Does Sam and Max actually take their crimminals to prison or jail?

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
While reading Von Shmavid's comment on the Summer of S&M topic, the word "arrest" caught my eye. As such, I am wonderin if Sam and Max ever threw a criminal into the slammer (I am not counting their closet as one BTW.) Originally, I was going to title of this topic "Does Sam and Max ever arrest criminals," but checking Wikipedia on the word, Sam and Max tieing up Leonard in ep 3 might be considered to some as a form of arrest.

I have never read the actual Sam and Max comicbooks unless you count the Lucasarts and telltale ones, so I am not really sure if they sent anyone to the Freelance prison (if such an insituation in the S&m world exist.)

In Hit the Road, Sam and Max gave the circus a frozen Bumpus and henchman while in the telltale games, Sam and Max left Chuckles, Hugh Bliss, and Harry Moleman for dead or so it seems.

However, I am not sure what happen to Myra and Culture other than Brady receiving a haircut.


  • edited July 2007
    I don't think they ever put someone in jail, certainly not "on screen". The Sam and Max stories typically wrap up either with something gruesome having happened to the bad guys or without paying any attention to what's going to happen to them next. I'm guessing that after they're done doing their thing they let the commissioner worry about the details (assuming he gives a damn, which he very well might not given the general noir atmosphere).
    I think it's been implied that Brady went to jail, but I'm not sure when. Since Myra was just an hypnosis victim they probably just left her.
  • edited July 2007
    Harald B wrote: »
    I don't think they ever put someone in jail, certainly not "on screen". The Sam and Max stories typically wrap up either with something gruesome having happened to the bad guys or without paying any attention to what's going to happen to them next. I'm guessing that after they're done doing their thing they let the commissioner worry about the details (assuming he gives a damn, which he very well might not given the general noir atmosphere).
    I think it's been implied that Brady went to jail, but I'm not sure when. Since Myra was just an hypnosis victim they probably just left her.

    Thanks for the reply. I too thought about the two not sending the criminals to jail, but leaving them as dead, frozen, in pieces, or lettin them scott free after the mission. l'm guessing that Sam and Max let their criminals free so that S&M can stop them in their next plan, hence securing a job for the freelance police.

    I think they did mention something about Culture going to jail or prison in one ep, but I am not certain if I remembered it correctly.
  • edited July 2007
    Their Freelance prison is the closet where they have the gambler in it? :D Culture to my understanding too, went to an actual prison.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    I don't know if they put people in jail, but they definitely do try to arrest people. There are dialogue options where they try to tell Whizzer and others "You're under arrest." But no one ever seems to listen. :p

    I always figured that if/when they finally catch someone, they let the commissioner deal with what to do with him.
  • edited July 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    I don't know if they put people in jail, but they definitely do try to arrest people. There are dialogue options where they try to tell Whizzer and others "You're under arrest." But no one ever seems to listen. :p

    I always figured that if/when they finally catch someone, they let the commissioner deal with what to do with him.

    Forgot about the "You're under arrest" comment they keep saying in ep 1. Good thing I didn't use "arrest" as my main arguement like I originally wanted to.
  • edited July 2007
    Harald B is right. Whether or not it was Sam and Max's doing, the news stand in Situation:Comedy reveals that Brady Culture is behind bars.
  • edited July 2007
    I don't think it matters whether they put anyone in jail.
    Sam & Max shouldn't make sense
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    I always figured that if/when they finally catch someone, they let the commissioner deal with what to do with him.

    Sort of like Spiderman leaving guys awkwardly tied up in a web in a conspicuous location, for the cops to find.
  • edited July 2007
    In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the freelance police who investigate crime and ruthlessly persecute the offenders, and the district attorneys who handle the paperwork. These are one half of their stories.

  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Sort of like Spiderman leaving guys awkwardly tied up in a web in a conspicuous location, for the cops to find.

    Yes, between the Twin Towers, for instance.
  • edited July 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I don't think it matters whether they put anyone in jail.
    Sam & Max shouldn't make sense
    Couldn't say it better, Sam and max is MEANT to be unrealistic.
    Reality 2.0, the whole episodes case is unreal(not stopping anyone but yea). If the criminals don't get in jail, no offence, but who cares? Only 0 villan's was avalable to capture. Noone could be captured in season 1 episodes(look at ep4's villan, clearly dead)
    They have never been able to jail them by how they stop them and/or why they are doing it.
  • edited July 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Sort of like Spiderman leaving guys awkwardly tied up in a web in a conspicuous location, for the cops to find.

    Sam & Max do a very similar thing... except replace "web" with "rope"... and "conspicuous location for the cops to find" with "closet".
  • edited July 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I don't think it matters whether they put anyone in jail.
    Sam & Max shouldn't make sense

    Only when it's funny to do so, not making sense for not making senses sake isn't fun (like that last sentence!). I think there should be some reasoning, even if it's twisted Sam and Max reasoning, behind everything they do.
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