S&M merchandise you'd love to see

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
For me, i'd have to say Sam and Max plushies, Max for President bumper stickers and one of those evil hypnobears.. I wanna hypnobear!


  • edited July 2007
    As I said in the other thread, i'd LOVE to have a poster with the season1-cover..
    also, it would be quite cool to have a shaky figure of max with a luger in your car (like those little elvis-guys)..
    And i want a sam-and-max-desoto-model-car.. well, actually, i want a FULLSIZE sam and max desoto.. one day i'm gonna get it..
  • edited July 2007
    I think Max plushes are almost universally wanted, but I agree that Max for President Bumper Stickers would be awesome.
  • edited July 2007
    any sam and max stickers would be good.. new t-shirts
  • jmmjmm
    edited July 2007
    "Eye Bo" Tapes (or DVDs)

    [Bosco Mode]
    Maybe the S1 DVDs has some sort of hypnotic message
    ".... You will buy TT merchandise...."

    No wonder why the S1 DVD is "free".... Its a conspiracy!
    [/Bosco Mode]
  • edited July 2007
    Talking Bosco doll where we have such recording as "I love you Sam, now go wash my car!" or "Trust me, trust me!" Also you can put on different appareals on him such as his British mustache, Russian hat, and Bosco's mom's dress.
  • edited July 2007
    Talking Bosco doll where we have such recording as "I love you Sam, now go wash my car!" or "Trust me, trust me!" Also you can put on different appareals on him such as his British mustache, Russian hat, and Bosco's mom's dress.
    Mr Potato Head: Bosco Edition! :D
  • edited July 2007
    jmm wrote: »
    "Eye Bo" Tapes (or DVDs)

    [Bosco Mode]
    Maybe the S1 DVDs has some sort of hypnotic message
    ".... You will buy TT merchandise...."

    No wonder why the S1 DVD is "free".... Its a conspiracy!
    [/Bosco Mode]

    I dunno. My DVD arrived the other day, and I haven't felt any different.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go buy the soundtrack, case file, T-shirts, hats, sketchbook...
  • edited July 2007
    Im with steve... I want to see a still plastic deSoto with Sam & max in or on it in Max's case. Less hats... more stickers and posters... TELLTALE MERCH! PLEASE! Will break for telltale.... left my heart in telltale games(instead of SF)...Full set of figures for every character, a whole line of max for pres, mugs, flats, plates hell anything!
  • edited July 2007
    A Max head-shaped pillow would be cool.
    ...Also, I second a real Hypno Bear.
  • edited July 2007
    Max bobble head
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Talking Bosco doll where we have such recording as "I love you Sam, now go wash my car!" or "Trust me, trust me!" Also you can put on different appareals on him such as his British mustache, Russian hat, and Bosco's mom's dress.

    I would love a pull-string Bosco toy. "It's me, Bosco!"
  • edited July 2007
    (Mechanical)There's a snake in my boot!

    (Mechanical)It's me, Bosco!

    (Mechanical)I smell...A CONSPIRACY!!

    (Mechanical)It dost work! Trrusteth me! Trrusteth me!

  • edited July 2007
    I request nothing less than Sam and Max plush slippers.
  • edited July 2007
    hahahaha "tally ho fools!"

    oo the desoto would be all kinds of awesome. and more shirts!!! I need more shirts to express my love for s&m and telltale!!!
  • edited July 2007
    McFarlane-style action-figures... or just inanimate figures in cool poses to put it up your vitrine...

    By the way, a Max-head shaped pillow is a fantastic idea!
  • edited July 2007
    McFarlane-style action-figures...

    MacFarlane style? Hmm.... Sam & Max can be violent, but not that violent :p

    Now I really want to see/make a mockup of what such a figure would look like...
  • edited July 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    MacFarlane style? Hmm.... Sam & Max can be violent, but not that violent :p

    Now I really want to see/make a mockup of what such a figure would look like...

    MacFarlane doesn't always do such violent figures, IIRC he did some outstanding Simpsons figures.
  • edited July 2007
    I'd like to see a Life-Size Max Backpack Plush. If I were to dress up like Sam with it, I could just say "Stand back! I know how to use this guy!"
  • edited July 2007
    I'm in a chess mood. Gimme Toy Mafia rooks, secret agent bishops, and dozens of Soda Popper pawns! :D
  • edited July 2007
    I want a box of cool junk. :D
  • edited July 2007
    Veovis wrote: »
    I want a box of cool junk. :D

    I could arrange that
  • edited July 2007
    Step 2: You put your junk in that box
  • edited July 2007
    Top of the list: Life Size scale Max Plushie

    Sam's Fadora would be a nice costume piece... you know, kind of like those Goofy hats they sell at Disneyland, only without the dog ears.

    And a speech-and-spell that's actually a BoscoTECH Password Decoder!:D
  • edited July 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    MacFarlane style? Hmm.... Sam & Max can be violent, but not that violent :p

    Now I really want to see/make a mockup of what such a figure would look like...

    As Combustibillion said, they do more than just Spawn or Movie Maniacs style figures:





    So, something along these lines would be GREAT!!
  • edited July 2007
    a reproduction of sams hat would be pretty cool
  • edited July 2007
    Hypnobear for me!
  • edited July 2007
    I know that this is going to sound tiresome, but at the top of my list are Sam & Max Plushies. It's almost hypnotic how everyone (including myself) wants them. It'd be a crime not to produce these adorable urchins.

    Next on my list is a hard cover edition of Sam & Max Surfin' the Highway. I purchased the Sam & Max Sketchbook, among other Printed Things earlier in the year, and was a bit disappointed with the soft cover's spine. After flipping through the pages once or twice, they have a tendency to stand out. Worse still, if you're not careful, the pages can forever become bent out of shape. However, the content in these books is top notch, and I look forward to reading the revised edition of Sam & Max Surfin' the Highway later this year.

    Lastly, but surely not least on my list is Sam & Max Season Two. That counts as merchandise, right? I have no doubt that it'll be just as spectacular, if not better than Sam & Max Season One. Sign me up for a pre-order.
  • edited July 2007
    I also want Sam & Max plushies, A.K.A. stuffed animals. I just prefer cloth ones to plastic. Probably cost a lot to produce though... And, yeah, I want a hardcover edition of Surfin' The Highway too. Just about everyone who has been dying to get one but can't afford to pay hundreds for one would like a nice hardcover edition, I bet. Especially since it wouldn't cost $200 for it. I won't say what I would pay, though. ;)
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