Why I love Telltale Games!
- Excellent customer support!
2. They listen to their customers!
When we wanted different lines recorded in the Sam and Max episodes, what did they give us? Exactly that! When we wanted a poster print of the DVD cover, what did they give us! Exactly that! Unlike a lot of companies that don't actually care what the people think as long as they make money, Telltale listens!
3. They talk to their customers!
The fact that they keep a blog telling us what they are up to at stuff like Comic-Con is really interesting and makes you feel like one big, happy family!

4. Episodes in games
People were sceptic about the episodic style, but Telltale pulled it off extremely well and I support the idea. Instead of long gaps between games, you get them every month or so which really fullfills your need for the games.
5. Sam and Max
'nuff said. Come on LucasArts, sell Monkey Island rights to Telltale...
note to telltale: I'm not sure if Monkey Island would work in episodic format... but y'never know!
There is much more, I just haven't mentioned it/can't think of it at 10:15pm! Three cheers to Telltale!
P.S. Post here what you love about Telltale!

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*Making games that are fun and fit with my lifestyle.
2) Customer Service: Best customer service I'll ever seen. They are awesome.
3) It's pretty obvious that the people at Telltale love adventure games and it shows.
4) Have I mentioned that the people at Telltale are awesome? Talented too.
Seriously, what's not to love?
2. For hosting a strangely addictive forum
3. For actually participating in said forum
4. For blurring the line between the hardcore and casual game markets
5. For admitting when one of their products has a floible*, and being open to suggestions on how to fix it (VERY rare company trait)
*And for giving me the opportunity to say "floible". A rare treat indeed.
- Great customer support, friendly and nice people
- adventure games which are sorely needed in this day and age
- their writers (well the ones working on Sam & Max at least) have a good sense of humor
- Sam & Max.. I love those characters and the episodes are overall good
- their games are point & click (BIG plus)
What I don't like about Telltale -
- games are 3D.. I still prefer great 2D art in adventure games
- games are too easy, however they seem to be on the right track with the more recent Sam & Max eps
- they've made a few games I don't care for (CSI, first Bone episode and that little card game)
- online activation but this goes for all online game companies so this is not a specific complaint towards Telltale.. and besides, they removed it in favor of CD checks on the Sam & Max disc which is AWESOME!
I also love 2d gameplay, I love any good adventure game, but I miss the look of 2d cartoon style games like CMI and Space Quest 6.
Also I love telltale because I had spent so long looking for news on my favorite adventure games, and then we were finally given news about Sam and Max Freelance Police, and it was snatched away from us, then one day I stumbled upon a story about Telltale doing Sam and Max, it was the happiest day in my gaming life, yes even happier than the day when we got our first CD-ROM drive and it came with a free copy of Monkey Island, the game that made me fall in love with adventure games.
I also love the fact that, as a few people mentioned, they take the time to come on the forum and give us news first hand, as well as support and just mess around...XP
Great service, great games, Sam and Max, great people. Of course they are not perfect. I mean... i'd like some new Sam and Max info to make me happy but heh, i just need to be patient. Games that i am interested in buying are few and far betweens. In fact, REALLY far betweens. But besides Bones i own all of TellTales catalog. Maybe i'll check Bones out soon. I really enjoy whatever they come up with. Who knows. I think i'll buy out the store one day.
I really hope they don't do what many small company that becomes big do. Wich is, become more and more money hungry and changing attitude. Well, as long as they remain as they are now, i live a more happy gaming life.
B, They haven't caught Electronic Artitis, Which is cut out what the consumer wants and make things that make money SPORE SPORE SPORE.
C, They give us access to Forum games, Intellectual Discussions and The ability to Jump to conclusions.
1) They make adventure games. I like adventure games.
2) They do this WELL. Plenty of bad adventure games out there.
3) They picked up a world that I LOVED in the first game made for it (Sam & Max of course).
4) They have humor and amazing skills and people onboard. Ties in with point 2.
5) They keep the games fully aware that we're living in a modern world and they do wicked stuff with it (think Reality 2.0 and Robot Abraham Licoln).
6) They listen to their audience.
7) Their games are amazingly cheap, especially for their quality, and they're even a little bit cheaper for an European like me.
About this... You'd only have to login one in more recent games and the next game woulld just auto-activate without you having to type anything. That doesn't sound so bad now, does it? Having to pop the DVD-ROM in can be a bit more annoying than just double-clicking, activating once and playing, I think.
(Plus the license agreement in the DVD install told me that it could only be installed ('activated') on one PC. Aww.)
Also, I like how the Telltale team interacts and listens to their fans.
They make adventure games for Wii! I'm lazy and play games in my armchair, ScummVM and Telltale games on Wii makes of archieve this difficult task and avoid all the annoying stuff of modern PC games like installing in anti-lazy ways and configuring problems that gives me headaches.
Thanks from a lazy adventure gamer!