Music associations

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
So I got the aud-music-file-extractor.
I extracted the music for every S&M episode.
I got to editing the whole bunch into a nice game score-overview.
I am listening to some of the early results.
And guess what?

I find that a lot of the jazzy music somewhat reminds me of the jazzy music of the Twin Peaks series. Which is a good thing.

So, am I the only one with this association?:confused:
And/or... what other music does the S&M score remind you forumfolks of?


  • JaredEJJaredEJ Former Telltale Staff
    edited May 2007
    I noticed that too...

  • edited May 2007
    I really like the Twin Peaks soap-noir jazz. It's so perfect for the weirdness in that series. So it goes without saying, that this dark jazzy style goes perfectly with Sam & Max. Although, of course, the style is a bit more comical.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it.

    Man, how I love Jared's music for the game!:D
  • edited May 2007
    I think Bozeke is a fan as well :)
  • edited May 2007
    film noir.. old school jazz
  • edited May 2007
    I've done exactly the same as you.

    Although, I need to open up Audacity some time to 'make good' some of the endings.

    (Most of my music play list is video game music or remixes of video game music.)
  • edited May 2007
    (Most of my music play list is video game music or remixes of video game music.)

    Ah, and what era of gamingmusic do you like most?
    I have a nostalgic love for the music of the good old C64 games. I used to tape those SID-tunes on a cassette.
    Nowadays there is the SID-player and The High Voltage SID Collection to satisfy my retro needs.:cool:

    And then there is the wonderful sound of MIDI. MIDI is forever linked in my memories with those classic adventure games of the late 80s and early 90s.

    I guess you're familiar with the Galbadia Hotel Website?
    If not it's definitely worth checking out.

    I do think it's incredibly cool that gamedevelopers use entire orchestras nowadays. It makes for hefty gameplay as in Secret Weapons over Normandy, or Call of Duty.
  • edited May 2007
    I'm sort of reversing the topic here, with music from something else reminding me of Sam and Max (rather than vice versa), but nevermind.

    I got a game earlier called Crush, and on some of the levels in the Funfair world, there's a section in the music which sounds almost exactly like the music that plays when Max is
    being Blissified
    in Episode 6.
    The City world in the same game has some music which reminds me of Sam and Max too, but seeing as it's jazz (and I automatically associate anything jazz to Sam and Max now =P) that's probably no big surprise.
  • edited May 2007
    Smollie wrote: »
    And/or... what other music does the S&M score remind you forumfolks of?
    Some of it has reminded me of the music from Grim Fandango, which I think is a tremendous compliment.
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