TellTale, I salute you!

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
I want to thank you for a very enjoyable past six months!
It has been fun going through the feelings of anticipation waiting for every new episode, the joy of playing the games, reading and contributing to the forums and all the other zaniness you guys and guyettes posted on your site.

Looking back I can savely say I want more of this seasonal Sam & Max to follow in the future.
And I have to say I think the music is just sooooooo bloody awesome!

And now this DVD is coming!!!!
Is there no limit to your powers of philantropic spoiling?

I wish I could visit and give you all a big hug!!!!;)


  • edited May 2007
    Ditto!! :D

    I got myself a credit card just to be able to play this season! Nice work Telltale! I am allready looking forward to the next season, the episodes of the 1st season definately improved a lot to the end, so I am sure the next season is going to be even better!

    Oh, and my 1st post here... so hi all!
  • edited May 2007
    Wohoo!! Telltale rules! *dancing*
  • edited June 2007
    You guys are better than 99.9% of the leading brand.
  • edited July 2007
    Figured I'd bump this thread rather than make a new one!

    I finally finished season 1 a few minutes ago, I've been playing it in my lunch hour at work - it meant each episode was a little slower (started ep1 5 weeks ago) but it was worth it to extend the fun :D

    I just wanted to thank and congratulate the telltale team - I loved the game, haven't laughed at a game this much in ages :cool:

    I'm eagerly awaiting season 2, now that I know it's not gametap restricted I'll definitely be buying the season pass from the website ;)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Woo! I love satisfied customers. :D

    Some official Season Two news should be coming out soon...
  • edited July 2007
    oh and I forgot to mention, releasing the DVD bonus commentary on the website is pure genius. I haven't watched them all yet, but more developers should do game commentaries :)
  • edited July 2007
    theres so many australian sam and max fans its crazy
  • edited July 2007
    Don't forget the reprint of Surfin' the Highway!

    In the history of Sam & Max I believe Telltale should have the biggest chapter. They've done more for Sam & Max then any other. Sure Lucas Arts put out the first game that made them popular and also attempted to make another, but they never showed as much love for them as Telltale has.
    Plus making an adventure game of one of my most beloved comics ever, Bone!

    Oddly enough, I got into Bone and Sam & Max around the same time back in the mid 90's. Weird how over ten years later one company would bring them both to life again. Weird.
  • edited July 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    theres so many australian sam and max fans its crazy

    So... considering Sam and Max have been all over the USofA (now the US of Canada?) and even to the moon... maybe in Season 2 they can go worldwide and even come and visit us Aussies in the land down under?
  • edited July 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    In the history of Sam & Max I believe Telltale should have the biggest chapter. They've done more for Sam & Max then any other. Sure Lucas Arts put out the first game that made them popular and also attempted to make another, but they never showed as much love for them as Telltale has.

    I dunno, part of the reason Sam & Max are even famous is because of their frequent cameos in LucasArts games and magazines. At the time, I think, they liked Sam & Max a lot.
  • edited July 2007
    Ditto!! :D

    I got myself a credit card just to be able to play this season! Nice work Telltale! I am allready looking forward to the next season, the episodes of the 1st season definately improved a lot to the end, so I am sure the next season is going to be even better!

    Oh, and my 1st post here... so hi all!

    Did you, by any chance, hang out at IRC channel #monkey-island some years ago? Just... wondering. :)

  • edited July 2007
    I'd also like to congratulate TellTale for creating yet another satisfied customer. The games were a very huge surprise and I was able to start playing them almost instantly after purchasing and downloading them.

    In fact, if it weren't for these new games, I would never have even known about Sam and Max. Fortunately, I'm glad to say I do now!
  • edited July 2007
    Molokov wrote: »
    So... considering Sam and Max have been all over the USofA (now the US of Canada?) and even to the moon... maybe in Season 2 they can go worldwide and even come and visit us Aussies in the land down under?
    Drawn without reference material, of course.
  • edited July 2007
    Frogacuda wrote: »
    Drawn without reference material, of course.

    Oh, I completely agree. People walking on their heads, Kangaroos in the city streets, all of Australia's famous landmarks in the one spot....
  • edited July 2007
    Molokov wrote: »
    Oh, I completely agree. People walking on their heads, Kangaroos in the city streets, all of Australia's famous landmarks in the one spot....

    Yeah, sounds about right to me. Don't forget the Sydney Harbour Bridge that connects Sydney and Auckland though ;) (Yes, several visitors - who shall remain nameless - from other countries asked me about this).

    More congratulations for Telltale from me - Season One was a must buy for me, and I was not disappointed in the slightest. Looking forward to my disc and case file coming (and Season Two of course) :D
  • edited July 2007
    telltale is wonderful y'all resurrected S&M and realized many dreams.:D
  • edited July 2007
    Molokov wrote: »
    Oh, I completely agree. People walking on their heads, Kangaroos in the city streets, all of Australia's famous landmarks in the one spot....
    Famous landmarks? Pah. I demand nothing but boomerang stores and babies with dingos in their mouths roaming the streets.
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