Sam & Max everywhere

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
Would you like to see Sam & Max Seasons for the PSP & Nintendo DS? Well I would love to play it on my PSP. :)



  • edited July 2007
    To be honest: I hate those small paddles. In my opinion, the expandation of Computergames to all those different formats hinders the advancement of Computergames (for example to a serious and accepted form of art).

    In Regard to Sam and Max, that means: No, I don't really like the idea. Telltale should be busy enough wish developing the pc-version. Also, a large amount of people, buying a psp-sam and max would surely curtail the visual ascent of the main series..

    Well, whatever..
  • edited July 2007
    @Agent Calavera
    That's an assertion without substance. Did Test Drive Unlimited on the PC/XBOX360 have bad graphics cause they did an PSP port? No. Or Pro Evolution Soccer? No. Maybe Lego Star Wars 2? No. But Virtua Tennis? No. What about Tiger Woods PGA Tour? Nah. And Outrun 2006? Nein.

    I don't think the team arround "Sam & Max Seasons" prime concern was how we can make the graphics more realisitic or over the top, since our main audience are people who play Crysis or UT3.

    It's nothing wrong with good graphics. But if a game is really fun in it's core, it don't have to worrie about graphics issues (see for a extreme example games from Introversions).

    Anyway, back to the subject. I think Sam&Max would bring a fresh breeze into the PSP/DS gamesworld, since there aren't much adventures games out for them. :)
  • edited July 2007
    how about Sam&Max for the I-Phone, so all the posh people can play something good and see what max's gonna do to them if they don't get a life.
  • edited July 2007
    Yeah, I'd love to play it on PSP too.

    Most of the PC / PS2 games I want to play now, I can't be bothered because I can't play them outside of my room or wherever. (Getting the custom firmware to let me play PS1 games on PSP was a godsend, I'd not played my PS1 in years, and being able to take the games all around the house or to friend's houses and putting them on standby mid-game really made it a better experience).

    Season 1 on PSP or DS would be great.
  • edited July 2007
    I'd buy Sam and Max for the DS. I'd love to be able to take them with me wherever I go, that's why I have Season ! on my laptop :)

    I have a PSP but I find it a little clunky and I really can't seem to love it like I love mt little DS lite. The DS seems to be the Adventure Game console of choice with games like Pheonix Wright, Hotel Dusk, and Trace Memory.

    With games like Ankh, Tanguska, Sinking Island being released for the DS Sam and Max would fit in just fine.
  • edited July 2007
    The DS would be ideal with the touch screen.
  • edited July 2007
    Too small to enjoy in my opinion, I wouldn't buy it. (I have a DS)
    I think those devices are especially great with old lucasarts adventure games, but not for 3D detailed environment. Yes, PSP is slightly bigger and sharper, but anyway, it's too small for me, for this game. As usual, a game should be made for a specific hardware. Portable devices are not the same... and on a PSP it must be very annoying to point and click with a four axis pad, and on a DS it requires most of the time a specific gameplay (two screens, lot of aliasing...). So, "I have a PSP/DS but I don't really care." ;)
  • edited July 2007
    Yeah, homebrew on the PSP rule. :D

    I must admit that I ignored both PSP & DS first. I've got to play some with my nephews DS Lite since he had two, but the games didn't really appeal to me. And all I heard and saw so far from PSP didn't impress me much either. So I (and most I know) thought about it that PSP & DS are for kids&teens. Period.

    Then, some month ago at work a friend showed me and others his PSP. As tech geeks we were quite impressed with the PSP. Six from us went out to buy a PSP within the next weeks.

    But no thanks to Sony. While the Tech guys at Sony did a good work with the PSP, their marketing department surely had no idea what to do with it. As far as I have seen there isn't a PSP ad which is not embarrissing, clumsy or just odd. Why Sony haven't fired them is beyond me.

    @Chris & Yohmi
    Don't underestimate the analog stick from the PSP. It works really good with ScummVM. :)
  • MelMel
    edited July 2007
    I don't own either one but it doesn't seem any different that those that watch videos on their iPod or cell phone. It's small and not exactly ideal but if you're away from home and have some time to kill, I can see where it would be cool to have a fun game with you. :)
  • jmmjmm
    edited July 2007
    I don't support it if porting S&M means less budget for the PC version.
  • edited July 2007
    people will port it anyway one way or another.. to consoles to their projector screens onto walls and paint em..
    Idk cant stop it. All i know is I have the ds with scumm on it and it works awesome.. and you wouldnt think that since its point n click.
  • edited July 2007
    DS DS DS! we need more adventure games for the DS, it's the perfect platform
  • edited July 2007
    I'm with jmm on this one. I just don't want the quality of PC games to suffer, as it may if TTG's development resources are redirected to the PSP/DS/PS3/whatever ports.
  • edited July 2007
    Oftentimes ports (especially ports to handheld systems) are handled by a third party. So it probably wouldn't impact the PC versions in the slightest.

    I'd have no problem with a DS version, as long as it's well made.
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