Who else want a real item's inventory for season 2?

edited June 2007 in Sam & Max
I liked season 1 a lot, but one thing I REALLY missed is a real item's inventory where you can COMBINE collected items in it to make all sort of crazy items :D.


  • edited May 2007
    I have a feeling they tossed this question around the team also. What inv should they use? I personally dont like the one they chose due to lack of space and it taking up scene room from the bottom half of the picture. Best game recently for inv was Runaway 2. You get a huge pile of treasure.. fills a whole room. In your inv POOF one IOU ticket for a huge pile of treasure signed ..the graphic arts deparment. "great!" he says "This will be alot easier to carry than all that gold" etc.. Yea I do miss a separate inv screen but im pretty sure they chose this one after thinking about the separate screen maybe. not though
  • edited May 2007
    Obviously an inventory has to take up space somewhere; what else would you do with it? A little complaint of mine is that it closes up every time you look at an item, although the time wasted there in the whole of Season 1 was probably less than the time it took me to write about it ;) Still...

    On the main topic, I agree it should be possible to combine items. I'm not sure if this makes things harder, I mean, Grim Fandango didn't have the option to combine and I found it the hardest of all the Lucasarts games. I feel it makes solutions to puzzles more interesting, though. What I'd also like to see is more items! The whole season gives us about as much content as a single large game, but when I think about how large games can require you to go into multiple full-screen inventory pages, it's clear that we don't get 1/6 of that number in each episode.
  • edited May 2007
    Yes, a more sophisticated inventory was one thing many of us here wanted. :) Hopefully they will upgrade it for Season 2. If you're not planning on it TellTale, it's not too late to rethink it!
  • edited May 2007
    The only problem I found on this season is precisely the lack of combine-this-with-that-to create-somehing-else.

    It made the puzzles too easy. Well... some of them, anyway.


    And we need mini-games where you can shoot stuff with Sam's gun.

    Nowadays, I start an adventure game and only play for about half an hour, an hour tops, so my brain is always fairly fresh when it comes to solving puzzles.

    But back when I was a kid and I had to be home early or my parents would give me a damn good thrashing, I spent HOURS trying to solve puzzles. Needless to say, my brain was already so muddy and hazy from all the thinking, nothing made sense anymore.

    My point? SOME peeps out there are still probably doing this. A couple of mini games help to clear your mind. And I ain't talking about the Hit the Road mini games. Those didn't help at all.

    You need to shoot stuff while sipping a beer with a Jack Daniel's chaser. It makes every single thought disappear from your mind.
  • edited May 2007
    I thought there were mini-games with shooting? :p Seems like that was in every episode but... Uh... The last few, I think.
  • edited May 2007
    I was fine with the game's difficulty by the time ep. 6 rolled around, but I definitely would like to see the return of item combination. It adds more variety to the puzzles.
  • edited May 2007
    Yes, and I want wack-a-mole with the option to hit max.
  • edited May 2007
    Item combination is something I miss having. As long as its not some weird combo or one thats too overly easy.
    Mini-games should be a part of every S&M episode. They shouldn't always be required though.
    Items that are red herrings should make a comeback as well. By that I mean more red herrings (I could swear I picked one up towards the end of Reality 2.0).
  • edited May 2007
    Nothing wrong with a good red herring, and it reminds me of an old Monkey Island One puzzle *cue wiggly screen of nostalgia*. A really good red herring, of course, gives you the feeling, without hammering the wrong idea into your head, that you should be using it somewhere (unlike the one at the end of Episode 5), although if that's the case there needs to be a solid reason why you can't use it, or you feel cheated by the limitations of the game. You can also receive red-herringy information, not necessarily there to deceive hugely, but just superfluous to the storyline. While I think the people you meet in the games are really well presented, there is a feeling that almost everything they say has a purpose; not much is interest-only.

    Red herrings are probably very hard to do well, as far as I can imagine. A simple useless item isn't as clever as, for example, the MI2 moment in which you can get 19 out of 20 required pieces of eight for doing the same thing, but the last one eludes you. And it should never feel as though the item was put there especially to deceive you. I'm not saying I have a clue how to meet all these criteria, mind you!
  • edited May 2007
    I do like combining items and it seems to work better in sam and max's wacky world..
  • edited May 2007
    OnCallDoc wrote: »
    Items that are red herrings should make a comeback as well. By that I mean more red herrings (I could swear I picked one up towards the end of Reality 2.0).

    I have a feeling there will be a red herring in a cage next season in the office and you can take it, but you'll never do anything with it. ;)
  • edited May 2007
    Secret of Monkey Island already did that :)
  • edited May 2007
    The Easter Egg in Episode 4 was a similar joke.

    I was actually stuck on the "red herring" puzzle in SoMI for a while, because I figured I figured it was just a joke. It's somewhat ironic that the red herring is... not a red herring in that game.
  • edited May 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Secret of Monkey Island already did that :)

    Really? Oh... I don't remember it. :/ Was that the 2nd Monkey Island game? I don't think I ever finished that one. I might have, but I'm not sure. Well... Have a blue herring, or a purple herring! Name it Bob. ;)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    There's a red herring out on the docks behind the SCUMM Bar, which you need to steal from the Loom seagull.
  • edited May 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    I have a feeling there will be a red herring in a cage next season in the office and you can take it, but you'll never do anything with it. ;)

    We should send one to the Telltale offices as part of the gift baskets next season. Hehehe.
  • edited May 2007
    You must chop down the mightiest tree in the forest with..... A HERRING!
  • edited June 2007
    Cut down a tree with a herring? That can't be done!

    On topic: I'd love to have some more options regarding the inventory, as long as it makes sense. The item combining in HtR was a little too weird for my taste and had me stuck for a while.
  • edited June 2007
    Just make sure there's a more complicated inventory in future Seasons, that's like one of the top complaints of Season 1. :/ Just wanted to make sure you don't forget. ;)
  • MelMel
    edited June 2007
    I thought the inventory was just fine.

    *gets coat*
  • edited June 2007
    I thought it was fine too, but there's always room for improvement.
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