Episode 3 glitch(after duck becomes ur ward)

this has to do with the glass on the floor, then finding the chalk X on the wall. At the point where Kenny's wife tells u where the broken glass is, you go to it make an observation then head to the corner, i realized that the screen is suppose to turn with you as u enter the corner but it didnt for me it kept its same angle whenever i head in there so i never really see the X and cant observe it to progress via the story can someone please help


  • edited September 2012
    salamandar wrote: »
    this has to do with the glass on the floor, then finding the chalk X on the wall. At the point where Kenny's wife tells u where the broken glass is, you go to it make an observation then head to the corner, i realized that the screen is suppose to turn with you as u enter the corner but it didnt for me it kept its same angle whenever i head in there so i never really see the X and cant observe it to progress via the story can someone please help

    i would rewind that chapter and see if that fixes it:)
  • edited September 2012
    thanks for the reply, i rewinded but havent gotten back to where i was yet but just to be clear i rewind to certain areas of the chapter before with no luck but this is the first i re-winded it to the beginning. Extra info i made sure to check the glass before going into the corner and visa versa and toggled the graphics settings for some other random reason for the problem. ill be back on in some hours to report if it was a success....
  • edited September 2012
    i would rewind that chapter and see if that fixes it:)

    i feel so stupid now but rewinding the chapter helped, keep in mind i used a gamepad when i first played this episode but it was around the gathering supplies in the drug store that forced me off because the analog was hyper fast so it took 3 or more moves to get one supply so i switched to keyboard and mouse. Now when i found the glass i realized i had to inspect which was right under the view by scrolling down with the mouse will(which i learned from rewinding the whole episode) hence prob. solved so many thank bro it might have solved the way you thought it would but your suggestion did solve problem ultimatly:D
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