What I want to see in Season 2

edited September 2007 in Sam & Max
Here are my irrational suggestions.

1) A soda machine. I don't know, it would just be cool.

2) The real Mama Bosco. Bonus points if she looks exactly like Bosco's costume.

3) Sam's gun should actually do something. In Season 1, you can shoot almost anything, and 90% of the time it does nothing whatsoever. It's off-putting.


  • edited August 2007
    The first two... no comment! :p

    Number three - yeah, that would be good, although what would the effect be? Perhaps create cartoony bullet-holes that are gone next time you enter the room, or fade after a while? Or perhaps not. Whatever the effect, it would of course have to be only temporary. Maybe a few more dynamic responses, like appropriate things swaying or spinning when shot, but returning as they were after a few umm... sways or spins.
  • edited August 2007
    I want to see Sam & Max break the fourth wall and solve a crime in the Telltale offices, but that's just my borderline insanity talking.
  • edited August 2007
    I want to see Sam & Max break the fourth wall and solve a crime in the Telltale offices, but that's just my borderline insanity talking.

    That or it could be your inspiration. Most cartoons can break the fourth wall without causing harm. But, of course, it is normally a 3rd person view or non-canon.
  • edited August 2007
    I would like to see a blue-haired female cyborg in season 2. They are a population that is historically underutilized in adventure games.
  • edited August 2007
    Shrunken heads of some of the most annoying characters in video game history ever, the soda poppers!
  • edited August 2007
    An episode that takes place into a pirate ship
  • edited August 2007
    An episode that takes place into a pirate ship

    Sam and Max crossover into the Monkey Island universe to destory LeChuck! :D
    (hopefully people wont get confused because our same names!)
  • edited August 2007
    No, wait!

    Sam&Max getting a DVD/comic/PDA/whatever at Bosco's store and watching a DIG like adventure which you, from that point on, can play then...ahhh :O)
  • edited August 2007
    And as for more practical stuff: better and more challenging puzzles, inventory puzzles, more weirdness, more locations and less reused settings, i doubt that it's practical but a german localisation would be very nice (at least for the official DVD), *whispering* mac version, ...
  • edited August 2007
    I want to see Sam & Max break the fourth wall and solve a crime in the Telltale offices, but that's just my borderline insanity talking.

    Sam and Max actually make a habit of breaking the Fourth Wall quite frequently. They know that they're 'toons and they're quite happy with that. Consider all of the comments they've made about being in a comic book, cartoon show, or video game. But I know what you're saying here. Seeing them involved in the Telltale studios would be pretty funny!
  • edited August 2007
    If there's one thing I know works, it's fourth wall humor. I mean, at the end of the Spamalot musical,
    Arthur and his Knights actually find the grail beneath one of the seats in the audience, giving a joyful cry of "Ingenious! I never would have thought that it might be hidden beyond the fourth wall!"
  • edited August 2007
    I dunno, there IS a reason for the fourth wall, and there are cases when it shouldn't be broken. That doesn't necessarily apply to Sam and Max, but saying it always works is going a bit far (in fact, no kind of humour always works, regardless of the scenario). As for going too far the other way, I was in a play at university recently for which we had to give out a load of flyers, but there weren't many people available to do it. When myself and a few other actors suggested we help, the director screamed at us "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT, FOR GOD'S SAKE: YOU'RE BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!"

    It would have been funny if it hadn't been so terrifying.
  • MelMel
    edited August 2007
    That would make a great scene: Have some graffitti on a wall in one of the buildings they visit that just says 'Fourth Wall.' If you click on it, one of them says, 'Can't go there!'
  • edited August 2007
    "That's the fourth wall you've broken this week!"
  • edited August 2007
    Make that the fifth, remember what happened last week?
  • edited August 2007
    I think it would be neat if Sam & Max got domesticated. They shrink to normal size and Max gets stuffed in a cage and Sam has to walk on all fores around some suburb to escape from the owners kids?
    I think the comments would be gold. I'm thinking of when Max was stuck in the dunk tank in gator golf.
  • edited August 2007
    Different gfx style like the cover art of the DVD.

    Lovely style and colours! :O)
  • edited August 2007
    Mel wrote: »
    That would make a great scene: Have some graffitti on a wall in one of the buildings they visit that just says 'Fourth Wall.' If you click on it, one of them says, 'Can't go there!'

