Jurassic Park:Trespasser remake game
Hey, For the last month or so I've been working on a remake of the Jurassic park game Trespasser in my spare time.I have been modelling and building Isla sorna/site B based loosely on the 1997 game and I am close to finishing the first section level of the environment.Below are some images of the starting point plane crash site and the foundations of the site B hotel.You can find out more info on my blog http://sharkswithjetpacks.blogspot.co.uk/ and feel free to comment/ask questions

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Most of the modelling for the first level is almost done,I'm working on getting the terrain finished and adding all the plant detailing.This area follows the original Trespasser game fairly close so the first dinosaur would be a brachiosaurus I think,I was hoping to get to work to work figuring how to animate it in the game within the next week.I'm adding more and more stuff daily like First person shooter setup,music and audio.
I might release just the environment as a demo though just to see how well it runs and what people think of it,that would be a lot sooner,the dino AI is the big hurdle I think.Working alone on this project so if it comes to it I might try and get help with the AI.
The player character wont actually be Anne from the original Trespasser,I decided this a while back but Anne will get a mention in the game.I dont know about having 3rd person perspective,never thought about it a lot so im not sure how that works in Unity.
The pics I've seen so far really capture the unique style of Trespasser and what I really love is that you don't try to rebuild the original setting but rather recreate it.
For one thing it gives you a certain amount of creative freedom. You can arrange things like you want to stage it. It's a Trespasser of your mind.
And for another thing it allowes you to expand the Trespasser universe. This doesn't only mean more personal input by you - the creator - but also a lot more to explore and discover for us - the players.
So you can try to catch up with the initial goals of Trespasser (We all know that there were really a lot of things that just didn't make it into the final game. Honestly, most of them weren't included.)
And as you already mentioned, you seem to stay true to the gameplay design of the original Trespasser: It was never meant to be a 3D-shooter with dinosaurs, it was a FPSG (first-person-survival-game) where you have to deal with a lifelike world and make your way through it with adventure-like problem solving: use everyday things, arrange them in clever ways and try to take advantage of the natural environment which works like in reality.
I dunno how flexible the unity-engine is and what can be realized but like the other Jurassic Park mods the main concern would be the animation of a dinosaur and how it can interact with the player.
Most of the modders are really talented in modelling and texturing. There was a Jurassic Park mod for Far Cry which also had nice models, there was X-Isle - a mod that was dedicated to the demo of the first cryengine.
Now we have Jurassic Life, a Half Life² modification, Return to Jurassic Park which uses the cry engine 2 and a guy who also tries to remake Trespasser for Crysis.
But despite the topic of Jurassic Park they all have something else in common: huge problems in implementing an animated dinosaur that moves more or less believeable and interacts with the player.
When showing models and/or levels all the mods progress very fast but when it comes to animation, they often stop and as time goes by the mods tend to die.
And it's so easy to understand: as long as you are successfull and see development the motivation is on top. But when you get stuck, work keeps being intense but there's no success or progress and then the motivation goes down rapidly.
So as it seems a rather easy task to create the levels, models and textures, I always think the main concern or primary goal for a Jurassic Park mod would be the animation and interaction with dinosaurs in the game engine.
If that works, if that's achieved, we all know it's just a matter of level design and modelling stuff that has do be done. And as the past of all mods has shown, there are a lot of people who are really great in that.
So especially for your remake of Trespasser I am very curious about your success on animation and I really hope you manage to get it into the unity-engine.
All the other work you have shown just proofs that you are not only very good in modelling and texturing but also in staying true to the heart of Trespasser. What it wanted to be, how it felt and what it aimed for.
For me your project is more interesting than the Crysis-Trespasser-remake because you don't copy the original game. Maybe the unity engine isn't as impressive as the Cry-Engine but for me it's rather uninspiring to simply "hi-res the game" of 1998.
You interprete it. It has more artistic value.
So good luck and keep up your impressive work!
The AI I genuinely think can be achieved,the question is how advanced it will be,I will be starting with a simple script and handful of animations and hopefully work from there.Once the basics are in I think randomised animations will be a lot easier and features like the Trex attack only being triggered by movement shouldn't be too difficult.
Still working on the Unity version whenever I have time,hopefully make some progress soon.
Some updated images from adding to the terrain,trees and plants today
Here's a very short teaser of some of the work in progress on my environment, couldn't figure how to embed it in post so here's the link-
How long did this take for your to design from scratch to the stage where your at now?
I think I started this a long while ago but in total i probably only spent just over a month on it,most of the time i was looking for nice quality trees and building my own models for the buildings and other objects.At the moment im working on some basic AI which is a little complex.