My comments on the Season One Bonus Disc

edited August 2007 in Sam & Max
Totally awesome. It has all the commentary that the Summer of S&M will bring, plus all kinds of other crazy stuff.

My favorite of them all was the Blooper Reel. Absolutely hilarious, especially Max's lines, i.e.
"Oooh, this reminds me of that internet game where you look at shifty strangers and (gasp) have to decide when to breathe! *cough cough* "

Absolutely amazing. So far I've watched the Blooper Reel a total of 5 or 6 times.

The rest of the disc is great, too. The commentary on Bright Side of the Moon was awesome, although I didn't pay attention to most of the commentary because I was looking at the game.

The concept art movie WAS AWESOME!

It showed most of the prototype characters, and even some "deleted scenes" (sort of).

For example,
A shot of Sam & Max in Hugh Bliss uniforms (white suit, rainbow tie, white pants)!
A shot of Lincoln carrying the Desoto up to the moon!

And, it has some really cool music as well. For example, it has an extremely weird remix of The Office at the end of the BSOTM commentary.

Overall, I give the disc a 9/10. If you haven't ordered it yet, get it, and only pay $6 for the shipping. It's more than worth it.


  • edited July 2007
    Permission to weep openly, sir.

    One more more week...I hope...
  • edited July 2007
    Hey, I'm glad I waited. I'm getting the awesomeness of the soundtrack along with mine!

    Although I'm not buying the case file... yet. Maybe later... Maybe after the bonus disc hypnotizes me... (obscure—okay, maybe not so obscure—reference to another thread alert!)
  • edited July 2007
    In the bloopers section, Sam botches up his lines on the spoon bender while Max sorta belittles him causing Sam to give Max 'the finger'
  • edited July 2007
    I personally continue to be baffled by the blooper in which Max takes another look at the script to correct himself. I've seen 'toons grab things from behind their backs countless times, to the point that it just seemed perfectly natural to me that they could create matter out of nothingness as long as the "spawn-point," so to speak, was unseen. But seeing Max grab something from behind his back WHILE his back is turned to me is mind-boggling! I've watched him do it three or four times now and I still can't tell where the heck that script is coming from!
  • edited July 2007
    Trust me. You don't want to know.
  • edited July 2007
    I personally continue to be baffled by the blooper in which Max takes another look at the script to correct himself. I've seen 'toons grab things from behind their backs countless times, to the point that it just seemed perfectly natural to me that they could create matter out of nothingness as long as the "spawn-point," so to speak, was unseen. But seeing Max grab something from behind his back WHILE his back is turned to me is mind-boggling! I've watched him do it three or four times now and I still can't tell where the heck that script is coming from!
    [ Hammerspace ]
  • edited July 2007
    My favorite page of the booklet is page 24.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    But seeing Max grab something from behind his back WHILE his back is turned to me is mind-boggling! I've watched him do it three or four times now and I still can't tell where the heck that script is coming from!

    It's the "take item out of backpack" animation from Bone.

    I agree, it's baffling. You watch it happen and think you're going to see the flaw in what he's doing, and yet the book just appears and then disappears again. It works well.

    Also, "Do we have it?" in the Max actor's real voice is one of the creepiest things I've ever heard.
  • edited July 2007
    This is gonna be worth the wait. I can tell. :)
  • edited July 2007
    Oh yeah, that's right. This disc also comes with the whole soundtrack. Thanks for reminding me.

    Yeah, my favorite lines in the bloopers were this:
    Ooh, this is like that internet game where you look at a bunch of shifty strangers (gasp) and have to decide when to breathe! cough cough

    You mean we get to vomit vile projectiles at incoming pedestrians especially when you run out of air (gasp)?

    Aw man, I just wanna go home and eat some lard-encrusted cherry ice cr-,..., Aw man, I just wanna go home and eat some lard-encrusted cherry ice bars with a chor- I mean, argh, okay,..., Aw man, I just wanna go home and eat some lard-encrusted cher-(censored etc.)

