Sam and Max in different outfits?

edited August 2007 in Sam & Max
I saw it in the comics, in the Sam and Max Dress Up book in Hit the Road, and in the animated series. So, will Sam and Max occasionally wear different kinds of outfits in this season or possibly the next?


  • edited August 2007
    On the DVD, one of the pieces of concept art showed Sam in a different suit, but it wasn't in the game. I'm sure it's possible.

    And hey, he wore a different hat at the end of episode 1. :p
  • MelMel
    edited August 2007
    As long as its figure-flattering and the color is right for them.
  • edited August 2007
    I recall how groovy it was to see Manuel Calavera in different suits during the course of Grim Fandango. I think it could work for S&M.
    It's a pity they weren't required to don the uniform of Prismatology when they "attained" Level Red, or whatever those get-ups were in the concept art montage.
  • edited August 2007
    Wouldn't it be eerie that they were to implement them to get clothing in order to enter a certain area?
  • edited August 2007
    I'd love to see Max in a monkey's outfit! :D
  • edited August 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    On the DVD, one of the pieces of concept art showed Sam in a different suit, but it wasn't in the game. I'm sure it's possible.

    Hey, Max had one too. Sam gave him the socks because he didn't want them, remember?
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