TV series DVDs from Shout! Factory... Could it be? COULD IT BE?



  • edited November 2007
    awesome! Yea I knew it came from some episode but the pic itself was said have not been used. I have a book of most of the art from the show and its just not in it :P Anyway thanks B, I should say "unmade scene from a made show" Unless im mindblowingly* insane at this point I only remember sam getting old. Of course Ill have to wait until the dvd comes out.. I dont have a vhs and I dont do gametap.
    *mindblowingly could be a word :P haha.
    Thanks for the heads up again B! Cant wait!..

    PS can you put me in a ice freeze coma like cartman did for the wii? or will I miss other telltale goodies ... doh!
  • edited November 2007
    Originally I'd never heard of Sam & Max.. [Max enters brandishing his rod] Max: BLASPHEMER!

    Until my comic book guy ordered me a copy as an early birthday present, since he knew I liked the absurd and nonsensical and thought this would be up my alley.

    [Sam appears] Sam: Good thing Glenn did, too. Lest Max here would put something else up your alley. And believe me, it wouldn't be pretty.

    So when I started reading the comic I was laughing hilariously because it reminded me of Monty Python.

    Max: We reminded you of a snake?

    Sam: Well, Max, you do possess serpentine like fangs at times. But I think Fanger means those British guys who like searching for Holy Grails and fought with your cousin Lester.

    Max [fuming]: LESTER... if it wasn't for him... I coulda been the Killer Rabbit! And I wouldna used my fangs neither, give me some chainsaws and an M-16!

    Sam: You rapscallion! Chainsaws and M-16's weren't even invented back then!

    Max: Oh, right... then battle axes and crossbows with poison tipped arrows!

    Uh, anyhoo, so when I heard Fox was doing an animated series of it, I immediately started watching it and consuming MacGuffins...

    Sam: See, even Wolf-Beings like MacGuffins...

    Max [eating Fanger's aunt's pralines]: Huh? You say something, Sam?

    Sam: Never mind.

    But the problem was I didn't like the VHS series because it seemed they edited stuff out of what I was watching on air.

    Sam: The fiends!

    Max: How DARE they defile the sancity of the Sam & Max Freelance Police series? There's gonna be some hurt...

    So when I heard Shout Factory! was doing it, I was ecstatic.

    Max: Don't say, 'ecstatic.'

    Sam: Unless you really mean it. And I should warn you, Max doesn't get over break ups easily.

    Anyway, I hope to find out more about the set, and hopefully have put up a solicitation soon so I can preorder it.

    Thanks guys.

    S & M: No problem.
  • edited November 2007
    They didn't edit anything out on the VHs tapes
  • edited November 2007
    they just left out episodes :P and the mini shorts
  • edited November 2007
    ...and the sex scenes
  • edited November 2007
    I watched the glazed mcguffin affair last night.. i taped episodes back when they aired.. great episode :D:D
  • edited November 2007
    thats one of the sex episodes right?
    glazed mcguffin affair sounds like some 80s porn thing...or maybe a s&m position..
    yes this was actually a triple joke/pun/retort! in one line!

    if it crossed the border lemme know
  • edited December 2007
    I am just completely lost.
  • edited December 2007
    Kaldire wrote: »
    thats one of the sex episodes right?
    glazed mcguffin affair sounds like some 80s porn thing...or maybe a s&m position..
    yes this was actually a triple joke/pun/retort! in one line!

    if it crossed the border lemme know
    You crossed the border so long ago, it's ceased being funny. In fact, you're practically in Canada by now.
  • edited December 2007
    Well, gang... It's a bittersweet announcement to make, but Sam & Max: Freelance Police!!! The Complete Series is officially done. We shipped off the master DLTs from which the discs will be pressed this morning and the artwork shipped last Friday.

    Expect it to hit stores (both retail and internet) in March with an SRP of $29.99. It's three discs, the first of which will contain the 13 episodes and the last disc will be the bonus disc containing:

    A COMIC-CONversation With Steve Purcell!!!
    3 Animated Shorts Originally Seen on FOX Kids
    Sam & Max: Our Bewildering Universe - An original short written and co-directed by Steve Purcell
    Telling The Tale Of Telltale Games - A look at Telltale Games with co-founder Dan Connors, design director Dave Grossman and technical artist Daniel Herrera
    Sam & Max: Ice Station Santa Playable Demo by Telltale Games
    Original Series Bible by Steve Purcell
    Original Concept Art Gallery

    The slipcase will also have that exclusive sticker.

    Thanks for all your help. It's been a blast. I'll definitely still be around up through the release, in case there are any questions or comments.

    And with that: Done and...done.

  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007

    Go take a vacation. :D
  • edited December 2007
    holy cow! now I really cant wait! Grats!
  • edited December 2007
    Yay! Well done, and thanks for keeping us updated all this time!
  • edited December 2007
    I'm ripe with anticipation!

    Also what region code will this be? *hopes it'll be region free*
  • edited December 2007
    i peed myself again
  • edited December 2007
    Brian thanks for all the updates..can't wait to put in my amazon order..
  • edited December 2007
    Yay! Just in time for my birthday! Look out, downward spiral into a social isolation!!

    Spore + Sam & Max Freelance Police DVD Box Set + Time = no life
  • edited December 2007
    Brian, thanks for taking all the time that you did to visit us here during production. It is great to know that fan input was a factor in making some of the decisions for this set. I only wish more companies would take the time to visit and gather information from fan communities. I will be out hunting this down on street date, and I can only hope that it will have a wider initial release than that of some previous Shout! releases.

