The best of the best freeware adventures
Let's talk freeware adventure. Now, you may be thinking ,"Freeware= Cheap Crap" This is not so because
1. Freeware can be great quality.
2.It's not cheap, it's free.
Although freeware can be riddled with spyware, and is normaly "Crap" there are those out there who do a great job and bring us great adventure games. That's why this thread is dedicated to those freeware programmers and the great games they produce.
Games like Out Of Order,Hungry Software, or Apprentice 1 and 2, herculeaneffort,( you can add to the list if you want.) So what do you guys think of freeware and what're favourites?
The list
Name | Developer | Download
Out of Order | Hungry Software |
Apprentice 1/2 |Herculean Effort Productions|
The Lure | Revolution studios |
BSS | Revolution studios |
MM Deluxe| LucasFanGames |
New Zak M | LucasFanGames |
5 Days a stranger| Ben Croshaw |
7 Days a skeptic| Ben Croshaw |
Kings Quest 1/2 | AGDInteractive|
Broken Sword 2.5| Inofficial Fangame|
1. Freeware can be great quality.
2.It's not cheap, it's free.
Although freeware can be riddled with spyware, and is normaly "Crap" there are those out there who do a great job and bring us great adventure games. That's why this thread is dedicated to those freeware programmers and the great games they produce.
Games like Out Of Order,Hungry Software, or Apprentice 1 and 2, herculeaneffort,( you can add to the list if you want.) So what do you guys think of freeware and what're favourites?
The list
Name | Developer | Download
Out of Order | Hungry Software |
Apprentice 1/2 |Herculean Effort Productions|
The Lure | Revolution studios |
BSS | Revolution studios |
MM Deluxe| LucasFanGames |
New Zak M | LucasFanGames |
5 Days a stranger| Ben Croshaw |
7 Days a skeptic| Ben Croshaw |
Kings Quest 1/2 | AGDInteractive|
Broken Sword 2.5| Inofficial Fangame|
This discussion has been closed.
Yeah, I know, they're not free, but liberated through the passing of time...
EDIT: Ohh,i see what you mean,
Beneath A Steel Sky is also great B-)
do you mean Legend Of The Lost Lagoon,i wish i know
check de Ags forums
King's Quest 1 2 VGA Remake
Whoa! Now this looks really promising.
Hope they'll release the demo soon...
I wanna sell more fine leather jackets!
ive seen a early version of the intro looks promising
and there are nazis(again)
im a big indy fan
brokensword 2,5 looks amazing B-)
A bit of technical Alice in Wonderland and Le Petit Prince in a Tolkien/Gaiman setting.