special on the german dub

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
Apparantly JoWooD has enlisted not only the original voice actress for Max but also the original voice actor for Sam and a bunch of experienced voice actors for the supporting cast (see here as well), in what is the most expensive localisation JoWooD has ever done. And gamestar likes the result.
You'll also be interested to know that the european version will have the same extras as the TAC version and will have all the dubs (and the english version) put together in the same box.


  • edited July 2007
    Yeah, I've read the article. They are doing an incredible job with the release, but unfortunately they decided not to include Italian voice-overs too. It's a shame, considering that Sam & Max Hit The Road was the first Lucasarts adventure game featuring a complete Italian voice-over work. :(
    They are including Italian subtitles though. ;)
    Apart from all that, I'm particularly exicted by the idea of having a box sitting on my shelf instead of the usual dvd-case (unless they manage to cram the poster in a dvd-case, I certainly hope not!!!!). :D
  • edited July 2007
    Sounds good..

    But what I'm worrying about is THAT

    Wenn sich Sam und Max etwa über einen hierzulande unbekannten US-Politiker mokieren, legen die Übersetzer dem Duo eine fiese Anspielung auf Angela Merkel in den Mund.

    That means: When Sam and Max deride US-Politicians, the translators will let them deride angela merkel instead.. (I DON'T think that's a good idea, everyone knows sam and max are american, why should they mock angela merkel??)

    btw i think the gamestar-article is quite.. superficial!
    They got a picture with the headline "the german version of sam and max", which shows the cover of the telltale-dvd you get when you bought the season.. They also got a picture with "Dave Grossman worked on Day of the Tentacle", but the screenshot does not show dott... well, however.. at least this is gonna increase the number of selled copies..
  • edited July 2007
    Sadly this makes me buy the German version of Season 1 as well... ah, well, it's just money, right?
  • edited July 2007
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm sorely tempted myself, and I'm not even german!
  • edited July 2007
    That means: When Sam and Max deride US-Politicians, the translators will let them deride angela merkel instead.. (I DON'T think that's a good idea, everyone knows sam and max are american, why should they mock angela merkel??)

    Interesting thought. I don't think they really reference real-world polititions by name (except Lincoln, of course, and a few other past presidents) so I doubt this would be a big deal. I do wonder if they'll replace some of the politics-related lines ("I didn't inhale," "I did not have sex with that woman," etc.) with cliches that would be more familiar with Europeans. The again, Sam & Max is all about spoofing American culture, and I know Europeans love having a good laugh at America's expense, probably even more than Americans do ;)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Who's Angela Merkel? :o

    I'll be interested to hear what German fans think of the translation. (And French and Italian fans, too!) I think they have a real challenge in front of them, to translate the humor in a way that not only stays true to the original, but is also funny in the translated language, and that can be really hard with the type of satire in Sam & Max (especially in episode 4). I hope you guys will tell us what you think.
  • MelMel
    edited July 2007
    I think she's Germany's president (or the head of the EU). I'm not sure which although I could be wrong on both counts. I've heard her name in the news but I can't remember exactly what she does.
  • edited July 2007
    I hope the European version has some Tarja Halonen jokes
  • edited July 2007
    Ahem. Angela Merkel is the Bundeskanzlerin (Federal Chancellor) of Germany, the highest german political position. With Germany having been president of the EU Council for the past half year and still being president of the G8 in 2007, she has had a lot of opportunities for brokering political deals and has been in the spotlight a lot, at least on this side of the atlantic.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Thank you. I am a politics reject (I don't know who most of our government officials are either, if it makes you feel any better... :p)
  • edited July 2007
    Oh boy, don't get me started. :rolleyes:
  • edited July 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Thank you. I am a politics reject (I don't know who most of our government officials are either, if it makes you feel any better... :p)

    no, that makes me shudder in fear......
  • edited July 2007
    Perhaps ignorance would be good in this case. I don't think it would be good for Emily to have to endure politics as well as doing customer support, ect. The human mind can only handle so much at once. : I
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