King's Quest: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.

edited July 2012 in Kings Quest Game
Please describe your opinions of each KQ game, and explain for each game what you see as the "Good", the "Bad" and the "Ugly" bits of each game of the series. Please be complete and make sure to list all eight games, plus one extra for the SCI remake of KQ1. and Wizard and the Princess (Adventure in Serenia) as well.

Please feel free to include fan games, but please make them separate reviews.

Format as follows (this is for Wizard and the Princess);
Good: first adventure with color graphics, a fun little story based on the Color Fairy Tale Books, and inspiration for King's Quest series.

Bad: A very annoying desert maze at the beginning of the game, with few clues on what to do to get out of it. Despite a interesting build up to fight the villain, the game's ending is rather anticlimactic. The 'battle' is not very epic.

Ugly: The graphics look like a 3 year old did them. The beeping noise that happens every time a new text scrolls onto the screen gets annoying fast.


  • edited June 2012
    Looks like I'd better get cracking on KQ 8!
  • edited June 2012
    Actually the point of this this thread is give a mini review for every game in the series, not to focus on a single game. It's more challenging to think of criticisms for games you may have actually liked!

    If you only want to talk about KQ8 there are plenty of other threads devoted to that.

    Of course for players who only played a few of the games give your points on the games you played! You don't have to have played all of them.
  • edited June 2012
    KQ1 - A fun, simple story about a king who sends a night to retrieve lost treasures of the Kingdom. Find the treasures, win the crown. Simple. Fun, fairy tale elements. Basically a treasure hunt with some fun and pretty scenery. "GOOD"

    KQ2 - More of the same as one - Find the girl, save her, get your queen. Fairy Tale elements, Some horror elements and a variety of scenery make this fun to play. Again, a treasure hunt. "GOOD"

    KQ3 - Discover your identity, defeat your Wizard captor and learn magic? You become an active part in a fairy tale, not just being basically an observer to fairy tale elements. Pretty and interesting scenery and settings. Creative way to tie into the previous games. "GOOD"

    KQ4 - The stakes are higher; you have to heal your father who is dying! Race against time - day and night cycle. Basically a treasure hunt in a Fairy Tale land - there's a "Good Witch' and a "Bad Witch".... fun, beautiful, interesting - and creepy setting. "GOOD"

    KQ5 - Your family has been captured! You embark on a sudden and mysterious journey to save them from a formidable foe. Colorful graphics, interesting and varied locations and classic adventure. Still has the charm and fairy tale elements that jive with the games past. "GOOD"

    KQ6 - Extreme longing makes you search for your lost true love! Basically a remake of King's Quest II, yet expanding the plot - adding intrigue and mystery and keeping fairy tale elements that are the series Hallmark. Overwrought and typical story telling elements can weight the game down in parts, but overall - an epic adventure in King's Quest Style. "GOOD"

    KQ7 - Departing from the style of previous games, you embark on a magic mission in a far off land. Character development in a completely different direction than the previous games - in an attempt to capture not only an artistic feel of a Disney classic but also it's story, the game becomes mired in it's new settings. Feels like a graft of something else onto a King's Quest game. "BAD"

    KQ8 -Mask Of Eternity: Again, a new direction to spin the King's Quest game off into a different direction adds elements of current gaming instead of innovating. Comes off as flat and uninteresting. Clunky controls and odd puzzles.... a half baked idea that never came to it's full potential. "UGLY"

  • edited June 2012
    KQ1 - The Good: was one of the earliest made graphic adventure games I've played. The AGI version was annoying with it's graphics(even more than 2 or 3), but it's understandable with when the game was made in 1983. I like how the story and puzzles used alot of fairy tales.
    The Bad:I'm not a fan of how slow Graham walks on the Normal speed and there isn't a fast like KQ2 or 3. I'll give it a good.

