Whatever happened to Brady Culture?

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
Hello peeps,

I wonder if anyone can enlighten me as to where exactly does Brady Culture fit in the story?

I mean, the guy just disappeared after the first episode. I never really understood what's his place in all this. Maybe I'm just slow?

Alrigh, alright. I AM slow. But your feet smell. So there.


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Other than introducing Sam and Max to hypnosis, I think Brady's only connection was that he
    was an early follower of Prismatology who stole the hypno goggle prototype for his own personal gain
  • edited May 2007
    Ah, that makes sense. Thanks, Jake.

    A pity it wasn't explained in-game. :p

    A grate season, nonetheless. Can't wait to get my DVD.

    Or rather, the SECOND SEASON!

  • edited May 2007
    Brady was just kind of a has-been dork who was getting in the way. If it wasn't for the fact he used to be a Prismatologist, he wouldn't have been in the season. :) Just think of him as a punching bag to get Sam & Max in shape for the case.
  • edited May 2007
    Well it was explained, implicitly.
    The hypno-goggles were stolen, pretty obviously by Brady, so it's clear that he wasn't a part of Hugh Bliss' scheme; therefore when the goggles were destroyed he ceased to have any influence on future events.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Yeah if you look around you can piece it together.
    On the Brady documentary you can watch on TV in episode 1, it says he dabbled in Prismatology but then moved on to other things. Then, on the moon in episode 6, Harry says that someone stole the hypno-goggles, which were an early prototype in the hypnosis scheme (the implication of course being that the stolen goggles were the goggles Brady was using). Also, Brady is the narrator in the first mention you see of Emetics, which is the advertisement on TV at the start of episode 1.
  • edited May 2007
    If you look at the chart you'll realised that Brady wasn't part of Hugh Bliss's plan, so how else could he have got the googles?
  • edited May 2007
    I'm sure that Brady was enough of a criminal mastermind that stealing the goggles would have been easy for him.
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