Unsecure Passwords

edited July 2012 in Site Support
This is gonna sound really obnoxious no matter what way I put it so if anyone from telltale games happens to read this, PLEASE don't take it this way. This is just a security problem.

My password was E-mailed to me during registration. So i need to assume that in some way shape or form, your storing the passwords in a readable format or plain text.

As a software developer this is really taboo and can get you in a lot of trouble if things happen to go pop. I'd really recommend using some form of encryption on them. If you have any rails or ruby developers then gems like 'devise' and 'cancan' can make this a breeze.

Considering the quality of the games you've produced, a little more quality in the forums would be appreciated and may save you a damaged reputation if the site is attacked.

Again, not trying at all to be condescending or tell you what to do, its just something I know a little about and thought I would throw my 2 cents in.
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