Problems with captcha response

edited October 2004 in Site Support
Some folks have been reporting problems with the captcha response during registration. There is definitely a small bug in how incorrect responses are handled.

First, the response is case sensitive, so be sure to enter the appropriate capitalizations.

If you do get the error message indicating that your response was incorrect:

1) Go back to the registration page. The image you see for captcha is no longer valid, so...

2) REFRESH the page. With that, you should see the latest captcha image.

I hope this helps, I'll be fixing this shortly.


  • edited October 2004
    It didn't appear at first for me. Just the alt. attribute replacement. =/ What's this programmed in? I know how to do case-insensitive matching in PHP, but judging from the extension, it's probably CGI-Bin, or something...
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