Season01 disc question!

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
Sorry if this has been asked, please do not flame my unworthy and inferior mind! :D

What about folks who bought every episode individually? Do we also get a discount for the disc? How would one go about acquiring it? Or must we buy the entire thing again?

Thanks for help! I luffle all of yew.


  • edited July 2007
    You can contact Telltale about it.
  • edited July 2007
    Anyone in particular or a certain email? Sorry to be a bother.
  • edited July 2007 seems to be a popular choice :)
  • edited July 2007
    ooh someone from adelaide! :) I actually bought hit the road from a store in adelaide back in 1993 oddly enough
  • edited July 2007
    I like to think that the line of dialogue Sam mentions in Episode 4 (about the president, see my 'tag' for a hint) is aimed at me & my friends in Adelaide who bought Season 1 as soon as Episode 1 was released... we've been waiting for more adventure games for a long time :)
  • edited July 2007
    Crazy place, this adelaide
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