Season Set customers - Disc is in the store!



  • edited June 2007
    Clearly you aren't familar with the concept of "pre-order.":p
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    antikewl wrote: »
    Extra shipping? I'm sure I paid shipping the first time I ordered the DVD collection. Ah well...

    Unless you ordered a tshirt or something at the same time, you probably didn't, since the original Season Set bundle didn't have any hard goods in it, just electronic ones. Shipping is only added by the checkout system when it has something to ship.
    cowking wrote: »
    Isn't that a little deceptive to put out an email saying that it is finally here, that we can get it now, when it is not here and we can't get it now, its just back ordered? And its still be manufactured. What kind of wild crazy roller coaster are we on here?

    It's being pressed by crazy DVD robots in a factory in southern California somewhere, as I type this! We waited until the discs were done and approved, and being physically printed before we opened the page for ordering. Most people wanted to order them from us last month! But we didn't feel comfortable taking orders for something that we didn't even have an approximate ship date for, since at that time the packaging and disc menus and stuff weren't even done. Now we know that it'll be "a few weeks" from after the disc printing process starts, and that's close enough.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    We should have worded the subject line of the email differently. I apologize for that. I thought that since it says on the store page that the discs aren't available yet, that was clear enough, but people are seeing the email and breezing through the process and missing that point.

    We unfortunately can't turn time back a day and rewrite the emails, but we're going to try to make it clearer in the store that this is the situation.
    antikewl wrote: »
    Extra shipping? I'm sure I paid shipping the first time I ordered the DVD collection. Ah well...

    Nope, you didn't. :p This is the first time that the disc (and associated shipping) has ever been in the store.
  • edited June 2007
    You did pay VAT, however, which might be what you're thinking of.
  • edited June 2007
    Hey guys,

    Why are international packages charged tax?

    Also, could I just confirm if this includes all season 1 episodes on a DVD, along with the bonus disc?

    $10US doesn't really justify the cost of a bonus disc for me, at this stage
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    Whether or not tax is charged is based on where you live. It's not something we have any control over; it's calculated automatically by our ecommerce provider based on your address.

    And yes, the disc contains the games AND video content. :)
  • edited June 2007
    cost me 8$ in shipping just to get it 100 miles away from telltale and that was the cheapest shipping. Course I got the soundtrack and goodie bag. Mine says backordered on all three items, mmm and I can sooo wait :P
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    If I put a DVD, a soundtrack, and a case file into a padded envelope and mailed it to you out of our office, it would cost about the same amount. :) I mail *a lot* of stuff so I know what it costs, and these shipping/handling prices are pretty reasonable. (Also don't forget that the cost of the envelope itself and the labor of the person stuffing the envelope are rolled into the shipping charge.)
  • edited June 2007
    stazi wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    Why are international packages charged tax?

    Also, could I just confirm if this includes all season 1 episodes on a DVD, along with the bonus disc?

    $10US doesn't really justify the cost of a bonus disc for me, at this stage

    Assuming you're in (much of) Europe, you got charged VAT on your order.
  • edited June 2007
    You guys are offering feelies! The last time I remember getting feelies with a game was Henry Jones Sr.'s Grail Diary in the Indy 3 adventure game. :eek:

    I love you all.
  • edited June 2007
    Lucky you; the last I remember were with Crusader: No Remorse!
    About the VAT: is there any way you could give people a heads-up about that a bit earlier on? I know I felt quite sucker-punched back when I ordered Season 1 and saw the price suddenly rise in one of the final stages of checkout (even months later I can still fondly recall the annoyance..:)). Even if it's only some fine print to the extent of "sales tax may apply on international orders", that would help soften the blow.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    Yeah, messaging the tax better is something we'd like to do. Unfortuantely the site transfers from us to our ecommerce provider before the customer fills out their location, so it's a little tricky. We would have to tell you three screens before you get to the confirmation that you *might* be charged tax. Even if we said that, a lot of people would skip right over it. :p
  • edited June 2007
    I still wanna max for president bumper sticker too. Can we have them? come ooon telltale! Heh
  • edited June 2007
    Oh re the tax, it's likely customs related. Customs is a bit of a bitch about importing anything and often you end up paying tax on it. DVDs and Games are the worst hit, so yeah... that's likely the reason. Companies can't do squat about it unfortunately.

    Ahhh the grail diary, I have that somewhere.. and the book of patterns from loom (eee!), wish I had the newspaper from Zak mckraken though, ahh well. Why don't they ship cool things anymore!? they made the gaming experience oh so much better! wait.. GTA San Andreas has a guidebook as the case, I suppose that counts.
  • edited June 2007
    Great. Now I just regret the order I made this morning. Was on the way out the door placing the order and didn't get around to noticing the soundtrack or extra goodies.