    And my favorite of all is this:

    Lefty is back? I love that guy! Remember Sam? Remember when I took a machete an- DARNIT, I had almost had you! Ahem. Lefy is back? I love that guy! Remember Sam? Remember when I-- argh, Weeeehooohoohoohooo! Alright, havin a good time now! (Dancing slowly).

    Pretty awesome
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Oh yeah, that's right. This disc also comes with the whole soundtrack. Thanks for reminding me.

    The bonus DVD comes with an MP3 soundtrack sampler, not the full soundtrack (which is available separately).
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Yes that's about 1/3 of the full soundtrack.
  • edited July 2007
    I liked
    Fone Bone showing up
  • edited July 2007
    A shot of Lincoln carrying the Desoto up to the moon!

    That shot's currently set as my wallpaper. It doesn't look as good in widescreen, but it still manages to be uncontrollably awesome nonetheless.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    That was my pitch for how Sam and Max would get to the moon, made way before I found out that only Lincoln's head would survive the explosion at the end of episode 4. If I can find the original, I'll put up some wallpaper.
  • edited August 2007
    My favourite part has to be
    Sam flipping the bird to max in the blooper reel
  • edited August 2007
    Will all the features of the bonus DVD be available on the Summer of Sam and Max page eventually?
  • edited August 2007
    Most of them. I think there might be one or two bonus videos that won't be on the site.
  • edited August 2007
    heh.. yea, it always cracked me up completely when anyone did something 'improper' like curse or give the finger, which is so completely out of character
    which again is hilarious in a different context.. characters by premise being properly improper
    it might be fun to have some small and cuddly character in season2 with HBO vocabulary, consisting almost completely out of bleep sounds

    i didn't see any thread or message about easter eggs?
    here's what i've found;
    * click sam in main menu for hugh bliss and dvd credits
    * dvd disclaimer changes (or play manually in \video_ts\)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    Will all the features of the bonus DVD be available on the Summer of Sam and Max page eventually?

    All the commentary tracks and the blooper reel, and much of the concept art will be there. The easter eggs, and the cutscene reels with just their regular game audio won't be there. Also the stuff on Summer of Sam & Max is always just going to be Flash video, versus the full res DVD.
  • edited August 2007

    I know what Hammerspace is. Heck, I knew what Hammerspace was before it was called "Hammerspace," back when all of us comic geeks called it "Darkspace"! It's just surreal actually seeing the source of the object.
  • edited August 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    It's the "take item out of backpack" animation from Bone.

    I agree, it's baffling. You watch it happen and think you're going to see the flaw in what he's doing, and yet the book just appears and then disappears again. It works well.

    Also, "Do we have it?" in the Max actor's real voice is one of the creepiest things I've ever heard.

    Creepy and funny. There's a similar voice joke in an episode of the animated series where Max, completely frustrated with the recurring inconveniences of a particular case groans "Oh please!" in the actor's normal voice. I laugh like a hyena every time I hear him do it.
  • edited August 2007
    Oh, why did I also order the Case File? Otherwise I would've had the bonus DVD aswell by now! :D
  • edited August 2007
    shole wrote: »
    i didn't see any thread or message about easter eggs?
    here's what i've found;
    * click sam in main menu for hugh bliss and dvd credits
    * dvd disclaimer changes (or play manually in \video_ts\)
    Keep clicking Sam. It randomly selects a video from the DVD, including the "hidden" videos not linked elsewhere in the menus.
  • edited August 2007
    What is it that is dropped in that one Sybil blooper near the end. It doesn't sound much like a pencil.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    That was a sound effect we added, not part of the original blooper. It's supposed to be a pencil. :o
    barchetta wrote: »
    Oh, why did I also order the Case File? Otherwise I would've had the bonus DVD aswell by now! :D

