the problem with this people are having is that the second battery on the floor doesn't appear at first, I forget which action triggers it to appear (I think it's when you come out of the office room after you put a bandaid on clementines finger), but you basically have to do everything you can inside of the store before the second battery appears.
I missed the one on the floor.. When she described the battery as being one of those "flat boxy types" I assumed it was a 9-volt and thought she only needed one of them. It made me think it was a glitch when I gave her the battery and kept acting like I was looking for one.
I'll try it out tomorrow.. thanks for the heads up.
I never did get the second battery. I actually forgot I was looking for them. I managed to finish the game anyway. Hope that doesn't matter in later episodes
Well, considering how even the most miniscule decisions made in this game just might cook something different in later episodes, if you do like Carly, I'd recommend helping her. Seems like it'll calm her nerves to know the fate and status of her colleagues..but that's just me. :P
I saw the battery very briefly on the floor as I walked toward Clementine. Since then, I can't get it to reapear. On the app, you can't pan down, so I've been moving around for 10 minutes trying to get it to appear again. I know where it should be, but it won't show. not being able to pan down here is a major annoyance for the app. As I walk toward/past clementine, it's like you go up a little ramp, so you can't see the floor in that spot.
But the woman is stupid and so I let she die...
I'll try it out tomorrow.. thanks for the heads up.
I saw the battery very briefly on the floor as I walked toward Clementine. Since then, I can't get it to reapear. On the app, you can't pan down, so I've been moving around for 10 minutes trying to get it to appear again. I know where it should be, but it won't show. not being able to pan down here is a major annoyance for the app. As I walk toward/past clementine, it's like you go up a little ramp, so you can't see the floor in that spot.