This makes me excited... not because I will play it on Gametap (my handy dandy CD is so much more, um, handy dandy), but because it means they are adding new games that aren't just 2D Fighters. Sure, a few good Street Fighters can be fun, but do we need 30+ variants? (I didn't count, but I assume my estimate to be close).
What should be exciting is that Gametap is now available in a free, and international version. Good news for non-USA/Canada folks.
They have some fun games available in the free version too! If I ever cancel my gold membership, I'll definitely still use GameTap for their fun freebies.
Mm, the original Bust-A-Move really is more psychedelic fun than any of its modern clones. They should've made it clear what the controls are though, had to try nearly every keyboard button before I found out which is "shoot". Same for all the other games I've tried.
For some reason I can't get any part of Gametap TV to work. I get the ad, get the error "x8 has no properties" (sometimes repeatedly), then the video stays black no matter what I try to watch.
I look forward to playing Psychonauts on GT, but it seems more recent PC games on there give me problems, like randomly rebooting my PC It's not a system reqs problem, so I dunno what it is. I just hope that doesn't happen with this game.
Well, I started to play Psychonauts on Gametap, but the controls randomly stick... (for example, press the up arrow, and every so often Raz will continue to move forward for a couple seconds after you let go) which makes the game quite impossible to play. I hope I can fix this, because I hate platform jumping even when the controls are perfect... with bad controls it puts the monitor at risk of a solid beating
I hope you get it figured out too, as this online based company does not respond well to emails... "Please call ... during these hours... blah blah blah..."
Well, I know that it has to do with memory... the problem is, it's the Gametap client that sucks up the memory. Is it possible to close GameTap via ctrl-alt-del after launching Psychonauts, without it closing the game too?
They offer Out from Boneville for purchase, but It's not mentioned on their "coming soon".
They offer Out from Boneville through a deal with TryMedia, I think. We didn't even know it was going to be there until the service went live, so that's not something Telltale was involved in. (Also it's $20 for an older version... people are better off buying it from us. )
This is probably the case with a lot of the other games they're selling. I wouldn't assume that having a game in their store means it's going to show up in their service.
Regarding Psychonauts - I started playing it a few months back and was really enjoying it, but I've gotten stuck in the dance party level and started to get very frustrated with having to do things over and over. I'm using a gamepad but am still having some trouble with the controls. I'll probably stick with it a while longer because I'm really enjoying aspects of the game, but I don't like it when playing games starts to feel like work. (I do enough work-related game playing AT work!)
^^ I found that it helps a lot to actually dance while maneuvering that level... foot tapping isn't enough.
Anyway, I saw the Out from Boneville game on the coming soon this week, I thought. I plan on trying it out there, and then buying the game from TTG. I have been mostly waiting to finish other games before buying the Bone set, but this way I can try a bit before I buy... a bit more than a normal demo, anyway.
Although I should have bought the games a long time ago...
Regarding Psychonauts - I started playing it a few months back and was really enjoying it, but I've gotten stuck in the dance party level and started to get very frustrated with having to do things over and over. I'm using a gamepad but am still having some trouble with the controls. I'll probably stick with it a while longer because I'm really enjoying aspects of the game, but I don't like it when playing games starts to feel like work. (I do enough work-related game playing AT work!)
It took me around 20 tries just to get past the spinning room at the end of Basic Training in the demo, so I know exactly what you mean (I used the keyboard, though)
That's why I'm not fond of platformers... way too stressful at times. Even worse, Psychonauts is too damn good to give up on, so I have to grin and bear it when I get stuck, lol.
Regarding Psychonauts - I started playing it a few months back and was really enjoying it, but I've gotten stuck in the dance party level and started to get very frustrated with having to do things over and over. I'm using a gamepad but am still having some trouble with the controls. I'll probably stick with it a while longer because I'm really enjoying aspects of the game, but I don't like it when playing games starts to feel like work. (I do enough work-related game playing AT work!)
