Lost Conspiracy

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
Is it me, or was Brady Culture missing from the conspiracy-map in the store on the moon?
It got me thinking that Hugh Bliss and Brady Culture might actually be one and the same, also because of Brady's hair in the closet and the fact that Bliss' hair could easily have fitted under the do.

And there is more...
Listening to the music of Culture Shock I discovered that the aud-track named watchvideo is the same as the intro for Bright Side's mus_InnerSanctum.

Anyway, Hugh Bliss did not turn out to be Brady Culture or vice versa, so there goes my argument.
Still leaves me wondering, though...:eek:


  • edited May 2007
    Harry does say that the hypno-goggles were stolen from the shop, which implies that Brady wasn't part of the plan. He was just someone who stole the goggles for himself and had nothing to do with prismatology other than dabbling in it for a while.

    I noticed that about the music too. It's similar to the asylumExt music too.
  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, Brady wasn't a part of the conspiracy. He's an Emetics dropout, who stole the glasses on his way out.
  • edited May 2007
    Hmmm, that's a good point. Excellent deduction!;)

    By the way, cool moving avatar, Tale!
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