Me want more Merch!!

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
Hello Folks!

Since Season 1 started, i always wanted to find a really cool poster of sam and max, like a bigger version of the 'surfin the highway'-front or stuff.. when season one was announced, I got great expectations, that telltale would OF COURSE not waiste the coolness of the package front picture on only the thin package, on which you can see barely details.. But there is, to my surprise, nothing like that in the telltale store.. So what about a giant Seasonone-cover-poster? That would be a good advertising, and really cool piece of furniture, too ^^ -> I'd buy it.. I'm sure lots of other guys would, too..

so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, telltale :)

edit: hmm.. holy crap, didn't knew there was already a thread about that.. But anyway, It's still not there (the poster)! Let's demonstrate!
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