    Hehe :p

    It's a pity if you think of something funny here and post it on the forums, it kind of means the writers can't use it, because it would be copying and also would be no surprise to anyone on the forums. Of course, if you didn't post it, they might never think of it - catch 22!
  • jmmjmm
    edited August 2007
    Mel wrote: »
    That would make a great scene: Have some graffitti on a wall in one of the buildings they visit that just says 'Fourth Wall.' If you click on it, one of them says, 'Can't go there!'

    Sam: We can't go there!
    Sam: Not really, we can't go there!
    Sam: Are you dense, we can't go there!
    Sam: Read my lips: WE-CANT-GO-THERE.
    Sam: I give up. *sobs*
    Max: Now you've done it. You've broken Sam's spirit with your stupid attempts to go to that silly location (in subtitles, replace 'that silly location' with location #number)
    Sam: *sobs*
    Max: In fact, if I didn't find his pitiful sobbing so amusing, I'd come out there and rip your limbs off.
    Sam: *sobs*
    Max: Come on Sam, maybe they'll go away.
    Max pops out and rips the players' limbs off
  • edited August 2007
    How ironic.
  • edited August 2007
    I'd Like to be able to use Max as an inventory item like in Hit the Road. Also mini games, like sam and max battleship or any other useless objects that have noting to do with the plot!
  • edited August 2007
  • jmmjmm
    edited August 2007
    Car-Bomb! (With a similar name to avoid getting your pants sued off)
  • edited August 2007
    Sam's hand (paw) as a cursor
  • edited August 2007
    I want to play as Max, I don't when you would maybe if sam got kidnapped or something and more Bosco disguises! =D
  • edited August 2007
    I want to see right-click doing something. It could be something like left-click is look and right-click is interact.
  • edited August 2007
    anyoung wrote: »
    I'd Like to be able to use Max as an inventory item like in Hit the Road. Also mini games, like sam and max battleship or any other useless objects that have noting to do with the plot!

    what he said
  • BasBas
    edited August 2007
    What I would like to see, or would rather -not- like to see back, is the puzzle formula of season one.

    I found that, after the first two games, you realised that the puzzle formula would be "Figure out which three things you have to do to which three people, and then do it."

    It made the puzzles feel repetitive. This is probably too late to change now, but I'd like it to change, or at least be far less obvious.
  • edited August 2007
    I'm hoping that there's more trip out moments like in Reality 2.0 when
    the world crashed and Sam & Max is stuck in reality 1.5, like your old school text adventure game
  • edited August 2007
    I hope that one of the minigames is pinball.
  • edited August 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    I hope that one of the minigames is pinball.

    It looks like the minigame in the first episode is Jimmy in the boxing ring. Unless there are more than one. :)
  • edited August 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    I hope that one of the minigames is pinball.

    Sweet Jesus Christ on toast, I'll be playing that forever if it's one of the mini-game.
  • edited September 2007
    One of the minigames had better be Rat Splat!
  • edited September 2007
    One of the minigames had better be Rat Splat!

    I agree =D thats a great idea

    Also I want to see cinematic cutscenes so it looks like the trailer did.
  • edited September 2007
    Unfortunately I think it's been noted that a computer would have to be an absolute machine (well... you know what I mean!) to cope with cutscenes of the same quality as the trailer. I'm not sure I care, though. Everything seemed overdone and un-natural in the trailer; I mean some of the lighting was verging on fluorescent.
  • edited September 2007
    any chance of the episodes being closer to 100mb in size this time around as they were very small files for season one
  • edited September 2007
    Kitmit13 wrote: »
    Also I want to see cinematic cutscenes so it looks like the trailer did.

    Do you mean FMVs or just the sort of camera angles and editing that were in the trailer?

    For FMVs, I think it was already said somewhere that real time cutscenes were used as a stylistic choice, I'm guessing because it seems too jarring if the game cuts from the sort of quality of the trailer back to the ingame graphics.
    Also, I think FMVs would really bump up the file size, and they'd have to be saved in several different resolutions to look right on bigger screens.
  • edited September 2007
    Yeah, shifting from real-time to FMV is rather jarring. Just look at Sonic the Hedgehog on 360...
  • edited September 2007
    GTA: Sam & Max... :D

    Or if thats too much of a rip off, then maybe, I dunno...I like the car bomb idea as well...I love that mini game...
  • edited September 2007
    Its just that in games such as monkey island 3 and 4 they put more effort into how it was presented in cutscenes. There always fun to watch and make it more worthwhile if you get my point ;) I just love watching cutscenes over and over.
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