characters in season 2

edited September 2007 in Sam & Max
does anyone wonder if abe, the soda popers, or the C.O.P.S will come back in season 2?


  • edited August 2007
    I wouldn't be surprised if the Soda poppers show up again, But I'm just Really hoping for Flint Paper, and possibly Mack Salmon, I LOVE Mack Salmon.
  • edited August 2007
    I think Sam will return, but not Max.
  • edited August 2007
    I don't think the poppers should come back. Maybe a small reference, like aposter on the wall or a commercial on tv. Bosco and Sybil should come back too, but have really small roles. Mainly just there to talk to and play a small role in a puzzle or two.
  • MelMel
    edited August 2007
    I'd love to see Bosco and Sybil, perhaps not in a huge role, but in a different environment. I think that would breath new life into them.

    I'll always vote for Jimmy!
  • edited August 2007
    I think I've had enough of the soda poppers ..
  • edited August 2007
    It depends on how much they are used. I'd quite like to see lots of new characters taking the main stage, but it'd be a shame to loose Bosco... don't really care about Sybil.
  • edited August 2007
    Mack Salmon, I LOVE Mack Salmon.

    I can't really see him fitting into the new games, though. It's not as if they couldn't get him to appear into the games, but I think that the humor between the comic and the episodic games are two quite different beasts.

    But I would like a mention of the Sodapoppers somewhere. They played major roles through more than half the season and then they disappeared. I was expecting at least one reoccurring appearance in the last episode or a mention of what happened to them. But...nothing. Maybe I'm just looking for closure?

    To tell you the truth, it just nags me when there are unfinished/unexplained threads (unless that's purposely written in and leaves a bigger sense of satisfaction then fully explained ones). Was anyone else disappointed how Harry Plopper/Spiderpig was never heard from again in The Simpsons Movie? Off topic, but I'm assuming some of you have seen it considering just how many millions of dollars it made. (Unless, of course, the money is coming from all us nerds who paid to watch it repeatedly.)

    Bosco/Sybil is a definite must. It'd be cool to see them both in and out of their environments. Although have Bosco stand behind something. His character model, frankly scares me. Such tiny legs!

    I second Flint Paper but I believe most people here support me in that.

    Jimmy Two Teeth was a great character. It would be nice to see him back again.

    I would also really appreciate it if there was a reference to C.O.P.S. somewhere. Perhaps making it big off their new "highly-advanced" gaming system? It would be awesome if you could watch an ad for that on Sam and Max's television set.

    Abe Lincoln? I think I would just like to hear how his/Sybil's relationship worked out. If they're still together, then yeah, I wouldn't mind having him make a few more appearances. Actually, wouldn't that add such a great dynamic to Sybil's character? Not only do we have a woman who can't hold down a job, but she's got to juggle a demanding love life and face the possibility of matrimony!

    ...Which would make the game kind of soap-operish. I don't know if that's a good thing...yet. :rolleyes:

    What about that bug thing that Bosco gives you? I think he had some of the funniest lines in the game.

    Could we have a reoccurring appearance of Mr. Pennyworth? He was one of my favorite characters. I would love to see how he made out after Prismatology and a washed-up acting career. For that matter, I would love if Superball would show up in Season Two. There was a definite appeal to his character that was hard to pin down. I just can't hate a guy with determined loyalty to guard whatever door comes his way.

    Oh my, I didn't expect I'd have so much to say on the topic. (And to ask for virtually every previous character from the first season be brought into the second. I'll settle for a small mention, really!) But I just love the feeling of community here on the board and the thought that the people who actually work on the games take the time to read and reply to their audience's opinions.

    That's good for customer loyalty. Besides the hypnosis...of course.:D
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    Bosco and Sybil should come back too, but have really small roles. Mainly just there to talk to and play a small role in a puzzle or two.

    But this is what everyone complained about in Season One...
  • edited August 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    But this is what everyone complained about in Season One...

