I'm afraid its just meant to be....
not much you can do about it. Hershel seems grateful for the effort though... even though he is clearly still angry.
Either way sean dies, in the comic seans dead so if he was to live in the game that would interfere with the comic. That part is just to show how he dies and provide backstory.
Like many, I ran out of time. First time I picked Duck which was a waste ofcourse but I picked him because I couldn't find a place to click on Shawn at first. Then I did but no matter what I did he got eaten. Sigh. Sounds like it doesn't really matter?
You cant save him , I tried several times hiting the zombies with the 2 x 4 and tried to see if there was a way to get on the tractor. Hes not ment to be saved.
Yes, Lee has to leave the farm. If you try to save Shawn, Hershel will appreciate it but Kenny dislikes Lee for it. If you try to save Duck, then it is the other way around. Either way, Lee is not able to save anybody in this scene.
SPOILER: The game itself saved duck, his father saved... Hershel sent us out of farm and screamed at me that I didn't do nothing!
not much you can do about it. Hershel seems grateful for the effort though... even though he is clearly still angry.
It needed to happen that way... comic spoiler.. follows
This is completely unrelated but I first read that as comic sans dead and I cheered.