Whaddabout 'My Telltale'?

edited February 2005 in Site Support
Haven't been around for some time... so what's this 'My Telltale' link?

I tried to log in with my forum's account, but that doesn't seem to work. Do I need to register again?

I also fount the checkbox for the newsletter a little confusing: since I already signed up for the newsletter, even before the forum existed... ?!?!


  • edited January 2005
    The My Telltale account is there to support the imminent launch of .. um... things... ;)

    At this point the forum and my telltale accounts are separate. It is my hope to have these integrated at some point in the future.

    Going forward, we'll make sure that you'll automatically be "opted-in" during the sign-up process if your email address is in the mailing list. Sorry for the awkward experience as we transition to a more robust system.
  • edited January 2005
    Thanks for clearing that, Troy!
    Going to register ASAP. ;)
  • edited January 2005
    checkin' it
  • edited February 2005
    I've been meaning to ask this for awhile but what exactly does the My Telltale acount do? And what are the benifits of joining?
  • edited February 2005
    Hi THM,

    At this point "My Telltale" fulfills a few needs:

    1) Most importantly, it provides a place to keep track of your purchases and to reactivate your game if you need to move from one machine to another.
    2) It provides more customizable mailing list functionality for those that are on the mailing list. From the "Profile" page you can:

    - choose whether you'd prefer html email or text email when you receive any correspondences from Telltale.
    - Opt out from the mailling list (not that you'd ever want to!)

    Going forward we will be phasing out the basic mailing list functionality found on the homepage in favor of this more robust functionality.

    3) Oh yes, there will be a 3. All in good time...

  • edited February 2005
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