do anything with old stuff well.. thats a battle they fought with sam & max lol. I mean lucasarts is so star wars brainwashed if it doesnt have star wars printed on it somewhere they will scrap the idea. Lucasarts could make SOOO many awesome sequels or bring back characters and adventures but they choose not to. Methinks thats why most of tell tale are here.. am I wrong? Lol. If only they would just release all the darn characters to the creator if they arent going to use them.
    Sighhh Im glad you are you telltale.. dont ever go changing to thems!
  • edited May 2007
    Here is a link to the old museum. Its still up but the guy sold most of his stuff. I got alot of it lol.

  • edited May 2007
    Lucasarts is probably too busy making new games based on Jedis and siths. It would be funny if they made an adventure game, but have star wars characters in it. Like they can do a Han and Chewy adventure that has a similar storyline to Hit the Road. Imagine, instead of looking for a missing attraction, they are looking for a bounty that can be a jawa, who ran away with an Ewok. I mean, they can call it "Han and Chewy Hit the galaxy." I wonder if that would piss ppl off?
  • edited May 2007
    Actually the early jedi games FPS were semi adventure IMO .. those rocked.. Dark forces was where it started to go downhill. But I love the early star wars stuff.. it just went to their head is all.
  • edited May 2007
    Thanks for the info Kaldire! You're a true fan:D Would love to have the original game, but other things have higher priority, so i'll stick with activisions re-release:D
    Lucasarts is probably too busy making new games based on Jedis and siths. It would be funny if they made an adventure game, but have star wars characters in it. Like they can do a Han and Chewy adventure that has a similar storyline to Hit the Road. Imagine, instead of looking for a missing attraction, they are looking for a bounty that can be a jawa, who ran away with an Ewok. I mean, they can call it "Han and Chewy Hit the galaxy." I wonder if that would piss ppl off?

    Hahaha, that was a great idea
  • edited May 2007
    They did make this Star Wars desktop adventure.. it's not an adventure game though, it's a shitty top-down puzzle game. They made an Indy one as well.
  • edited June 2007
    Hey I spent a lot of time playing Yoda stories.

    As for using ScummVM.

    I don't know if the re-releases of the lucasarts games include this. I bought a collection with Broken sword 1 and 2 on a DVD. Was quite surprised to see that instead of giving me the original exe files, the game installed with ScummVM setup and ready to play the games. If you wanted to update the engine you could always download the new one. Very nice touch that one.

    And sorry to be talking so much about other games than Sam & Max, but it's really nice to see older adventure games getting re-released. Noticed Sierra has started releasing their series on collections. Seen Leisure suit Larry, Space Quest, Police quest and King's quest series released again, all bearing a label saying they're now XP compatible. Can hope that also goes for Vista.
  • edited June 2007
    The recent re-release of the King's quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, and Leisure Suit collection are crap. I mean it is just unmodified version of the games with Dosbox. To make matters worse, all of these aren't true collections since they are missing of the EGA version of the first game and do not include any bonus content like the previous sierra collections from the '90s. Lastly, the new Leisure Suit larry collection is missing the talkie version of lsl6 and doesn't include lsl7. Vivendi is afraid that the secret ending in lsl7 would cause the game to get a AO rating.
  • edited June 2007
    I really don't recall any bonus content in the collections I have in my lsl, kq and qfg collections. Nor did my lsl collection from back then include the talkie version of lsl 6.

    I think I'd really prefer them to not touch anything in the games and do what they did, release it with tools to aid in playing the games, mainly because if they did change the games themselves there'd be some fans with fond memories who'd be severely disappointed.
  • edited June 2007
    I agree those collection sets should have had every version of the game in question. Also a new type of cool item or manual woulda been awesome but noooo. Just a pdf weee! I miss you ken and roberta!

    Now Al... get back here with freddy 2 and smack vivendi back for ruining LSL!
  • edited June 2007
    Oh and with the space quest collection they forgot to add the copy protection information for SQ6.

    So I, a legit user, had to find the manual on the internet to be able to finish the game.

  • edited June 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    The recent re-release of the King's quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, and Leisure Suit collection are crap. I mean it is just unmodified version of the games with Dosbox. To make matters worse, all of these aren't true collections since they are missing of the EGA version of the first game and do not include any bonus content like the previous sierra collections from the '90s. Lastly, the new Leisure Suit larry collection is missing the talkie version of lsl6 and doesn't include lsl7. Vivendi is afraid that the secret ending in lsl7 would cause the game to get a AO rating.

    Yepp.. I discovered that when I bought them... It SUCKS!! :(

    But I have actually never played a Larry game (I'd just tested it some years ago) so that was fun
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