South African Sam&Max Reviews

edited June 2007 in Sam & Max
Some of you guys asked if I could do this, and I have permission from the editor of New Age Gaming to post scans of their Sam&Max reviews. So here goes.

1. Culture Shock
2. Situation Comedy
3. The Mole, the Mob and the Meatball
4. Abe Lincoln must die
5. Reality 2.0
6. Brighter Side of the Moon

Imageshack wasn't cutting it for me today, so I am hosting them on my own webspace for now. If I move them over to IS, I'll change the links here.

Pics are quite big, about 500kb each. Wanted to get good quality out of the scans so everyone could read it.



  • edited June 2007
    Nice! Thx for the scans, it was an interesting read :)
  • edited June 2007
    Ah yes, reviews from home. This is actually cool because I haven't been buying the NAG for the last few months (because I was saving it for Sam & Max!). I'd really like to read it, because I heard there are a few Telltale fans on the editing staff.

    Thanks rainynight65!
  • edited June 2007
    I always get annoyed when reviewers give abe lincoln must die an 80 out of 100 and pretty much the same as episodes 1-3 that episode was a 90 + :cool:
  • edited June 2007
    Thanks for posting that, although I don't think that the person that reviewed it quite understood what Telltale was doing with the episodic format here. I always got the impression that it was something like an interactive Sam & Max sitcom, although it did have a single story spread out through the entire season with different situations each episode rather than different stories with each episode.

    I've never heard anyone bitch about Kramer showing up in nearly every Seinfeld show or how Cheers' entire show is in the bar. Set designers aren't going to create an entirely new set of sets for every single episode of a sitcom, so why should they expect game designers who create episodic games to? And it appears that they based every review of the season on that one aspect. It's stupid.

    Besides, I honestly enjoyed the reoccurring places and people for the most part.
  • edited June 2007
    Awesome, thanks! :)
  • edited June 2007
    Culture Shock will consist of 6 episodes.
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