IPs you'd like to see in adventure gaming
This is probably a repeat thread, but what the hey.
The guys behind Homstarrunner have their own lineup of humorous games, including their own sierra-esque adventure title Peasants Quest. But i'd like to see an adventure game involving the actual cast of Homestarrunner.com, perhaps with Strongbad, Strongsad and Homestar as playable characters. The casual, non-vital dialog might be worth the price of admission.
Calvin & Hobbes
Between summer + winter activities, school, and the power of Calvin's imagination, this would make one hell of an adventure game if created with respect. Just imagine the character animation retaining the expressiveness and motion of the original art. Too bad Bill Waterson would never allow it.
Anything referencing the late Zdzisław Beksiński's work in the overall art style
While a style isn't an IP, just look at this man's insane genius: http://bsd.miki.eu.org/gallery/Beksinski?page=1
I'd be both thrilled and scared to play an adventure game looking like that.
So what intellectual properties would you like to see in a point & click adventure? Or designers for that matter?
The guys behind Homstarrunner have their own lineup of humorous games, including their own sierra-esque adventure title Peasants Quest. But i'd like to see an adventure game involving the actual cast of Homestarrunner.com, perhaps with Strongbad, Strongsad and Homestar as playable characters. The casual, non-vital dialog might be worth the price of admission.
Calvin & Hobbes
Between summer + winter activities, school, and the power of Calvin's imagination, this would make one hell of an adventure game if created with respect. Just imagine the character animation retaining the expressiveness and motion of the original art. Too bad Bill Waterson would never allow it.
Anything referencing the late Zdzisław Beksiński's work in the overall art style
While a style isn't an IP, just look at this man's insane genius: http://bsd.miki.eu.org/gallery/Beksinski?page=1
I'd be both thrilled and scared to play an adventure game looking like that.
So what intellectual properties would you like to see in a point & click adventure? Or designers for that matter?
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Other adventure games I'd like to see mostly come from movies and such that I've enjoyed.
Hunt for Red October, perhaps? ATHF or SeaLab 2021?
Oh and by the way Season Two comes out August 7th I believe... (Anoher beautiful cover)
Actually, it'd make for more of an action/adventure/genre-defying-thing, but...
The movie is still "coming soon"... with OSC writing the first draft of the screenplay, at least...
In which, among other things, I learned he wrote the insults for the Secret of Monkey Island.
This has amazing potential, and since the license was never owned by Westwood (The game was developed through a partnership), there is a possibility to acquire the rights.
In addition to all the mayhem happening in the city, previous cases and the revolt that led to banishing replicants, there is more based on the original novel in which Blade Runner is based: "Do droids dream of electric sheep?" by Phillip K. Dick.
Since TT has a "darker-side" (the CSI games, as opposed to the other games that are more family-friendly), making Blade Runner games is not that far-fetched.
Re: Rocko's modern life
That would be something. A surreal, wacky world will be fun. Now, I'm off to Conglom-O to buy some stuff.
Anyway i would like to see some work from Lewis Trondheim (Lapinot, Donjon, ...). I love his comics as they touch me, bring me to laugh and also involve some daily weirdness. It should work out pretty well, at least here in europe. Is he known in USA?
Hmm but now i would be really upset if i wouldn't be involved in the project then! ;O)
Telltale Offices: The Game!
Experience One Day at Telltale's Office!
Tagline: Do you have what it takes to make a blockbuster game?
Buy licenses or create your own
Hire/Manage/Fire Staff and Interns
Design and build games (no debugging or programming knowledge required)
Organise contests, buy or manufacture merchandise!and sell it!
Interact with your favorite Telltale resident geniuses.
Experience an inmersive 3D environment, witty dialogs and state of the art AI.
Well okay, maybe that wouldn't work.
If done right they could be decent adventure games.
Soprano's adventure game
Reboot ( a whole series of reality 2.0)
Regenesis (Does anyone watch this show?)
... Can't think of any right now, though.
What if you play as the intern?
Just worked my way through the first three seasons in quick succession. Damn, it's an addictive show, even if somewhat uneven in terms of the overall plot arc.
Didn't they have some sort of game on their website?
I'd suspect a ReGenesis game would be something like the CSI games, after all, I've been describing the show to friends as "CSI - but in a Biology lab rather than a Forensics lab"
Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Mario and Luigi Partners in Time
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
I've been playing them all on and off lately (barring Partners in Time, which I finished a few months ago and traded in).
I was trilled one day then I saw someone who sold "Mario and Luigi: Partners in Crime", sadly it was just misspelled. That would have been an awsome name.
And off to licenses...
I belive The Hitchhikkers Guide to the Galaxy could be translated into a series of cool adventure games, if done right and in true spirit of the radio show. (yeah, I played the text adventure)
And another one for Rocko's Modern Life, great show.
I once thought about the awsomeness that would became if someone made a adventure game based on the character of Herman Hedning (herman heathen), but since then I found out that it was a comic made only in sweden, so now I doubt that will ever happen.
EDIT: Here's a translated comic page for your viewing pleasure
He's been in every genre, and sadly, Hotel Mario was made too. The object of the game? Close the Hotel doors to win against Bowser. WTF?
HHGTTG would be a brilliant 3D game. Worked well enough in text!
And yes! ROCKO would make for a BRILLIANT 2D to 3D transition! Hell, even just 2D would work! Just look at the Duckman toon and 2D game!
Veronica Mars Would be really nice seeing the show got cancelled
Wikipedia Article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veronica_mars
Cold Case This one is a little CSI-type game to it. Just working with Cold cases.
Wikipedia Article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_Case
It's one of the greatest adventure game series of all time. Has anyone approached Chris or Aaron about this?
I concur. The best Beavis and Butthead games were the point and click ones. Although, I have only played the first one, I read that both had gotten good scores by reviewers.
or how about playing as an obsessed Telltale (or a parody of) fan who at one point, ends up making the company shutting down but then brings it back (sort of like that Simpsons episode where Bart and Lisa indirectly shuts down the studio that makes Itchy and Scratchy cartoons.