Some problems and a hope

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
1st thing: Will you, the guys at telltale please put the special season 1 DVD, along with all other thingies(Bonus cd's, books,soundtrack)in other countries, even in europe?
I'm from romania, and the transport prices if i bought the game online would be gargantuous.
Will they PLZ be available in stores?
And, ofcourse, I am hoping for a season 2 soon!


  • edited July 2007
    The game is coming to retail stores in Europe already, from JoWood. I don't know if it will be available in romania, but it will be available in a country closer than the US at least.
  • edited July 2007
    Maybe here in Germany? Maybe as a complete German version? :eek: Cause we have a JoWood devision here in "old europe" ;)

    More information please! Gimme, gimme!


    in august 2007 in german and english as I see.... Telltalers, you make me nervous everytime I visit this forum... ;)
  • edited July 2007
    I'm told by others in the forum that the actor doing Max will be the lady who does bart simpson in German dubbings, if that helps.
  • edited July 2007
    Oh thanks tabacco! I guess I should read more in the forums now ;)

    On the corporate page they said that you did a Sam & Max party for the investors... Too sad that I didn't know... I would have risked a glance :D
  • edited July 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    I'm told by others in the forum that the actor doing Max will be the lady who does bart simpson in German dubbings, if that helps.

    So Max will be voiced by a female? :confused:

    -erie organ music followed by a scream-

    So it really is a she! ;)
  • edited July 2007
    She (Sandra Schwittau) did Max's Voice in the german version of "Hit the Road", and Bart's voice in the german version of "The Simpsons" since Season 1, and I was really surprised when I learned, that this voice (Bart and Max sound almost exactly the same) is done by a woman (i actually just read that Bart's original voice is also done by a woman named Nancy Cartwright). She really does not sound female when she does this voice.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    She sounds like a she to me when I watch videos of German Hit the Road on YouTube, but maybe it's because I knew ahead of time.
  • edited July 2007
    I see that there will be released a retail version in Norway as well, or maybe it's just a British import or something. I hope that this version includes some of the exclusive extras that are on the American version. :D
  • edited July 2007
    The retail version doesn't have the bloopers or commentary tracks, but it does have an extra making-of video and everything else our bonus dvd does (apart from the two things I mentioned, of course)
  • edited July 2007
    Is there a cost calculator around when ya make the purchase? If not, then please tell me:
    How much would the cheapest transport cost?
    I'm reffering at the full version, with the bonus dvd.
    P.S.:i live in romania
  • edited July 2007
    There's a confirmation page that'll show you the shipping costs before you actually pay for the order. It's the screen after you enter all the billing info.
  • edited July 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    She sounds like a she to me when I watch videos of German Hit the Road on YouTube, but maybe it's because I knew ahead of time.

    Maybe, or I don't think it sounds female, because I am used to that voice as that of Bart Simpson.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    If you are in Romania, please use PayPal to buy stuff from our store. The billing system our ecommerce provider uses doesn't like Romanian credit cards and the transaction will probably fail.

    Also there is only one international shipping option, and it costs $9.95 for the DVD.
  • edited July 2007
    Mirko wrote: »
    Maybe, or I don't think it sounds female, because I am used to that voice as that of Bart Simpson.

    In case you've seen the Will Smith film "Hitch", Sandra Schwittau lends Eva Mendes her voice in that movie, and she sounds quite sexy in her normal voice.
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