Lack of Anthropomorphic animals in Sam and Max?

edited June 2007 in Sam & Max
Anyone thinks that there is a lack of Anthropomorphic animals in Sam and Max? I always thinkthat Sam and Max are the other anthropomorphic pair in the game's universe. Is this so? I have yet to read the old comics, but from what I have seen in the telltale games, htr, the cartoon, and the tt games, only sam and max seems to walk on two legs that aren't human. True, there are other characters in the game who talk and such, but for some reason I don't know if they qualify as my definition of Anthropomorphic. For instance, we have characters like Jimmy Two Teeth and Commander Roach? who talks and acts like humans, but since they are the same size as the real animals and do not wear clothing, I don't know if they qualify and I sort of see them as borderline anthromorphic creatures. We also have the mole men, but I see them more of a hybrid creature thingy rather than a pure breed mole.

Bigfoot is um...bigfoot so I don't think that counts.

The only other anthromorphic animal I seen is the lion in the cancelled freelance trailer.


  • edited June 2007
    Gosh damnit! I just finished writing this entire topic till I actually hit the back button guess I have to start over from scratch.

    Anyone thinks there is a lack of Anthropomorphic animals in the Sam and Max universe? I haven't read the old comics, but I have read the ones made for this site, watch the '90s cartoon, played the HTR and TT games. In all of the Sam and Max stories I have read/seen/played, it appears that Sam and Max are the only anthromorphic talking animals in the series. Granted, there are talking animals with human mannerisms like Jimmy Two Teeth and Commander roach?, but I see them as being borderline ones. I mean they are both the size of normal non talking rats/roach and neither of them wear any clothes.

    With that said, are Sam and Max the only earth characters in their universe that are on two feet and are the size of humans? I know there was a lion character in the trailer of the freelance game, but that is cancelled and we aren't sure if he is actually a character in the game.

    I mean was there some freakest accident that happen in the book that made Sam and Max the size of humans and dress as one?
  • edited June 2007
    Did you forget about the molemen already? There are also the cockroaches on the dark side of the moon, a bunch of intelligent monkeys (IIRC briefly featured at the start of the first cartoon episode; and of course there's the one leading the rubber pants commandos) and a tribe of anthropomorphic hamsters (cartoon episode "Max' big day"; at least I think they were hamsters). So while rare, they can be found.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    The comics have talking giant rats (in Bad Day on the Moon), talking fish (Mack Salmon), talking chimps (Cmdr. Blip), and there are a few others like the one page comic where Sam & Max are doing a weird daytime talk show which involves animals. Also there are the talking roaches and other bugs in the webcomic. Granted, only the huge roaches and rats in Bad Day on the Moon are actually human size (or skyscraper size in the case of the roaches) but anthropomorphic animal characters are definitely not out of the question in general, and show up pretty frequently.
  • edited June 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    The comics have talking giant rats (in Bad Day on the Moon), talking fish (Mack Salmon), talking chimps (Cmdr. Blip), and there are a few others like the one page comic where Sam & Max are doing a weird daytime talk show which involves animals. Also there are the talking roaches and other bugs in the webcomic. Granted, only the huge roaches and rats in Bad Day on the Moon are actually human size (or skyscraper size in the case of the roaches) but anthropomorphic animal characters are definitely not out of the question in general, and show up pretty frequently.

    I forgot to readd the bad side of the moon part of my post since I originially had that. I wasn't sure if that counted either since those are aliens. I guess I am lookin for of other animals who dress up like Sam or is Sam is a special case?
  • edited June 2007
    Harald B wrote: »
    Did you forget about the molemen already? There are also the cockroaches on the dark side of the moon, a bunch of intelligent monkeys (IIRC briefly featured at the start of the first cartoon episode; and of course there's the one leading the rubber pants commandos) and a tribe of anthropomorphic hamsters (cartoon episode "Max' big day"; at least I think they were hamsters). So while rare, they can be found.

    I had the molemon in my original comment as well, which unforunately was deleted once I press the back button. I stated that they are probably more of a hybrid of humans and moles rather than pure breed moles. I mean they have human facial traits like facial hair and such. They always were more of a hybrid mutation character to me than actually talking moles. But then again, I overlooked the anthropomorphic hamsters.