    Yeah, I think I agree with... various people... that it would be nice to see Bosco and Sybil branch out a bit more. Although Season One did a good job, considering, there's only so much variation you can achieve in the same location for six episodes. As for Bosco's puzzles, I think the main gripe was that you knew you were going to have to go through the same routine of obtaining his obscenely-priced item every episode, even if you didn't yet know where to use it, and usually there was as good as a big flashing 'here's where you get the money for Bosco' sign somewhere in the new location. Sybil's puzzles sometimes required a little more thought, since only throughout the course of the game would you realise how she could be helpful.

    DDshoeshowz, it's great to finally find someone else who doesn't think Mack Salmon would fit in!
  • edited August 2007
    I really hope we have more NPCs actually walking on the street and you can click on them talk about non-sense line or two and they just walk away, kind of like Shenmue.
  • edited August 2007
    I really hope we have more NPCs actually walking on the street and you can click on them talk about non-sense line or two and they just walk away, kind of like Shenmue.

    I agree! This panel comes to mind:

  • edited August 2007
    Haha. "Salmonax". :D
  • edited August 2007
    I agree with everying that DDshoeshows said. They've got to keep all the main characters. Even the minor characters (that haven't died yet) should make sporadic apearences, ESPECIALLY Abe -- in fact, I expect to see his giant floating head on the cover art.

    I don't read the comics, so I have no idea what new characters to suggest for Season Two; however, I would like to see more dead presidents.
  • edited August 2007
    I don't know about Abe. I think he should be put to bed.
    I'd really like to see new characters instead. If it's the same ones everytime it's gonna turn into "Sam & Max (& Friends!)", :P
  • edited August 2007
    Well, we definitely need Bosco, Sybil and Jimmy, they live in the same block as Sam and Max! (Well, unless they move out... which I think maybe only Sybil might).

    We already know that Stinky's Diner will be open, which means more neighbourhood action. But I would prefer that the dastardly[1] duo visit more new locations and characters than necessarily reappearances by the ones from Season One.

    [1] Max: "Don't ever use that word again, Sam"
  • edited August 2007
    Bosco, Sybil and Jimmy have to be question...they are central characters, and I would be very disappointed if they were left out...Jimmy's voice just cracks me up every time, and who can go passed "TALLY HO, FOO!"?

    However, along with what seems to be the general public, I would love to *SEE* Flint Paper, but loads of new characters would be good too...

    Although one thing that I dont think has been mentioned is if they included Snuckeys from Hit the Road...the nerdy guy that looked like the guy from day of the tenticle was classic...or if they could somehow incorperate the minigames they had there in or something...I played that car bomb game for ages, especially when I couldnt figure out a puzzle...
  • edited August 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I agree! This panel comes to mind:


    Man why didn't we have those guys in Season 1?
    Would be great to have them make comments like that at start of every episode or something like that.
    And I mean actual low-life characters - not some comically made gangsters like the toy mafia or jimmy. Real, actual 'unsavory friends'.

    I guess part of me wishes S&M Episodes were a bit more grim.
  • edited August 2007
    I wouldn't mind if they came back, but the running gags involving bosco and sybil got too long in the tooth by the end of the season. I just don't want to be geting money for bosco and interacting with sybil's new job over and over or anything like that with any new characters in season 2.

    I know the quick release schedule necessitates reusing assets, it would just be nice if they were spread out more.

    Maybe some episodes where you don't go back to the neighborhood at all?
  • edited August 2007
    Linque wrote: »
    Real, actual 'unsavory friends'.

    At the very least, some "men of low moral fiber"
  • edited August 2007
    Has no one's mentioned the Geek yet?! lol

    (I'm kidding)
  • edited August 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    Has no one's mentioned the Geek yet?! lol

    (I'm kidding)

    Man, I was thinking just that after I posted but couldnt be bothered editing...however, I really liked the series and thought the geek was pretty funny...being somewhat of a sensible foil to Sam and Max's insanity! It was great...especially the bit with the speed boat..."I feel all crawly"...XD
  • edited August 2007
    Although one thing that I dont think has been mentioned is if they included Snuckeys from Hit the Road...the nerdy guy that looked like the guy from day of the tenticle was classic...