    The finalized cover art looks amazing, and can be seen here:
  • edited December 2007
    I looooove it! Can't wait!
  • edited December 2007
    Bward wrote: »
    It's three discs, the first of which will contain the 13 episodes and the last disc will be the bonus disc containing:(...)

    ahh, did i miss something? whats on the second disc? or are the episodes on the first two? that's probably it.

    anyway, i think the idea was mentioned already, but i just wanted to ask again:
    is there a possibility that the dvds can be sold on the telltale store as well?
    if it would be, it might prove to be rather beneficial...for both sides. since season two is currently running, one or two telltale customers may like the cartoon as well and the other way round, people looking for the dvds may want to download a few episodes on the way..
  • edited December 2007
    Brian, can you confirm that the dvds will be Region 0 and closed-captioned? These two things are very important for us foreign fans.
    Thanks for your enthusiasm. :D
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    ahh, did i miss something? whats on the second disc? or are the episodes on the first two? that's probably it.

    The episodes are on discs 1 and 2.

    And stocking this DVD in the Telltale store is a definite possibility!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    We'll be offering a small prize to the first person who -- after watching the Telltale featurette -- is able to successfully count the number of words to escape Daniel's mouth.

    small prize may be no greater than a "congratulations" post in this thread.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    Also, bonus points if you spot Jake's arm in the featurette!
  • edited December 2007
    Emily - glad to hear that this might/will probably be stocked in the Telltale store. :) I'd probably only buy it from there.
  • edited December 2007
    meelWORM wrote: »
    The finalized cover art looks amazing, and can be seen here:

    yeah, i gotta say, I really like the "shield stamp" choice for "The Complete Series" text. Fits right into the image.

    I am quietly jittering in anticipation.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    Diduz wrote: »
    Brian, can you confirm that the dvds will be Region 0 and closed-captioned? These two things are very important for us foreign fans.

    We have a DVD-R copy of the bonus disc that Shout Factory sent over... I just checked and it appears to be region free. I don't know about captions since I only have the bonus disc and there's no audio setup (plus bonus materials usually aren't captioned anyway).
  • edited December 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    We have a DVD-R copy of the bonus disc that Shout Factory sent over... I just checked and it appears to be region free. I don't know about captions since I only have the bonus disc and there's no audio setup (plus bonus materials usually aren't captioned anyway).

    Ok, thanks. ;)
    I hope there will be an official press-release with these infos.
  • edited December 2007
    I'm just waiting on the Amazon listing to pop up so I can update my guide.
  • edited December 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Yay! Just in time for my birthday! Look out, downward spiral into a social isolation!!

    Spore + Sam & Max Freelance Police DVD Box Set + Time = no life

    Shouldn't that be:

    Time - Spore - Sam and Max Freelance Police DVD Box Set = no life

    or is it:

    Spore + Sam & Max Freelance Police DVD Box Set - Time = no life

  • edited December 2007
    tobar wrote: »
    Shouldn't that be:

    Time - Spore - Sam and Max Freelance Police DVD Box Set = no life

    or is it:

    Spore + Sam & Max Freelance Police DVD Box Set - Time = no life


    I'm pretty sure the convention would be to multiply by time.
  • edited December 2007
    I just came.
  • edited December 2007
    I lold
  • edited December 2007
    tobar wrote: »
    Shouldn't that be:

    Time - Spore - Sam and Max Freelance Police DVD Box Set = no life

    or is it:

    Spore + Sam & Max Freelance Police DVD Box Set - Time = no life

    LuigiHann wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure the convention would be to multiply by time.

    Nope. The first equation means that I have neither Spore nor Sam & Max, which would equal too much time and a lot of boredom.

    Time - (Spore + Sam & Max) = Boredom

    The second implies that I have both but no time to enjoy them.

    (Spore + Sam & Max) - Time = No Fun

    But if I have both AND time to enjoy both, then what I said holds true. Though I did forget the variable of an obsessive nature, but I don't know enough advance math to plug that in in the proper place.

    Also, time is something you can't multiply, as we cannot exisit in parrallel universes and be concious about our choice in said other worldly dimensions. At least in ours we can't.[/nerdpost]
  • edited December 2007
    So anyway.....LOVE the final art! Can't wait 'til march!!!!!! :D
  • edited December 2007
    I'm just waiting for the Amazon listing to pop up so I can add it to my guide... as well as the listing for the second sketchbook, which isn't coming up for some reason. You type in the title, and you get a lot of tourist books for the Mid-West US.
  • edited December 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Nope. The first equation means that I have neither Spore nor Sam & Max, which would equal too much time and a lot of boredom.

    Time - (Spore + Sam & Max) = Boredom

    The second implies that I have both but no time to enjoy them.

    (Spore + Sam & Max) - Time = No Fun

    But if I have both AND time to enjoy both, then what I said holds true. Though I did forget the variable of an obsessive nature, but I don't know enough advance math to plug that in in the proper place.

    Also, time is something you can't multiply, as we cannot exisit in parrallel universes and be concious about our choice in said other worldly dimensions. At least in ours we can't.[/nerdpost]

    I believe that the equation should be Time-(Spore+Sam&Max)=No Life. That would indicate that if you take your available time and subtract the time that Spore and Sam&Max take up, you would result in less time than is necessary to have a 'real life.' </algebrapost>
  • edited December 2007
    hey, do you want to say that watching/reading/playing sam&max is no life?
    why hasn't someone told me earlier? :D
  • edited December 2007
    The new cover looks absolutely perfect.
  • edited December 2007
    KLoNe wrote: »
    The new cover looks absolutely perfect.

    I love Purcell's art. To be quite honest, I'm a bit sad that these new games are 3d, but they're just as funny (or more so) than Hit the Road, so it makes up for it.

    I just love 2d animation somethin' fierce.
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