Congratz Telltale

edited June 2007 in Sam & Max
I just read the new on Joystiq where you guys secure 6 mill to expand on your episodic games on the mutli platform. It seems like good news since you guys can hire more developers to not only bring your games to other platforms, but also divide the tt team into two so that you guys can get two projects out sooner than rather having one project bein set aside for the other.

Congratz, guys!


  • edited June 2007
    *sniff* My little Telltale is growing up...

  • edited June 2007
    As I said on mojo, you guys should totally build a bionic man.
  • edited June 2007
    damn! soon they'll be a large corporate identity we can all hate :p
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    It'll be a travesty, for sure. 10 years from now, Mojo will be unearthing concept art from lost or cancelled sequels to Telltale Texas Hold'em, which the fans agree surely would have delivered Telltale from the doldrums of a decade of sharply written episodic adventure games, if only management hadn't been so shortsighted and seen that more casual games starring Grandma Shakey would have given Telltale the shot in the arm they so badly needed back in 2014. I can't wait.
  • edited June 2007
    LOL Imagine Telltale games making nothing both Bone and S&M related games when that comes, Jake.

    I mean they probably would milk S&M for all it is worth- For instance, there is probably going to be a "My first sam and Max game," Which is a game about Sam and Max as little kids for kids age 2-5; the Sam and Max dating slimulation game where you have to guide Sam and Max find true from a variety of women or with each other; the Sam and Max MMORPG where it be like Star Wars Galaxy, but better; the Sam and Max dancing game where you play a Dance Dance Revolution rip off game with a Sam and Max theme; and one can't forget the "Sam and Max I want your money" where you pay 60 dollars for this game that is just a still picture of Sam and Max. Occassionally, future TT will release a Bone game.


  • edited June 2007
    Don't forget "Max Teaches Typing"! It'll have a specially made keyboard that bites one of your fingers off every time you make a mistake or type under a certain speed. :D
  • edited June 2007
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    one can't forget the "Sam and Max I want your money" where you pay 60 dollars for this game that is just a still picture of Sam and Max.

    Hey, great idea, and we could put that out right now! We wouldn't even need the game developers involved! Someone get on that.
  • edited June 2007
    I'M ON IT! *readies Flash, because until my Comp Sci classes start next semester, it's all I've got...*

    Heh, that'd be a good new fundraising goal for Max...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    Sorry we dont want to license Flash for "Sam and Max I want your money." We'll be using the "jpeg image format" engine, and replacing the ".exe" file with the new easy to use ".jpg" format.
  • edited June 2007
    I'm sorry, but JPG graphics suck. This game will be horrible. All the latest games use PNG graphics, and you are still making games in JPG? That's it, I won't buy this game.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    We may upgrade to png for the disc release, but the schedule will be tight, so don't take that as fact.
  • edited June 2007
    Oh okay, I'll get the disc version then, but only if it's png-enabled, mind you. I didn't get a brand new graphics card to not use its anti-aliasing capabilities...
  • edited June 2007
    Congratulations! I think it's great that you got the funding. :) I just started playing Sam and Max about a month ago, and I'm really enjoying it. I don't know what I'm going to think next season when I actually have to wait in between episodes instead of getting to play the next one right away.
  • edited June 2007
    Once you finish that, you should release the director's cut with a whopping two frames of animation for $40 extra.

    You might have to switch to the GIF programming style, though, which means that us Compy 386 users will be left in the dark...
  • edited June 2007
    Once you finish that, you should release the director's cut with a whopping two frames of animation for $40 extra.

    You might have to switch to the GIF programming style, though, which means that us Compy 386 users will be left in the dark...
    Most people have a Lappy 486 nowadays though, so it would make more sense to just do the director's cut in GIF... or PNG even!

    And on a less hilarious note, I completely forgot to congratulate the Telltale homies with their moolah so they can get some new bling employees with their added investment, enabling them to produce more quality electronic entertainment. So, congratulations! Whee!
  • edited June 2007
    Sweet, now you can afford to hire me!

    For what reason, I cannot say.

    Anyway, congrats TTG, I hope this gives you the financial freedom to be able to accomplish all you want to in your upcoming games... because what you want is what I want. And I want it now.
  • edited June 2007
    Once you finish that, you should release the director's cut with a whopping two frames of animation for $40 extra.

    You might have to switch to the GIF programming style, though, which means that us Compy 386 users will be left in the dark...

    2 frames!? You think they're made of money? Oh my various gods, you are a slavedriver! :p
  • edited June 2007
    Yeah, I am, aren't I? I also enjoy poking people in the face, drawing in wet cement, and long walks on the beach...
  • edited June 2007
    Even more fun: drawing in wet cement, THEN poking people in the face, thus causing the cement to go upon their face, and people calling them Ol' Cement Face. :D
  • edited June 2007
    Everyone gets new crayons weeeeeeee.
  • edited June 2007
    Well, if those who think 60 with free shipping is too much, one can settle for the budget version of the game, which is 40 bucks plus 40 dollars for telepathic shipping.

    Basically, you use your paypal or whatever to purchase the game and wait till Telltale emails you with a key code, an instruction to make Sam and Max brownies and a template of a Max costume. First, you would follow the instructions gather the ingredients to make your brownie. The recipe is consist of everyday products like pudding mix at Safeway to "miracle herbs" from your local "miracle Herb" deaqler. Once you make the brownies, you would then print out the max template to construct your very own Max costume. You then wear the costume and find the nearest busiest place in your city and shout out the key code. Once you do that, stuff your face with as much brownies as you can and walk around the streets with your eyes closed. You would then enter the game where it is all interactive; if you run, max runs, if you get hit by a car, max gets hit by a car.
  • edited June 2007
    Haggis wrote: »
    Most people have a Lappy 486 nowadays though, so it would make more sense to just do the director's cut in GIF... or PNG even!

    Don't use the world "lappy". Please:(
  • edited June 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Even more fun: drawing in wet cement, THEN poking people in the face, thus causing the cement to go upon their face, and people calling them Ol' Cement Face. :D

    This happened to you as a child, didn't it?

    *edit* oops, I should have spoiler tagged that... oh well
  • edited June 2007
    And on that note, may the Paper rest in peace...he will be missed.

    Preeeeow, man. Preeeeow...
  • edited June 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    This happened to you as a child, didn't it?

    *edit* oops, I should have spoiler tagged that... oh well

    Yep... and now I'm forever scarred, doomed to roam the countryside at night, in search of the man who put this horrific curse upon me.... vengeance shall be mine!!! :D
  • edited June 2007
    And on that note, may the Paper rest in peace...he will be missed.

    Preeeeow, man. Preeeeow...

    "Heunh heownh heunh heownh vvvvvt eangt clonk-a-donk"
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