    Hmm, I'd rather not see Hit The Road locations and characters popping up everywhere; this isn't Hit The Road, and Telltale are not, I hope, going to make Season Two into a regurgitated mess of HTR and the comics. This applies to many people: yes, they were great, but just play/read them again if you want to experience the old jokes. These games are our first opportunity for something new in 14 years.
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I don't know about Abe. I think he should be put to bed.
    I'd really like to see new characters instead. If it's the same ones everytime it's gonna turn into "Sam & Max (& Friends!)", :P

    Yeah, repeating characters too often does give a rather soapy feel. Although the episodic format compromises it a bit, I feel the sense of exploration - of seeing new places and meeting new characters whose personalities and roles in the plot you have to work out anew - from full-length adventure games should be preserved as far as possible.
  • edited August 2007
    If the geek sjhowed up, she might put Bosco out of business!:eek:
  • edited August 2007
    Well, I wouldn't mind if Season 2 used Bosco and Sybil at the beginning of the season as a way to ease the player into a new situation and have them there as small bit parts on S&M's block, however I would like a shift in what characters are concentrated on and see what new and exciting possibilities are...possible.

    And it wasn't that I got bored with Bosco and Sybil by the end of Season 1, it was in interacting with them in the same scenario. Sybil less so because as the player I wasn't sure what was expected of me, but it was basically in the same area and dealt with her job. In the next season, I hope they can push Bosco's paranoia further by not having him contained in the store, push him out of his boundaries so to speak. That would be interesting.

    Before I ramble on too much, I'd like to put in my two cents about having random extras. While I think they're a great idea, I just cannot see them pulling it off without cutting a few extra things because of budget/time constraints. I think the team has done a great job of providing a great atmosphere for the game already, and that it can be improved on in less costly ways like storytelling, different puzzles, more awesome music. Man, I really love those tunes.

    I'm not quite sure if this is a post or aimless thinking. Maybe they're the same.
  • edited August 2007
    I want to see more or sybil and Bosco but no more soda poppers I didn't like them that much they were kinda annoying after a while but I wouldn't mind old characters popping up like on tele such as Myra. I would also like to see what happened to Leonard XD
  • edited August 2007
    I hope there will be Sam, Max, Flint and just new characters.
    But Sybil and Bosco are always appreciated, so I wouldn't mind to meet them again, anyway I'd like to see mainly new characters. Did I mention before the fact that I'd like new characters?
  • edited August 2007
    I want to see The Internet again, but this time on the good side.
  • edited August 2007
    Maybe I'm just looking for closure?

    The only closure I'm looking for is the outcom of the Dakotas war, and maybe a little interaction with it as well.

    I'd like to see as many characters from season one return as possible, but I would also really really like to see Flint Paper and Mack Salmon show up.

    One thing I would also like to see is: instead of a season arching villian or plot have three two episode story archs that may or may not involve a single villian but are not six straight episodes ALL involving the same device, like hypnosis.

    I guess I can't really complain though, as long as the humor and quality of writing remain I'll keep coming back.

    Can't wait for Season 2!!!!!!!!:D
  • edited August 2007
    Here's the list I've got:

    Sam & Max, Bosco, Sybil, Jimmy Two-teeth, Abe, bug.

    Stinky, Flint Paper, and unknown Mexican guy.
  • edited August 2007
    Personally, my only concern is that Sam & Max appear in season 2. Bosco and Sybil have potential, but do we really need the Soda Poppers again? Or Jimmy Two-Teeth? Or especially Abe Lincoln? What's left for any of these characters to do? I found that bringing them back in later episodes of the season and in the final episode was quite enough to give them the time they needed. Especially Lincoln -- you can't do a whole lot with a character like that. He's hilarious, so I wouldn't mind a brief cameo down the road, but I'd like it to be short, sweet, and unexpected.
  • edited August 2007
    Oh, trust me, there's a lot left for them to do...*walks off laughing uproariously, remembering gameplay demo*
  • edited August 2007
    I thought the abe-lincoln/sybil relationship was really funny... I'd like to see more of that.. bosco & soda poppers i've prob had enough of
  • edited August 2007
    Do we really need the Soda Poppers again? Or Jimmy Two-Teeth? Or especially Abe Lincoln? What's left for any of these characters to do?

