Sam and MAXX ;)
"Wait a sec... shouldn't this be in the dedicated Sam and Max sub-forum?" you ask, slightly disinterested in this obviously misplaced (and apperently misspelled) thread. "Oh well" you think "Might as well check and see what its about".
Shortly after you begin perusing through the post though you come to a startling realization: This post isn't about Sam and Max at all.
Dazed as you are from the sudden impact of this new reality, you silently resolve to forge on and continue this unexpectedly perilous journey. Many words pass though your mind in an instant as some un-earthly force seems to drive this new concept into your very soul. "Isz" you mumble in your almost seizure like state, within minutes you are reduced to a crazed rambling madman. Occasionally sense returns to your speech and legible words like "Sam Kieth","The MAXX", "Mr. Gone", "Sarah" and "Crappon inna Hat?" trickle randomly out of your mad rant.
...Eventually it all ends. The madness leaves you and once again you exist calm and centered sitting in front of your computer screen, but the information you absorbed during your odyssey has left you a changed individual.
Okay, thats enough of that, sorry i got a little carried away there. Hopefully the bizzare short story has either sucsessfully conveyed what this post is about (Sam Kieth's "The MAXX) and/or at least sparked your interest in this excellent comic series
...Oh yeah, here is some Sam and Max/The MAXX fan art that i made as one of my entries in the recent MixnMojo contest:
Shortly after you begin perusing through the post though you come to a startling realization: This post isn't about Sam and Max at all.
Dazed as you are from the sudden impact of this new reality, you silently resolve to forge on and continue this unexpectedly perilous journey. Many words pass though your mind in an instant as some un-earthly force seems to drive this new concept into your very soul. "Isz" you mumble in your almost seizure like state, within minutes you are reduced to a crazed rambling madman. Occasionally sense returns to your speech and legible words like "Sam Kieth","The MAXX", "Mr. Gone", "Sarah" and "Crappon inna Hat?" trickle randomly out of your mad rant.
...Eventually it all ends. The madness leaves you and once again you exist calm and centered sitting in front of your computer screen, but the information you absorbed during your odyssey has left you a changed individual.
Okay, thats enough of that, sorry i got a little carried away there. Hopefully the bizzare short story has either sucsessfully conveyed what this post is about (Sam Kieth's "The MAXX) and/or at least sparked your interest in this excellent comic series
...Oh yeah, here is some Sam and Max/The MAXX fan art that i made as one of my entries in the recent MixnMojo contest:

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The rumored company in question is Shout! Factory.
In the last month or so i have been re-filling my Maxx collection
Needless to say the hours i spent neck deep in the world of the maxx during the last while was the inspiration for the max/MAXX drawing
I never knew there was a TPB or collection of the Maxx sold, but I'd love to try and pick one up too. Is there a name to the collection, or a good place to look online for info? Basic searches of ebay for "maxx collection" "maxx trade", etc come up with nothing.
Individually the TPB's are also available on ebay. I had some luck with "The maxx tpb"