Good RPGs
Does anyone know of some good RPGs like the Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale series, or Planescape: Torment? I found a game on Gametap, Prince of Qin, that's similar in design to them. But it has the worst voice acting I have ever, ever heard in a game and it seems to have been translated from Chinese by a monkey because half the time it barely makes sense.
Qin is a pretty good game though, if you try to look at it's faults in a humorous light.

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It's good ol' fashioned isometric roleplaying.
They just don't make 'em like that anymore...
The KotORs were a bit shallow in my opinion and the second one was a bit unfinished, but they were ok I guess. It's pretty cool to run around shooting lightning at people when you go for the dark side and there's a few of laugh out loud moments when you do the jedi mind trick. "Hey, I just realised I like you alot! Here, have some money!"
I've never played the Neverwinter Night games, but I've heard they're a bit like the Baldurs and Icewinds.
And........ No, wait. I'm done.
I never even bothered to play Neverwinter Nights 2 or Dungeon Siege 2, because I disliked the originals so much. I do have a couple Star Wars RPGs, action oriented, but I don't recall which. I know there were a couple made after those that were very highly rated though.
If, for nothing else, the story and characters.
In a way you could probably consider games like Star Control 2 an RPG. The Ur-Quan masters remake of the game is really nice.
Revenant is a classic hack'n'slash like game which wouldn't look too different from Diablo, if it wasn't because you used keys to move and fight, the fighting taking more a sort of beat em up style with combos and jumps etc etc.
If you really want to push it, maybe you could consider Magic & Mayhem and Art of Magic RPGs. Though it's more a tactical game, your wizard will learn new spells and you need to allot your skills between mastery and chaos/order/neutrality spells. Still quite amazed at M&Ms AI which seemed to actually learn as you played against it. Remember getting hopelessly stuck at some point in the game, then noticing a file which had grown slowly as I played it. Moved it away and suddenly the AI was as easy to fight as the first few levels, quickly got harder though.
Um.. I suppose there's neverwinter nights.. but it's not that good. Shadows of Undrentide is a lot better than the main game which is.. depressing really. I mean, NWN had some great bits, the ghost villiage, the snowglobe etc.. but it was just so well.. tedious and unlike BG2 which I adore.
also broken sword IV for the ps1 was quite good (turn based)
Personally I also love Ultima 8 but a lot of people seem to dislike that one as it's too action/adventure-ish.
Well, Planescape as a setting wasn't that D&D to be honest. That's why I love it so much. I don't think the premise would have worked had you been able to create your own characters, no.. I think it was a lot more involving taking on a pre made role. The story was just terrific and my god, it captures the setting so so well.
I'm a major planescape nut you see, I own all the books so yeah.. heh.
It would have been weird to create your own characters in Torment, because the game is waaay too specific. You don't just get the usual "You are the chosen one/offspring of [entity]/reincarnation of [entity]/guy for the job, go save/doom the world!" and as far as how that game was built that is a (very) good thing.
Oh, and another RPG worth checking out:
I just ordered my copy, so I can't give you any impressions, but everyone who has it seems to love it.
By the way, it's nothing like the games you mentioned. It's an RPG of the old school kind, more in family with the Eye of the beholder series.
Oh, and you'll want to buy the game just to understand what the heck this means:
PS.. lynx still kicks all these new age handleds butts