Stick with it, Em! The best parts of the game are still ahead of you!
Awwww, crap. I checked Gametap today to play Metalslug 2, and I see Psychonauts is a 1.5GB download! That would take a couple weeks with my stupid DirecWay internet.
Supposedly, DirecWay Satellite Internet is now HughesNet, which offers "download speeds of up to 1.5 Mbps for HughesNet ProPak service, 1 Mbps for HughesNet Pro service, and 700 Kbps for HughesNet Home service," so he might have as low as a 700 Kbps download, and supposedly no more than 1.5 Mbps.
Nope, boy do I ever wish I could! See, DirecWay says you get 700Kbps, but your top speed actually varies dramatically. I never heard of anyone getting those kinds of speeds. For example, mine is 85Kbps - 92Kbps. And you can only get 90Kbps contant for 2 hours, and that's assuming you don't download too much and they blacklist you.
They have an automated algorithim that detects how much you download, how fast, ect ect. For example, a month or so ago I downloaded 5GB over a week (Lots of addons for a space program called Celestia), and I was blacklisted. What happends when you are blacklisted is you can download about 150Mb a day.
If you do go over that, at all, your speed is decreased to .1kbps - 4kbps a second for 24 hours. Most of the time I can't even load webpages, it's worse then dialup at these times. Also, there is no warning you are about to approach the daily limit, it just happends, so you have to keep track yourself.
I searched all over their website(s) to try to find out when I will be off the blacklist, but all I found was that it was automated and that I would have to wait to get off the list, but they don't say how long that takes.
By the way, I pay $60 a month. I also had to buy all of the equipment, which was about $500. Also, my upload speed is only ~20kbps, and the latency averages 1500ms. It's really terrible, but the only other option here is dialup, which I could actually download more per day for 6x less money...
The 700 Kbps sounds right... which is a horrible rate. That is in kiloBITS per second, which translates to 87.5 KBps (kiloBYTES), which looks like the rates you have been getting on a download. So, at least they are properly labeling their speeds! *awkward smile*
Do you seriously not have a cable or DSL option? Or are you living in a rural area? Because $60 a month, plus equipment, is absolutely ridiculous for a service that monitors and caps usage. Heck, it is even more ridiculous seeing you are only getting a 700 Kbps connection. You deserve to rant.
......... You mean to tell me it was in kilobits, and all this time I always thought it was kilobytes!?! RAHHH! Geez, I can't believe I never noticed that. But when you get right down to it, I don't really have much choice. It's either dialup, or these guys. They both suck doodoo, but what can I do?
No, I really can't get DSL or cable. The cable is only a mile away, and lots of people on my road want access, but the company in charge says if we want it we have to pay for the entire mile long cable and labor to install it ourselves. That would cost tens of thousands of dollars.
It's quite frankly pissing everyone off around here because everyone wants it. I hear cable internet can suck sometimes, but it's a Hell of a lot better then paying literally astronomical fees to get bandwidth from a satellite. Its... Arg... It gives me a headache. : /
PS. Several months ago I found this article online about DirecWay and people have been posting horror stories on it for years now. It's pretty ugly.
My mother is in a similar situation - she lives in a rural area where she would have to pay to have cable run out to the house, and there wasn't a DSL hub station (thingy) close enough to the house either until just recently.
She did find a service that would deliver a decent-speed wireless Internet via a tall aerial antenna that she would need to pay to have installed, but there were a lot of unanswered questions about the reliability and longevity of the service.
Regarding the DSL - they finally got service to her area just this year, but it's barely faster than dialup and she'd pay through the nose for it.
Yep, plus paying members are now called "gold level members", which makes me feel wealthy! :P
It will also be available on their service next week.
For some reason I can't get any part of Gametap TV to work. I get the ad, get the error "x8 has no properties" (sometimes repeatedly), then the video stays black no matter what I try to watch.
I'm not sure.
Not immediately, anyway.