    Any way for me to order these and have them merged with the mailing of the bonus disc. E.g. Not wanting to pay shipping twice?

    Personally I'm quite happy you charge VAT in the store. Should hopefully make customs go a lot smoother. Even from within the EU I've had trouble with stores which didn't charge VAT for Denmark. Happened to my Shrek 2 DVD. Meant it got delayed for about a month and a half in customs, and the danish post service charged me ~$10 to get it through customs and charge me the $3.50 of VAT I had to pay.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    We can't merge orders, but we can cancel the first one so you can place a new one. Email with the order number for the one you just placed (and also your original Season One order number if you have that handy) and we'll take care of it for you.
  • edited June 2007
    Thank you Emily. If it wasn't for nice people like you I'd end up wasting my money on less interesting things like food or rent or some other silly game which I won't get that much enjoyment out of.
  • edited June 2007
    Are you allowed more then one disk at the shipping cost only price.
  • edited June 2007
    Nope... one per season set, sorry.
  • edited June 2007
    hi, ordered already and got a "backorder" message from you.
    I hope that means only that it's gonna be shipped in the future, not that the disc are already sold out :)
  • edited June 2007
    How can something be sold out if it is in the process of being made?:p
  • edited June 2007
  • edited June 2007
    I think that is just to remind people that while it's for sale, you won't actually get it for a month from now. Some people might not know that until they get a backordered message.
  • edited June 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    How can something be sold out if it is in the process of being made?:p
    Telltale has a team of renegade scientist/marketers. Hourly, they cross the einstein-rosen bridge and travel to the day that production ceases on the first batch of discs. And also to see the future stock market

    In this way, they know exactly how many will be made and thus can tell when something is sold out.

    P.S. Buy TellTale stock. They're gonna be huge!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    The backorder message is automatic through our ecommerce provider. We can't turn it off. So the system sees the item's not in stock, and thinks "it must be backordered," and out that email goes. I'm working with DR to rewrite it to something more user friendly.

    But yeah, it doesn't mean the discs are sold out. They just haven't reached the warehouse yet because they're still in manufacturing.
  • edited June 2007
    So is there any chance I will miss out on these disks? I have literally no money at the moment but will have the cash by next week. Is there any chance the disk will be sold out by then or will you just keep making copies till you sell out?

    Also, is the DVD video disk region free? And are the games on the disk copy protected in any way? Will I need the CD in to play or connect to the internet?
    Just I am sure my mum would appreciate being able to play these games on holiday but our laptop doesn't have any sort of networking stuff.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    We'll have plenty of discs next week. We made a lot. :)

    The video content is region free!

    You'll need the CD in the drive, but theres no online activation or net connection required.
  • edited June 2007
    I got all six eps. individualy, so i dont have a Season One order number , how do i get the disc???
  • edited June 2007
    Please email and we'll help you out.
  • edited June 2007
    Thanks for the DVD.
  • edited June 2007
    Soup wrote: »
    P.S. Buy TellTale stock. They're gonna be huge!

    Dude, telltale isn't even publicly traded... :rolleyes:
  • edited June 2007
    I'm going to wait a couple weeks to order my stuff, give them a little break with it.
  • edited July 2007
    How long is this disc going to be available? I have no money and won't for a long time. :(
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    It will be available at least over the summer, but we don't know at this point how long the offer will continue.

    If you buy now with a credit card, you won't be charged until the disc ships in late July, if that helps.
  • edited July 2007
    That`s my season one DVD pack ordered, can`t wait for this!
  • edited July 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    It will be available at least over the summer, but we don't know at this point how long the offer will continue.

    If you buy now with a credit card, you won't be charged until the disc ships in late July, if that helps.
    Yes, that helps! Thanks.
  • edited July 2007
    OK,Just Ordered the Disc, and Cant Wait to get it, but 2 quick questions if thats OK

    I live in England, and while I know you can deliver wordwide to anyone, I was just wondering how long roughly it will take for the disc to arrive when its been sent

    I've ordered the Case File thing that fits in the DVD cover which sounded really cool, but it says its not available yet, so any ideas when exactly it will be available, and will you be sending it with my dvd or seperate???

    Cheers, and Thanks again :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    It'll all show up in one order. Orders to the UK can sometimes take many weeks (we've heard up to 4), but also sometimes they don't take that long at all! It's a roll of the dice, really.
  • edited July 2007
    Is there a way to ensure that the dice roll is about as random as you beating Leonard in episode 3?

    I'm guessing the possible delay might be in customs or something.
  • edited July 2007
    Thanks Jake, I was obviously expecting it to take a while when it does get sent, and I dont mind waiting for it, but just wanted to get a rough idea of when I should be expecting it, thats all
    I dont think I should be affected by customs or anything though, its well below the legal customs limit before charges so it should pass through easily. Oh Well, will soon see
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