Can't right click with a mac

I'm playing on my mac laptop and there are bunch of times in ep 2 where I'm asked to right click

Obviously on the track pad, there is no right click and the game doesn't let me change the controls

I've tried "control + click" but nothing happens
Also I saw that I can change my system preferences so that holding two fingers on the track pad acts like right clicking but that doesn't work either

Please help! I can't advance in the game without backing out of a space in ep 2



  • edited July 2012
    I haven't gotten back to sleep too yet, but to right click, click with two fingers on the trackpad instead of just one. It's worked for me in other games.

    Try right clicking like this outside of the game. Does that work?
    If you really can't get it to work, system preferences has an option to set right clicking to a click with one finger in the corner of the trackpad, like this:

  • edited July 2012
    You must have a different mac than me because my system preferences/trackpad screen doesn't look like that
    I only have the option of turning secondary click on or off
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