What you think about this site
What do you think of this? ( http://www.paidcuriosity.com )
Looks like an idea with potential, if it gets some media coverage it might be worthing to purchase a box!
Do you know any other sites like this, or is this a first?
Looks like an idea with potential, if it gets some media coverage it might be worthing to purchase a box!
Do you know any other sites like this, or is this a first?

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He made more than enough in no time, and it had quite a bit of attention on the news over here for a while.
EDIT: $200 per box?! That's far too much compared to what other sites like it are doing. I don't think he's going to get that many takers for that price. Especially when the chances of someone looking at your box are very slim, especially if you're one of the middle ones.
EDIT 2: Okay, this is ridiculous. The guy running Paid Curiosity is claiming his idea is original, which I could understand if he hadn't seen the Million Dollar Homepage (I'll call it the MDH now for speed), but looking at his FAQ...
And this from the FAQ of the MDH which happened to be around a long time before.
If he's going to copy someone else's idea, he could do better than ripping off the FAQ too.
I usually just delete those threads but I left that one just in case anyone wanted to mock him. He's probably hoping he'll make some money by getting someone to click that link. Although I wouldn't put too much effort in dissecting his motivations as he/she will probably never be back.
Do you think it's better to delete the spambot, or ban it?
Deleting the account leaves it open for recreation under the same name, but in the meantime, it's not hanging around in memberlists and stuff with its links.
Banning prevents that account from ever being used again, but on the other hand, it keeps the account around.
EDIT: Incidentally, IMO that is the spammer's flaw that ultimately leads to its downfall. They can't be original to save their life. :rolleyes:
Looks like an idea with potential, if it gets some media coverage it might be worthing to purchase a game!
Do you know any other sites like this, or is this a first?