    Because the case file's awesome. And I'm not just saying that because I've put together like a thousand of them in the last week. :p
  • edited August 2007
    Oh darn. Sounded like a bottle. which now that i think about it could imply that the voice actress had been drinking, which would make for a hilarious blooper. I think from now on you should tell people thats what happened lol.
  • edited August 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Because the case file's awesome. And I'm not just saying that because I've put together like a thousand of them in the last week. :p

    Good job! :D
  • edited August 2007
    Oh yeah, I heard your voice in the cutscene commentary Emily ^^ Marketing must be awesome when you have customers like us :D
  • edited August 2007
    More like friends then customers. :)
  • edited August 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    More like friends then customers. :)

    Emily's birthday party? All of the forum is invited!
  • edited August 2007
    I've really enjoyed the bonus stuff on the DVD. It's like the icing on the cake of the whole episodic experience. Exactly like watching the extra stuff on a Season DVD from a TV show.
  • edited August 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    More like friends then customers. :)
    The kind of friends that come into your house, proclaim they "absolutely love it" and then start requesting you rearrange your furniture.
  • edited August 2007
    Huh? :/
  • edited August 2007
  • edited August 2007
    I think it would have been nice if the boxed version had been more of a "director's cut". Rather than presenting each episode seperately, tie them together with a little extra segue (remember the year end bits in Grim Fandango?) and maybe a little extra puzzle content into a complete playable run through of the entire season. Anyone else? Maybe for season 2?
  • edited August 2007
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    That's probably not going to happen! The idea of tying the episodes together has never really come up in any reasonable way, actually, because we really do think of them as separate games that are part of the same story, versus one giant game cut into 6 parts. When TV shows come out on DVD, they don't tie the episodes on together as a 22 hour movie, filming the story bits that happen between epsisodes and re-editing... The concept of that sounds kind of insane, actually.

    Sometimes on TV series DVD sets they do cut back in deleted scenes (eg including an "extended pilot" episode), but we have very few of those, if any. There are lots of concepts that are conceived in design meetings that don't make it into the final game, but most of those concepts die before any art or voice is created for them.

    Maybe with some other Telltale series in the future we might do some sort of multi-format release where online and packaged are different -- I mean, who knows? Nobody does yet, so anything could happen in the future! -- but I don't think it's something that people have ever thought about actually doing with Sam & Max. People out on the Internet sometimes like to think of the game as "a sequel to Hit the Road, but cut up in pieces," but really, at Telltale, that way of thinking of the games never really enters the picture.

    I think the fact that Sam & Max Season One does come after Hit the Road sort of warps peoples expectations of how the episode to episode story "should" be, even though we're doing something totally different from Hit the Road with the story structure of our Sam & Max episodes.

    I wonder what comments would be like if we lived in some cruel and twisted dimension where there hadn't ever been a Hit the Road...

    For instance, the Phoenix Wright series on the DS is always 4 or 5 "cases" per game, each case with their own beginnings and ends, and nobody asks that they be tied together into one story without breaks. There are 4 games now, each with the aforementioned 4-5 cases per cartridge, and they all have Phoenix's office, the detention center and police station, and, most notably, the courtroom, as well as maybe 10 characters who repeat in every single case, but nobody bats an eye at this "blatant reuse," because Phoenix never had an epic quest "single, very long case" game back in the 90s to judge against.

    Anyway, for Sam & Max season two, the plots of the episodes will be a bit more tightly related, a bit more serialized than the Season One episodes -- because we found that most people bought the whole season or nearly all of it, versus just buying one episode, and therefore we don't need to worry quite as much about whether or not people will miss something because they weren't there for plot events from a prior episode -- but each season 2 episode is still still a wholly self-contained story with a beginning and end, and they each have their own opening and closing titles, etc, and I imagine they'll be going out on the disc in that format as well!
  • edited August 2007
    Will there will be a new credit sequence/opening for season two?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    It is my hope that there will be one.
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