    I guess I should rephase my topic and ask if Sam is the only anthromorphic character in the series universe to wear clothing.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    For instance, we have characters like Jimmy Two Teeth and Commander Roach? who talks and acts like humans, but since they are the same size as the real animals and do not wear clothing, I don't know if they qualify

    Hey! Jimmy has a hat!

    Also, what about Mr. Featherly? And Bessie? (But she's more like a cow than a person.) And Harry Moleman?
  • edited June 2007
    doom saber wrote: »

    I guess I should rephase my topic and ask if Sam is the only anthromorphic character in the series universe to wear clothing.
    Well, as Emily said in your other thread... Mr. Featherly? Jimmy?
  • edited June 2007
    I hope we get to see the rubberpants commandos or mack salmon in season 2
  • edited June 2007
    What would Abe be characterized as? :/ Oh... I guess just a floating magical cement head...
  • edited June 2007
    I think they use talking animals only when necessary or pertinent, which is apparently not very often :P

    I think it works well, because it makes Sam & Max stand out more, and that makes it all the more bizarre and funny when nobody seems to notice or care that Sam & Max are talking animals.
  • edited June 2007
    Actually I like all the reinforces that sam & max are in a crazy world.. abe lincoln featherly jimmy were all great characters i thought
  • edited June 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    I think they use talking animals only when necessary or pertinent, which is apparently not very often :P

    I think it works well, because it makes Sam & Max stand out more, and that makes it all the more bizarre and funny when nobody seems to notice or care that Sam & Max are talking animals.
    That is what I think, too. I mean true, we have other animals that talks and behave like humans, but something about them doesn't scream the same anthromorphic levels that Sam and Max possesses for some strange reason. I mean, I always thought the molemen being a human/mole hybrid rather than a pure talking mole, hence the name moleman. But as for the other animals like Jimmy 2 Teeth and Mr. Featherly, they seem like borderline animals and like you said, are made only if talking is necessary or pertinent. To me, two teeth seems more like a rat than a human so as Mr. featherly. I mean Jimmy two teeth is like Jerry in Tom and Jerry, as in while he is running around in two legs, he is still considered a rat rather than a person. I feel the same way to Mr. Featherly since he is still basically a talking chicken rather than a chicken with human traits like a hand, upward posture, fingers, etc..

    Sam and Max stands out more as in they seem the only intelligent and large animals around. I guess what I am trying to say and what I assume that only Han gets me at this point is that Sam and Max seems like the only characters in the game(not counting the molemen) that walk in an upright position, have digits on their hands, act more human than whatever animal they are suppose to be, etc..

    As for clothes, I mean a two piece suit with pants as a requirement. Any animal can wear clothing (points to where they sell dog clothes,) but how many animals do you see with pants?
  • edited June 2007
    I wouldn't analyse the world steve purcell created too closely ;)
  • edited June 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    I wouldn't analyse the world steve purcell created too closely ;)

    I know, but I wanted to start analyzing something because I am procrastinating
  • edited June 2007
    I think the mix of animals and humans is perfect, really. You're right that Sam and Max stand out as the only real anthropomorphs, but so they should. There's a pretty reasonable middle ground, after all, and if other characters were similar to them, what would make them special?
  • edited June 2007
    I think the mix of animals and humans is perfect, really. You're right that Sam and Max stand out as the only real anthropomorphs, but so they should. There's a pretty reasonable middle ground, after all, and if other characters were similar to them, what would make them special?

    THANK YOU! Someone else other than Luigi Han gets what I am saying. I thought I was goin nutz.
  • edited June 2007
    good point really, but in a world where pirates and bigfoot, molemen and giant space roaches exist, anything's possible.

    The comment about the gorilla and zebra in bad day on the moon still amuses me though, even if they really were anthro rats.
  • edited June 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Hey! Jimmy has a hat!

    Also, what about Mr. Featherly? And Bessie? (But she's more like a cow than a person.) And Harry Moleman?
    Idiots! That's my stage name! I'm PHILO PENNYWORTH!

    obligatory extra letters
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