    KQ2 - The Good: I can't think of any real positives in the AGI version besides "Graham can walk faster than he could in KQ1AGI" I personally liked KQ2VGA+ cause there was more of a story and you got more insight into the characters.
    The Bad:Hated how closely this followed the "You need to get three objects to win" formula that was used in KQ1. And as I've stated before the AGI game Manual and the actual game don't follow each other (ex:Hagatha being a Major or Minor Villain). Bad for AGI, good for VGA.

    KQ3: Good: I liked the tone and the story
    Bad: I hated doing spells in the original game, especially that one that told you how to do it wrong in the manual. Sorta rushed with the timer.
    Other wise fun game. good

    KQ4: Good: Loved the upgrade to SCI. Rosella is alot stronger character in this game than in KQ7. Lolette was a good villian and there were alot of storybook characters in this one.
    Bad: I just hated how random the shark and troll show up.

    KQ5: The Good: Music and Pictures were pretty good though and I did like trying to figure out why Mordack stole you family.
    The Bad:If you got the speech version like me there were a few times when it was hard to understand anything (and no text option!). Plus I was stuck on some of those puzzles didn't provide decent enough clues (like the desert and the witch's forest) it just got annoying. Bad

    KQ6: The Good: Between the following up the KQ5 ending with Cassima, Alex going around uniting the kingdom and fighting off the vizier (who I think is one of the best Villians in the series for all the scheming he does) this definitely gets rated a . Plus two possible endings.
    The Bad: Just wish you could get text & speech.

    KQ7: The Good:The one good point is you get to play as Valanice for half the game in this one which is a first.
    The Bad: The sad thing about this game, besides one mention of KQ4, there are practically no mentioning of the past KQ games. The ending is rushed and Rosella is sorta a twit. Puzzles are sorta weird too. Way too kiddie Bad

    KQ8: Honestly I never played it so I can't say anything about it.
  • edited June 2012
    People are missing the point! Easy to state the good in a games or only state the bads, but what are the negatives or positives in the same games 'both'?

    Let me give an example; I'll use Wizard and the Princess.

    Good: first adventure with color graphics, a fun little story based on the Color Fairy Tale Books, and inspiration for King's Quest series.

    Bad: A very annoying desert maze at the beginning of the game, with few clues on what to do to get out of it. Despite a interesting build up to fight the villain, the game's ending is rather anticlimactic. The 'battle' is not very epic.

    Ugly: The graphics look like a 3 year old did them. The beeping noise that happens every time a new text scrolls onto the screen gets annoying fast.
  • edited June 2012
    Ah, I see what you mean, Baggins. Well, win some, lose some. Not going to type up another mini-review of the games for a while. Neat idea, though.

  • edited June 2012
    Blackthorne, when you have time, just edit your previous one, and expand it!
  • edited June 2012
    BagginsKQ wrote: »
    People are missing the point! Easy to state the good in a games or only state the bads, but what are the negatives or positives in the same games 'both'?

    Well I tried to list some positives and negatives for each game, but it's not easy. Some of them I just really don't like. Then I gave my final opinion
  • edited June 2012
    Still, its harder for me to tell what parts you think are the good, the bad or ugly, unless you specify them into seperate sections for each individual game!

    I'm sorry for being confusing though! I thought people knew about this type of 'critical review' report. I had to do something like this back in an English course I did years ago, and found it interesting!

    It makes you have to be a bit more critical and think about the sources you are reviewing!
  • edited June 2012
    Pedantry! Pedantry! Pedantry! LOUD NOISES!

    Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Wall of text. Rehashes explanation of why KQ8 is a REAL KQ game.


    The End.
  • edited June 2012
    How about this? KQ8 is a good KQ game because I think it is.

    That's all anyone needs to say, really. Nobody will ever prove one's opinion better than the others' through pedantic reasoning.
  • edited June 2012
    Why does everyone want to make this a KQ8 thread?
  • exoexo
    edited July 2012
    Apparently many of the readers here are just as predictable as the early kq games.
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