They offer Out from Boneville for purchase, but It's not mentioned on their "coming soon".
Doesn't mean it won't show up later.
The "Controls" tab on the infocard is there for a reason.
(So yes, I agree.)
Thread about Psychonauts (Not the same problem, but you could post in that thread)
They offer Out from Boneville through a deal with TryMedia, I think. We didn't even know it was going to be there until the service went live, so that's not something Telltale was involved in. (Also it's $20 for an older version... people are better off buying it from us.
This is probably the case with a lot of the other games they're selling. I wouldn't assume that having a game in their store means it's going to show up in their service.
Regarding Psychonauts - I started playing it a few months back and was really enjoying it, but I've gotten stuck in the dance party level and started to get very frustrated with having to do things over and over. I'm using a gamepad but am still having some trouble with the controls. I'll probably stick with it a while longer because I'm really enjoying aspects of the game, but I don't like it when playing games starts to feel like work. (I do enough work-related game playing AT work!)
Anyway, I saw the Out from Boneville game on the coming soon this week, I thought. I plan on trying it out there, and then buying the game from TTG. I have been mostly waiting to finish other games before buying the Bone set, but this way I can try a bit before I buy... a bit more than a normal demo, anyway.
Although I should have bought the games a long time ago...
It took me around 20 tries just to get past the spinning room at the end of Basic Training in the demo, so I know exactly what you mean
That's why I'm not fond of platformers... way too stressful at times. Even worse, Psychonauts is too damn good to give up on, so I have to grin and bear it when I get stuck, lol.
And creepiest......
Nope, boy do I ever wish I could! See, DirecWay says you get 700Kbps, but your top speed actually varies dramatically. I never heard of anyone getting those kinds of speeds. For example, mine is 85Kbps - 92Kbps. And you can only get 90Kbps contant for 2 hours, and that's assuming you don't download too much and they blacklist you.
They have an automated algorithim that detects how much you download, how fast, ect ect. For example, a month or so ago I downloaded 5GB over a week (Lots of addons for a space program called Celestia), and I was blacklisted. What happends when you are blacklisted is you can download about 150Mb a day.
If you do go over that, at all, your speed is decreased to .1kbps - 4kbps a second for 24 hours. Most of the time I can't even load webpages, it's worse then dialup at these times. Also, there is no warning you are about to approach the daily limit, it just happends, so you have to keep track yourself.
I searched all over their website(s) to try to find out when I will be off the blacklist, but all I found was that it was automated and that I would have to wait to get off the list, but they don't say how long that takes.
By the way, I pay $60 a month. I also had to buy all of the equipment, which was about $500. Also, my upload speed is only ~20kbps, and the latency averages 1500ms. It's really terrible, but the only other option here is dialup, which I could actually download more per day for 6x less money...
Anyway, rant-off...
Do you seriously not have a cable or DSL option? Or are you living in a rural area? Because $60 a month, plus equipment, is absolutely ridiculous for a service that monitors and caps usage. Heck, it is even more ridiculous seeing you are only getting a 700 Kbps connection. You deserve to rant.
No, I really can't get DSL or cable. The cable is only a mile away, and lots of people on my road want access, but the company in charge says if we want it we have to pay for the entire mile long cable and labor to install it ourselves. That would cost tens of thousands of dollars.
It's quite frankly pissing everyone off around here because everyone wants it. I hear cable internet can suck sometimes, but it's a Hell of a lot better then paying literally astronomical fees to get bandwidth from a satellite. Its... Arg... It gives me a headache. : /
PS. Several months ago I found this article online about DirecWay and people have been posting horror stories on it for years now. It's pretty ugly.
She did find a service that would deliver a decent-speed wireless Internet via a tall aerial antenna that she would need to pay to have installed, but there were a lot of unanswered questions about the reliability and longevity of the service.
Regarding the DSL - they finally got service to her area just this year, but it's barely faster than dialup and she'd pay through the nose for it.