Purchasing season 2 without a credit card

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
Alright chaps? I've just recently emigrated from the sunny shores of the UK to sunny and gorgeous and frankly perfect place known as Thailand. One minor problem though... Here, falangs (foreigners) are not allowed to obtain credit cards. I have a Thai bank account but it's of bugger all use where paypal is concerned. You can't confirm your account with visa cos of the above rule. So.. this leaves me with a bit of a bastard problem. So how will I be able to purchase the games when they come out? I don't really want to pirate as Sam & Max is something I'd rather spend the money on.


  • edited July 2007
    Why not just send use the credit card number of someone you know who is still in the UK.
  • edited July 2007
    Why not just send use the credit card number of someone you know who is still in the UK.

    I'm not entirely convinced that would be legal!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Wire transfer is an option in our store. Do you have a bank account in Thailand? If yes, you should be able to do that.
  • edited July 2007
    Wire transfer. Sorted. Kap Khun Krup (means thank you in Thai). Course I'll probably be the only bugger in Thailand actually buying a legit game!
  • edited July 2007
    Oh and just to say I loved season 1, a thoroughly worthwhile purchase.
  • edited July 2007
    SuperTonic wrote: »
    Course I'll probably be the only bugger in Thailand actually buying a legit game!

    OOoooh, ouch! :rolleyes:
  • edited July 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    OOoooh, ouch! :rolleyes:

    Serious it's that bad.. all the game shops are selling stuff that's blatantly pirated. Not good if you want to stay legal. In fact the one thing you CAN'T get here is legal software. Well you can, but it's a bugger to find.
  • edited July 2007
    SuperTonic wrote: »
    Serious it's that bad.. all the game shops are selling stuff that's blatantly pirated. Not good if you want to stay legal. In fact the one thing you CAN'T get here is legal software. Well you can, but it's a bugger to find.

    That would make a great story for a Sam & Max episode! No, wait. Sorry, that was a Jim Ward moment.

    Anyway, I'm curious. No matter how long you stay for in Thailand, you can't have a visa card unless you're a Thai national?
  • edited July 2007
    Basically. Also you can't own a house or land, though people are doing it via various legal loopholes which are all a bit dodgy and likely to get them in the you-know-what eventually. It's a sensible policy really cos the falangs here are causing some problems, unbalancing local economies with their comparatively vast wealth and pricing Thais out of their own neighbourhoods.
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