    I wouldn't mind seeing Jimmy again. His appearances in Season One were the most original of the three main secondary characters, because he wasn't forced into a mould like Bosco and, to a marginally lesser extent, Sybil. The Soda Poppers provided some familiar minor characters; I feel they worked well because their involvement, like Jimmy's, was different each time. I'm not sure I'd like to see them again, though, and I agree: definitely not keen to see any more of Abe Lincoln. The appearance of old minor characters (including those from the comics, unless, like Flint, their appearance can be justified) will appear contrived and lazy if it happens too often.

    I figure the best way to remember the old characters is to reference them occasionally - newspaper headlines about the Dakotas, Sybil talking about her relationship with Abe, etc. I think, although the circumstances in which he appears make him funny, Abe is a pretty bland character himself, and it would be much funnier just to hear Sybil's side of everything. If it were too explicit, the humour, which is bound to rely on copious amounts of ambiguity if it's to be successful, would be lost.
  • edited August 2007
    Kedri wrote: »
    Here's the list I've got:

    Sam & Max, Bosco, Sybil, Jimmy Two-teeth, Abe, bug.

    Stinky, Flint Paper, and unknown Mexican guy.

    Hey I'm
    , maybe it's me! :D
  • edited August 2007
    Looks like we've got Abe and Jimmy in season two. Fine by me as long as it's good. We don't need more of them, but that's certainly no reason to pass up a good joke, of course...
  • BasBas
    edited August 2007
    Bhlaab wrote: »
    I just don't want to be geting money for bosco and interacting with sybil's new job over and over or anything like that with any new characters in season 2.

    I agree. That, and the three-things puzzle structure are what made the games feel repetitive to me, not necessarily the returning characters and locations as is often suggested. Bosco and Sybil are great characters, but they should do (or be used fore) more varied things throughout the episodes in season 2.
    Linque wrote: »
    I guess part of me wishes S&M Episodes were a bit more grim.

    Actually, I'd like that too. Not necessarily grim, but a lot more like the anarchic, gritty style of the comics. Season one was a lot less kid-friendly than Hit The Road, and heaps less kid-friendly than the cartoon, but I'd still like to see them take it a bit further.

    The latter two episodes of season one, for me, were good examples of why an even further shift towards the style of the comics would work. There was more cartoony violence, and the gags were a lot more risquee (Sybil's sister, anyone?), and it made the episodes great. The fact that the locations were way more surreal than those in the other episodes helped too.

    I guess what I'm saying is that I saw season one as a ramp leading away from the cartoon, and pointing up towards the comics. When season one ended, the game was shooting off the ramp straight for the comics. I hope that rather than start back on the ramp, Season 2 continues this trajectory.
  • edited September 2007
    I'd love to see a reference to...


    One of my favourite parts of Sufin the Highway
  • edited September 2007
    Just once I want to see Lorne, The Friend for Life. Even if it is as a glossy 8 x 10 that has been bullet-ridden into the dart board.:D
  • edited September 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Just once I want to see Lorne, The Friend for Life. Even if it is as a glossy 8 x 10 that has been bullet-ridden into the dart board.:D

  • edited September 2007
    no more soda poppers D= maybe you can see them on tv, like the old episodes or something but I really have had enough of them and the cops. Its not that I don't like them its just that these things get old fast. I'd really like to see some new characters. But I would love more Bosco and Sybil They are always fun to talk to. Keep them in ;) But I didn't like finding all that money for Bosco in different ways as thats getting repetitive but maybe going on mini missions to discover information about "them" would be fun and intressting
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